Bullied Black Kid Gets Suspended With Aggressor Who Rendered Him Unconscious..

Arkansas high school stu­dents staged a sit-in on their cam­pus after a Black stu­dent was sus­pend­ed for an equal amount of time as a white stu­dent who picked a fight with him dur­ing school hours.
Instigators filmed the alter­ca­tion and post­ed it on social media, spark­ing sev­er­al dis­cus­sions, includ­ing ques­tion­ing the administration’s response to bul­ly­ing and sys­temic racial bias in the school’s dis­ci­pline of young peo­ple. The now-viral video has racked up thou­sands of views and shares.
The fight, insti­gat­ed by a white stu­dent, took place in a lock­er room at Fordyce High School. It is unclear exact­ly when the inci­dent took place, but it was post­ed to Twitter on Feb. 25 by a local activist.
Cellphone video shows a Black teen get­ting dressed, as the “white bul­ly” is bom­bard­ing him with vul­gar state­ments about the child’s mother.
The Black teen is seen try­ing to ignore those insults, and at one point tries to walk away, as the bul­ly is encour­aged by oth­er boys to con­tin­ue the onslaught of ver­bal attacks and threat­ens to phys­i­cal­ly assault him. The video clip, which lasts a lit­tle over 2 min­utes, shows the Black boy even­tu­al­ly respond­ing after being hit by an object and pushed by the larg­er white aggressor.


At one point, the white teen places the Black boy into a head­lock until, ulti­mate­ly, the stu­dent is left lying uncon­scious on the floor. While he is knocked out, the white kid kicks him in the head and stomps him on his back. The unsu­per­vised stu­dents were nev­er inter­rupt­ed by a teacher or coach, and it has not been report­ed how long the Black child was left uncon­scious on the floor. School offi­cials alleged­ly sus­pend­ed both stu­dents for ten days, despite video show­ing the Black child was attacked first, tried to de-esca­late the sit­u­a­tion, and, accord­ing to Fox 16, had pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed that he was being bullied.
In protest of this deci­sion, mem­bers of the stu­dent body decid­ed to protest by orga­niz­ing a sit-in on Friday, March 4. Their goal is to make the school pay more atten­tion to reports of bul­ly­ing and com­mit to tak­ing action against those who bul­ly oth­er students.

Students were also alarmed and object­ed to both stu­dents being dis­ci­plined. A video showed the prin­ci­pal address­ing the chil­dren, say­ing he “admires” them engag­ing their “right” to protest. But also said the school has inves­ti­gat­ed the fight “thor­ough­ly” and that it “went as far up the hand­book” as it could to align with school pol­i­cy. He told the stu­dents they are inter­rupt­ing school, espe­cial­ly sev­er­al “impor­tant peo­ple on cam­pus” that want to help the admin­is­tra­tion get “pro­grams” for the next year, imply­ing that the protest is imped­ing that progress. The stu­dents became rest­less with his remarks, and one young lady asked, “Why, if this has been going on since November, why didn’t y’all deal with it then?” Another respond­ed, “that boy is trained in mar­tial arts,” refer­ring to the white teen. The school’s stu­dent gov­ern­ment pres­i­dent stood up after the prin­ci­pal told him to show his lead­er­ship and get con­trol of the sit­u­a­tion. The Black stu­dent stood up and said, “I trust the school sys­tem, but if this does not get han­dled prop­er­ly, then we will [con­tin­ue to protest].”
The pres­i­dent thanked the prin­ci­pal for allow­ing the protest and said that he “real­ly hopes” the Black stu­dent gets an apology.
The prin­ci­pal then tells the stu­dents to go to their next peri­od, and the video shows them respond­ing in an over­whelm­ing “no!”
Fordyce School District Superintendent Judy Hubbell declined to com­ment on details of the inci­dent, stat­ing that it was “con­fi­den­tial information.”

Hubbell said, “This video came to light about two days ago and we can’t dis­cuss stu­dent dis­ci­pline because that is con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion. We are in the process of inves­ti­gat­ing this case and tak­ing care of it.” “We don’t want bul­ly­ing on our cam­pus,” she con­tin­ued. “We want to have a safe cam­pus, but this just came to light, and we are work­ing on this, we are talk­ing through the process. There have been dis­ci­pli­nary mea­sures, but I can’t tell you what those mea­sures are. I can’t tell you who’s involved or any­thing like that.” 
State Rep. Jamie Scott and state Sen. Joyce Elliott have reached out to the city’s depart­ment of edu­ca­tion on this issue.
Elliott tweet­ed, “Somebody from the Fordyce [School] District must defend the sus­pen­sion of the bul­lied stu­dent. This is nuts. What the hell was he sup­posed to do? There is no equiv­a­len­cy here!”