In these Blogs we speak truth to power, while being fair, without compromising truth for expe​di​en​cy​.Today we bring to your attention a matter of grave concern again, yes in Jamaica. This matter involves the junior Minister in the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing ‚Richard Azan.

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Information com­ing to light revealed that Azan, in his posi­tion as Member of Parliament for North West Clarendon and as Junior Minister in the min­istry afore­men­tioned, abused his author­i­ty, con­trary to what he is legal­ly empow­ered, to give per­mis­sion for a pri­vate con­trac­tor to build shops on lands inside the refur­bished Spaldings Market, with­out the approval of the local author­i­ty that owned the property.

Inside the Spaldings mar­ket.adapt­ed:

The PNP Administration, of which Azan is a mem­ber, has since cir­cled the wag­ons around him even as more infor­ma­tion comes to light and var­i­ous groups have demand­ed that Azan resign. The Administration claims that the issues are not direct­ly relat­ed to the duties of Mr Richard Azan, in his capac­i­ty as min­is­ter of state in the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing, but more so relates to him being Member of Parliament for the constituency.

If you are out­raged by this cyn­i­cal­ly insult­ing attempt at ratio­nal­iza­tion you are not alone. This how­ev­er is not an iso­lat­ed inci­dent. Like the Cuban light-bulb issue, Trafigura, the extra-large cab­i­net, and a litany of cor­rup­tion on the part of this admin­is­tra­tion which has caused un-imag­in­able harm and rot to our coun­try, they are again demon­strat­ing that they are above the laws. I find it ridicu­lous that any­one could be call­ing for the res­ig­na­tion of Azan. At best this is a fir­ing offence, at worst this is a felony pun­ish­able with seri­ous prison time.

The (http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​0​4​1​6​/​l​e​a​d​/​l​e​a​d​2​.​h​tml) reports that the Portia Simpson Miller led Government is sat­is­fied with the fact that all monies col­lect­ed from rental of the shops have been turned over to the Parish Council. This goes beyond laugh­able. Even if some or all monies col­lect­ed have now in fact been turned over to the Parish Council, does it mean that the crime was not committed?The aver­age man on the street does not get to tell a tri­bunal, that he returned the total­i­ty of what­ev­er graft or theft he com­mit­ted to the right­ful own­er and as such he should be immune from pros­e­cu­tion. Jamaica has had cor­rupt Administration since Independence, make no mis­take about it. This one how­ev­er is the most bold-faced cor­rupt and moral­ly rep­re­hen­si­ble. This puts to rest the fem­i­nist argu­ments about the fideli­ty and hon­esty of female lead­ers, that is if you ever saw Portia Simpson Miller as a leader in the first place

The PNP admin­is­tra­tion in Jamaica which is above the Country’s laws:

In the United States, Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich is doing seri­ous time in the Federal Prison sys­tem for attempt­ing to sell the Senate Seat for­mer­ly held by President Barack Obama, there are Congress-men and a long list of pub­lic Officials from all lev­els of the food-chain, in prison who took it onto them­selves to place them­selves above the laws. In Jamaica the only peo­ple sub­ject to the laws are the poor­est of the poor(the dut­ty fut bway pon di cana)and Police offi­cers. Even when the evi­dence of wrong-doing is glar­ing, as in this case, mem­bers of this admin­is­tra­tion are allowed to sim­ply give back what they have stolen and walk away with­out con­se­quence. Jamaica is effec­tive­ly a klep­toc­ra­cy, these moral­ly bank­rupt politi­cians should be ashamed to show their faces out­side the coun­try. If his­to­ry is prece­dent they will con­tin­ue unashamed as if noth­ing hap­pened. In essence noth­ing has hap­pened out­side the norm, thiev­ery and graft is the norm for them.

We call on Portia Simpson ‚Miller to fire Richard Azan and let the Police do their sworn duty to the pub­lic by charg­ing him with the appro­pri­ate crime/​s pre­scribed by law. Failing which the entire Government should resign in dis­grace as it has lost all moral legit­i­ma­cy to gov­ern. Mrs Miller, the coun­try does not belong to you or the People’s National party,contrary to PNP opin­ion. Neither does it belong to Holness and the Jamaica Labor Party. Jamaica belongs to the Jamaican peo­ple, to whom you are sub­ject and answer­able. I am aware you would like to be Queen, but you aren’t. Do the hon­or­able thing and acqui­esce to the wish­es of the peo­ple or step aside in the name of decency.

The fol­low­ing is a state­ment giv­en by Richard Azan regard­ing this mat­terThe mat­ter of the con­struc­tion of tem­po­rary shops at the new­ly expand­ed Spalding Market has become the sub­ject of pub­lic scruti­ny and com­ment .I accept and wel­come such scruti­ny and debate as fun­da­men­tal tenets of the sys­tem of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance in which I am a Parliamentary rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the peo­ple of North West Clarendon. The mat­ter is being inves­ti­gat­ed by the Contractor General. I am ful­ly respect­ful of that process and am coop­er­at­ing ful­ly with the inves­ti­ga­tion. I will there­fore make no fur­ther pub­lic com­ment at this time except to say I had no inten­tion to act in a cor­rupt man­ner and at no time did I derive any per­son­al ben­e­fit. I remain com­mit­ted to the sac­ri­fice of pub­lic ser­vice to Jamaica and the peo­ple of North West Clarendon. - Richard Azan:

To that we say . yah

One thought on “BUNCH OF THIEVES:

  1. Interesting obser­va­tion . If this had occurred in any oth­er devel­oped democ­ra­cy, this idiot would have been fired . THis smells of stink­ing cor­rup­tion . Using” euphemistic terms as Poor judge­ment ” is a joke .…. Only in Jamaica man, only in Jamaica man.
    Errol Mc.

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