Brooklyn DA To Probe Allegations Of NYPD Cops Planting Guns

Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson announced the investigation Thursday after he had dropped a weapons case involving Jeffrey Herring, who was accused of having a gun outside his East Flatbush apartment.

Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson intends on looking into whether NYPD cops are planting guns on innocent people.
Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson intends on look­ing into whether NYPD cops are plant­i­ng guns on inno­cent people.

The Brooklyn dis­trict attor­ney will inves­ti­gate dis­turb­ing alle­ga­tions that NYPD cops have been plant­i­ng guns on inno­cent peo­ple. District Attorney Kenneth Thompson announced the probe Thursday after drop­ping a weapons case that raised ques­tions about offi­cers’ con­duct. The charges against Jeffrey Herring, accused of hav­ing a gun out­side his East Flatbush apart­ment in June 2013, were dis­missed the day pros­e­cu­tors were giv­en a last chance to bring forth the infor­mant who pur­port­ed­ly led to the col­lar — and couldn’t pro­duce him. That sug­gest­ed the alleged snitch was either unre­li­able or non-exis­tent. “I dreamed of this day,” said a relieved Herring, 53, who was fac­ing up to 15 years in prison. “I knew I didn’t do any­thing.” His pub­lic defend­er Debora Silberman has come up with five oth­er past cas­es that end­ed with dis­missals, acquit­tals and a plea to time served. In all of them, the same group of detec­tives from the 67th Precinct made sim­i­lar alle­ga­tions using an infor­mant who was nev­er iden­ti­fied or tes­ti­fied and a gun that was found in a plas­tic bag or ban­dana with­out any fin­ger­prints on it. Judges slammed their accounts as “incred­i­ble” and one said she believes the cops per­jured them­selves, records show. “There could be dozens more,” Silberman said in Brooklyn Supreme Court. “Anyone who was arrest­ed by this team — their arrests should be inves­ti­gat­ed.” Thompson vowed to do so.


We will inves­ti­gate the arrest of Mr. Herring and oth­er arrests by these offi­cers because of the seri­ous ques­tions raised by this case,” he said in a state­ment. The Internal Affairs Bureau was already look­ing into the cops’ con­duct, police have said. Prosecutors were ordered numer­ous times since last October to pro­duce the infor­mant who police said led them to Herring. They claimed a month ago that he was found, but still didn’t bring him to court. On Thursday, exec­u­tive assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney Paul Burns announced that fol­low­ing the pros­e­cu­tors’ and the defense lawyers’ inves­ti­ga­tion, “We do not believe at this time that we can prove beyond a rea­son­able doubt the charges against Mr. Herring so we move to dis­miss the indict­ment.” Justice Dineen Riviezzo ordered the case sealed and added: “I’m glad to hear there is an ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion into the alle­ga­tions.” Herring, who’s been out on $3,500 bail dur­ing the ordeal, gave a big hug to his lawyer and was all smiles, say­ing he was look­ing for­ward to being wor­ry free when he walks his dog, a Collie mix named Snowy. “I was fight­ing for my life,” he said. “I didn’t want to go to prison. I love my freedom.”