Bully Chris Christie Gets His Just Due…

The oversized bloviating bully..
The over­sized blovi­at­ing bully..

It is gen­er­al­ly not my habit of com­ment­ing too much on low down politi­cians because writ­ing about them gen­er­al­ly have the oppo­site effect of sham­ing them, it usu­al­ly brings them more atten­tion. For most politi­cians there is gen­er­al­ly no bad pub­lic­i­ty they are gen­er­al­ly extreme nar­cis­sists who take what­ev­er atten­tion they can get good or bad.

On this occa­sion I will break with that rule sim­ply to talk about the low down loud-mouth bul­ly who serves as Governor of New Jersey.
Chris Christie defies log­ic , It nev­er quite dawned on me what log­ic Jersey Democrats used in vot­ing for this retard­ed loud-mouth school­yard bul­ly in a total­ly blue state?
The guy is noth­ing but a Rudolph Giuliani 2.0 on steroids. He is uncouth, abra­sive, arro­gant and a down­right liar.
Maybe it can be chalked up to the sup­posed rough and tum­ble notion of the New York/​New Jersey per­sona “feg­gud about it”.
But even so the vot­ers them­selves are get­ting tired of this punk and many are ask­ing him to resign . I mean he is nev­er there he’s always out chas­ing the elu­sive dream of becom­ing President of the United States.
No one begrudges the fat man the right to chase his dream but when a police offi­cer gets shot and he goes on National Television to blame the President of the United States for the shoot­ing it is beyond disgraceful.

President Obama
President Obama

I total­ly get that Christie needs trac­tion in a 16 per­son field in which he hard­ly gets to answer a ques­tion. What bet­ter way to try to gar­ner some atten­tion than attack­ing the President of the United States?
But to bla­tant­ly lie to gain shock val­ue shows the depths the over the riv­er over­weight thug is will­ing to go to to boost his wan­ing pres­i­den­tial ambitions.
As I said he is exact­ly like Giuliani, both were Federal Prosecutors who lack the intel­lect to be objective.
Neither of these bul­lies are capa­ble of mak­ing ratio­nal dis­tinc­tions between wrong and right as far as cops are concerned.
For these two Cops can do no wrong .
It was part of the rea­sons no one is talk­ing about President Giuliani. The so-called “America’s Mayor” is now a mere footnote.
Like Giuliani Christie will crash and burn. There is no way either of these two school­yard thugs could be allowed anywhere

Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani

near the nuclear codes. It is that same arro­gance which got him boot­ed from a Amtrak qui­et car .

Chris Christie was report­ed­ly kicked out of an Amtrak train car Sunday for yelling on his cell phone in one of the train service’s “qui­et cars.”The Garden State gov­er­nor, known for his blunt and at times loud style, was spot­ted by fel­low pas­sen­gers in the qui­et car on a 9:55 a.m. Amtrak train trav­el­ing from Washington, D.C. to New York, accord­ing to Gawker. The strug­gling 2016 can­di­date “got on last minute yelling at his two Secret Service agents I think because of a seat mix-up, sat down and imme­di­ate­ly start­ed mak­ing phone calls on the qui­et car,” pas­sen­ger Alexander Mann told Gawker. Christie appeared to be in the midst of an intense con­ver­sa­tion and was heard repeat­ing phras­es includ­ing “this is frickin’ ridicu­lous” and “seri­ous­ly?” accord­ing to Mann.
‘This is frickin’ ridicu­lous’: Chris Christie gets boot­ed from Amtrak qui­et car for being too loud while on cellphone 

We salute Amtrak for putting this bul­ly in his place imag­ine this guy hav­ing pow­er to use the world’s ‚most pow­er­ful military?
If he is yelling at Agents now as a fad­ing can­di­date imag­ine if he was to ever become President.…

One thought on “Bully Chris Christie Gets His Just Due…

  1. the nature of politi­cians is to say things even if it is absurd , and lacks rati­o­ci­na­tion , just to get the pub­lic atten­tion . Case in point , Ben Carson . I love this quote though : ’ As I said he is exact­ly like Giuliani, both were Federal Prosecutors who lack the intel­lect to be objec­tive.’ lol

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