Bunting Apologizes For John Crow Comments At Party Rally…

Peter Bunting National Security Mnister
Peter Bunting National Security Mnister

The National Security Minister Peter Bunting has apol­o­gised for con­tro­ver­sial com­ments he direct­ed at the Opposition while at a polit­i­cal event on Sunday. Bunting had likened some mem­bers of the Jamaica Labour Party to vul­tures who glee­ful­ly see every loss of life as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain polit­i­cal mileage. He had also described Opposition Spokesman on Security, Derrick Smith as being reject­ed, dis­card­ed and recy­cled as he was fired by for­mer Prime Minister Bruce Golding after sev­en months as National Security Minister. However, speak­ing in the Parliament this after­noon, Bunting said those remarks were harsh and incon­sis­tent with how he han­dles his portfolio.