Bunch Of Smoke On Crime, No Fire: Cops Must Get A Clue As Well…

Dealing effec­tive­ly with ter­ror­ists and oth­er crim­i­nal offend­ers demand that those whose tasks it is to keep them in check are con­stant­ly think­ing and devel­op­ing new strategies.

There is no com­fort zone for law enforce­ment, crim­i­nals only have to be right once while those who uphold the laws are required to get it right a hun­dred per­cent of the time.
Vigilance and dogged atten­tion to detail are just a few of the qual­i­ties cops and inves­ti­ga­tors must learn if they are to have a chance at hav­ing any suc­cess against crim­i­nals who are incred­i­bly savvy and for­ward leaning.

Commissioner of Police George Quallo

The Jamaica Constabulary Force needs resources, moti­va­tion, and remu­ner­a­tions, but most of all it needs sup­port leg­isla­tive­ly, cit­i­zens sup­port and gov­ern­ment sup­port to effec­tive­ly car­ry out its tasks..

With that said, despite the sup­posed large infu­sion of more edu­cat­ed peo­ple to the top, the agency has not demon­strat­ed that it under­stands how to get around some very basic impediments.

As such, even when the depart­ment releas­es infor­ma­tion on crim­i­nals, the infor­ma­tion serves only to absolve the depart­ment of crit­i­cisms that it isn’t doing any­thing about crime, rather than gar­ner help in remov­ing dan­ger­ous killers from the streets.

If the police releas­es names and alias­es of mur­der­ers and oth­er crim­i­nals it helps a lit­tle. Some peo­ple may know who these offend­ers are. However, the larg­er com­mu­ni­ty will have no idea who these peo­ple are.
Those who know who they are, are usu­al­ly the peo­ple to whom they are clos­est, those peo­ple are the least like­ly to give infor­ma­tion to the police about them.

Egbert Parkins (file photo)

Which brings us to the recent­ly released list of the most want­ed issued by the Westmoreland police under the lead­er­ship of my batch­mate SSP Egbert Parkin.
In address­ing the Media, which the police seem to have become experts at of late, Parkins released the names of the Parish’s 10 most wanted.

According to Parkins, the men are all from the Parish of Westmoreland.
They are…
 — Dushane Allen (Nigel)
 — Glenroy Roach (Eye)
 — Burton Shearer (Bap)
 — O’Brian Ellis (Joe Grine)
 — Kenroy Clarke (Max)
 — Jermaine Gordon (Dangles/​Ding Dong)
 — Orlando Jarrett (Andre)
 — Steve Vassell (Buss Mi Strength)
 — Dwayne Clarke (Buju)
 — Ashwayne Campbell (Cappy).

Roach is want­ed for a quadru­ple mur­der while Allen is want­ed for two oth­er killings com­mit­ted in the parish.

Senior Superintendent Parkins also released the names of oth­ers he says are per­sons of inter­est who may assist the police in their investigations.
They are .
Lundy Whyte (SK)
 — Wellesly Cunninham (Junior of Zeeks)
 — Garnett Burch
 — Odane Taylor (Reno Man)
 — A man known only as Mobay Man
 — Rohan Black (Thickman)
 — Tallone Thompson (Poison)
 — Frank Nelson (Duguy)
 — Ronald Hall (Dwayne or Fago).

Of these ten per­sons of inter­est, who are also from the parish, six are being sought for ques­tion­ing in rela­tion to mur­ders, two for shoot­ings and two for rape. 

Absent from the release were pho­tographs, address­es, known hang­outs, known asso­ciates, etc.
So, for the peo­ple in Westmoreland who want to rid their parish of crim­i­nals, short of walk­ing up to men on the streets list of names in hand and request­ing their names, then match­ing the respons­es with whats on the list, there is pre­cious lit­tle recourse for them.

Minister of nation­al secu­ri­ty Robert Montague

How then does the police get around prob­lems like this con­sid­er­ing that there is pre­cious lit­tle to no help com­ing from Government as it relates to a nation­al Identification data base?
The first order of busi­ness is good intel­li­gence, detec­tives and uni­formed cops alike have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to gath­er intelligence.
Intelligence gath­er­ing should not be left up to just detec­tives as some uni­formed cops seem to believe. That mind­set belongs in the dust­bin, it is outdated.
Good intel­li­gence gath­er­ing is rather sim­ple, each cop on the beat devel­op and nur­ture con­tacts. Each and every per­son a cop comes in con­tact with knows some­thing that is going on.
It is up to that offi­cer, whether on foot or mobile patrol to cul­ti­vate con­tacts. Once rela­tion­ships are devel­oped the ben­e­fits derived are invalu­able as long as offi­cers are pro­fes­sion­al, hon­est and devoid of corruption.

Long before I ever donned civil­ian clothes and pre­tend­ed to be a detec­tive, I was get­ting cru­cial infor­ma­tion which was pro­duc­ing action­able results.
That includ­ed infor­ma­tion which yield­ed an M16 assault rifle hid­den in the ceil­ing of a house in Greenwich Farm, even though I was sta­tioned at the Mobile Reserve.

In the age of smart phones and cheap cam­eras, offi­cers must do a bet­ter job of get­ting the names of crim­i­nals they come across and pho­tograph­ing them as well. This has to be the focus of all cops but it must be taught them by the kha­ki clad peo­ple if they can drag them­selves from behind their desks or ignore the request for inter­views long enough to do so.

That, of course, is all pred­i­cat­ed on whether the senior offi­cers them­selves even under­stand how to cap­ture peo­ples’ pro­files in pub­lic spaces.
Or when they are scooped up on raids. The police have got to be more crime focused, again it is up to the senior staff of the Gazzetted Ranks to estab­lish account­abil­i­ty standards.
They must lead, espe­cial­ly in the CIB offices. There must be bet­ter tar­get­ing of crim­i­nals through intel­li­gence dri­ven data.
The police must know who heads each and every gang. They must know the peck­ing order. Who is in the line of suc­ces­sion. Who each and every mem­ber is. Whom they are relat­ed to.
If the police are ever to achieve some suc­cess against gang­sters they must begin by show­ing some com­mon sense and leadership.

Gangs of Jamaica

This polit­i­cal admin­is­tra­tion says it wants to do some­thing about crime. If that is to be believed the Government needs to begin with a nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion database.
We can pay lip ser­vice to crime or we can get down to the seri­ous busi­ness of doing some­thing about this scourge.
The gov­ern­ment must get seri­ous and the police must get a clue.

Trial lawyers sit down and shut your mouths you are some of the worst sup­port­ers of crim­i­nal­i­ty in the country.Just shut up.