Britain Must Pay Reparations, We Do Not Need Shiny Objects And Stupid Titles.….

The sem­i­nal ques­tion of Reparations to Jamaicans who are descen­dants of the British slave trade should not be allowed to die, but like fire, it must be fuelled and stoked until the British monar­chy and Government real­izes that bestow­ing stu­pid titles on a few Jamaicans will not put out that fire of demand for payment.
No amount of paci­fy­ing us will work; state­ments of mutu­al friend­ship will not be enough. Jamaicans and Jamaica need the British monarch and Government to com­pen­sate us for the free labor that has made Britain a tiny set of Islands, one of the wealth­i­est nations on earth.

Not only has Britain done noth­ing for Jamaica, but this par­a­sitic nation con­tin­ues to send peo­ple back to Jamaica who left our coun­try as babies for minor infrac­tions in their lat­est iter­a­tion of eth­nic cleansings.
Britain also invit­ed Jamaicans to work between 1948 and 1971 from Caribbean coun­tries, this gen­er­a­tion has been labeled the Windrush generation.(see the Windrush peo­ple) https://​www​.bbc​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​u​k​-​4​3​7​8​2​241
Jamaicans and oth­er Caribbean nation­als went in and rebuilt their coun­try, but that was not good for this racist good for noth­ing peo­ple; they decid­ed they want­ed a white coun­try, so they threat­ened the remain­ing sur­vivors of that era and their descen­dants with depor­ta­tion and did deport some as things came to a head in 2018.

There has nev­er been any hon­or in these peo­ple; whether it is their descen­dants who now rule America or those who nev­er left England, their word means nothing.
Therefore it is impor­tant that as Jamaicans, we speak with a stronger voice and in no uncer­tain terms that Britain com­pen­sates us for the ignominy of slavery.
As Jamaicans, we claim to be smart; if we are smart, we must under­stand that shiny objects and trin­kets in the form of stu­pid hon­orary titles and appoint­ments to their sil­ly coun­cils will no longer cut it.
We do not care that you appoint­ed our Prime Minister to the Privy Council, a pure­ly cer­e­mo­ni­al ges­ture as an act of appeasement.

We will no longer accept being brought into the big house while we remain a slave. Slavery is slav­ery, whether it is in the fields or a mansion.
It is high time that the Jamaican Government begins writ­ing a new con­sti­tu­tion and com­mences the process of extri­cat­ing our­selves from this blood­suck­ing mon­ster and demands the pay­ment we deserve and must be paid.
Yes, many Jamaicans like shiny objects and are impressed by them but the major­i­ty of us are not swayed by sil­ly titles, we need to be tak­en seri­ous­ly now.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.