Britain Is Yet To Face Up To It’s Imperial History & Present Day Racism…why I Do Not Mourn…

You know we are roy­al­ly f****d in the head when we mourn the pass­ing of the very head of the shit-stim that has raped, enslaved, sodom­ized, and mur­dered our ances­tors and con­tin­ues to degrade us every day.
Stockholm syn­drome it is.….…
I mean, set aside the idea that we should speak no ill of the dead.…… because we will all die some­day. Why would peo­ple with a brain inside their cra­ni­ums allow any­one to tell them how to think or respond to events like the pass­ing of Elizabeth, queen of England?

Actual human beings packed like sardines…

It real­ly begs the ques­tion of why we should care about peo­ple who not only live priv­i­leged lives but come from a long line of oth­ers who ben­e­fit­ted from mur­der and the enslave­ment, dehu­man­iza­tion, and exploita­tion of oth­er humans for profit.
Take, for instance, Jamaicans who are mourn­ing the death of Elizabeth and have set aside twelve days (12) of mourn­ing, two (2) days more than the Brits them­selves who have decid­ed on ten days (10) of mourn­ing; what exact­ly are Jamaicans mourning?
Am I sup­posed to mourn the per­son who had his knee on my neck sud­den­ly had a heart attack, or should I be relieved?
Should I be the duti­ful slave who shucks and jive when mis­sus dies and mourn more than mis­sus’s fam­i­ly and friends?

While you are griev­ing, do remem­ber that these were Jamaican women forced to work for noth­ing on sug­ar plan­ta­tions to make Britain the wealthy and pow­er­ful nation it is today. Remind me again what the f*** it is you are griev­ing for?

Come on, peo­ple, I am ask­ing you to think.…take your eyes off the pomp and pageantry of the event on tele­vi­sion, dis­en­gage from the white­wash­ing of his­to­ry by the paid talk­ing-heads whose jobs it is to human­ize and can­on­ize the dece­dent as if that will restore their souls with a God that judges.
While the mur­der and may­hem were hap­pen­ing, what did you do?
Some of you rave about your edu­ca­tion; you pon­tif­i­cate about hav­ing more degrees than a ther­mome­ter, yet you are as dumb as a door­nail. You are unaware that the edu­ca­tion they gave you was designed to keep you fur­ther enslaved, slav­ish­ly ded­i­cat­ed, and def­er­en­tial to their caus­es, ways, cul­ture, and sense of superiority.
Maybe they are supe­ri­or to some of you, and maybe they were cre­at­ed to be served by some of you.
Because the way you fawn and try to ingra­ti­ate your­selves into accep­tance is frankly nau­se­at­ing. Maybe some of you were jump­ing from trees like mon­keys when they found you because some of you are lit­tle more than that now.

Elizabeth vis­it­ed Jamaica in 1983 (AP)

We need not go back to what the European pow­ers did to Africans to rec­og­nize that we as a peo­ple have no stake in mourn­ing any part of the destruc­tion or fall of the house of Babylon. From Africa to Asia, the Caribbean, and places in between, the British Government invad­ed, col­o­nized, bru­tal­ized, and sub­ju­gat­ed hun­dreds of mil­lions whose only sins were that they were going about their dai­ly lives.
It is not for me, a black man to wor­ry about what they did in India, Asia, or the Middle East. My con­cern is about what they did in Africa and the Caribbean. My con­cern is that 188 years after the abo­li­tion of slav­ery in Jamaica, what appears to be a plu­ral­i­ty of Jamaicans are still suf­fer­ing from sep­a­ra­tion anx­i­ety, Stockholm syn­drome, or some oth­er type of psy­cho­log­i­cal disorder.
Digital his­to­ry placed the num­ber of Africans killed dur­ing the North Atlantic Slave trade between 6 – 150 mil­lion. Let us pause for a moment and assim­i­late the grav­i­ty of that charge.
The African holo­caust is some­thing no one wants to talk about. They wrote these atroc­i­ties out of their his-tory books then, and today what lit­tle we learned about their bru­tal­i­ty and bar­barism, they are try­ing des­per­ate­ly to wipe our brains clean of the brutish­ness that char­ac­ter­ized their ances­tors and their own actions.

Jamaicans being kicked out as Britain exit­ed the European Union to stem the tide of rights and access blacks have under the EU charter…)Gleaner photo)

They would have us believe that slav­ery was a nec­es­sary evil. A grand bar­gain between pow­er­ful white enslavers and well-fed enslaved peo­ple who were con­tent with being fed and tak­en care of as you would some pigs that would end up as bacon.
The sad irony is that even if any iota of the fore­gone were true, it would still be slav­ery where one group owns another.
The white­wash­ing of his­tor­i­cal events like the African slave trade and what it means for peo­ple both on the con­ti­nent and in the dias­po­ra depicts a dement­ed and depraved mind­set by a peo­ple deter­mined to con­tin­ue to lie and deceive even as their num­bers and pow­er are diminishing.
And so they are doing what they do best, divide and con­quer, and why not? They have always been able to get sil­ly negroes to look at them all google-eyed as if they are gods from anoth­er plan­et. Many Blacks still look at them that way today and will kill you if you dare speak out against these demons for the crimes they have committed.

Then British Prime Minister David Cameron is greet­ed by Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller at her office, Jamaica House, in Kingston, on the first of a two-day vis­it to the Caribbean on September 29, 2015. Stefan Rousseau — Press Association/​AP Images

The largest slave trade in the his­to­ry of the world was cre­at­ed by white Christian Europeans. Before it was over, as many as 60 mil­lion Africans would be killed for the prof­it of white Christian impe­ri­al­ism. A key rea­son for the high death toll was the tidal wave of war and des­o­la­tion that the slave trade unleashed into the heart of Africa. Huge num­bers of peo­ple died being marched to the coasts of Africa from the inte­ri­or, as well as in an end­less series of wars pro­duced by the quest for new­ly enslaved peo­ple. Millions more would die in con­cen­tra­tion camps at both ends of the sea jour­ney, and sig­nif­i­cant num­bers would die due to the appalling con­di­tions on the slave ships. The finan­cial prof­its of this slave trade helped build the eco­nom­ic foun­da­tions of America. It was not just the south. Northern busi­ness inter­ests made huge prof­its too. (world​fu​ture​fund​.org)
Richard Drayton wrote for the Guardian in 2005, “the wealth of the west was built on Africa’s exploita­tion.” A well-known fact and some­thing that ought to draw yawns and exhausted-‘yes we knows”. But this is no jok­ing matter.
Britain was the prin­ci­pal slav­ing nation of the mod­ern world. In The Empire Pays Back, a doc­u­men­tary called on the British to take stock of this past. Why had Britain not apol­o­gized for African slav­ery, as it had done for the Irish pota­to famine? Why was there no sub­stan­tial pub­lic mon­u­ment of nation­al con­tri­tion equiv­a­lent to Berlin’s Holocaust Museum? Why, most cru­cial­ly, was there no recog­ni­tion of how wealth extract­ed from Africa and Africans made pos­si­ble the vig­or and pros­per­i­ty of mod­ern Britain? Was there not a case for Britain to pay repa­ra­tions to the descen­dants of enslaved Africans?
I ask why are Jamaicans mourn­ing the death of Elizabeth, the head of the house of Windsor. The last time the sub­ject of repa­ra­tions was broached at the Prime Ministerial lev­el David Cameron was Prime Minister of England, and Portia Simpson Miller was in Jamaica House.

All of this hap­pened under Elizabeth’s reign…Where was she? Tell me, what exact­ly are you mourn­ing now?

In 2020 Brooke Newman writ­ing for slate said: In Britain, as in the United States, the anti-racism protests that have erupt­ed since the police killing of George Floyd in late May have rein­vig­o­rat­ed cam­paigns for repa­ra­tions for slav­ery. Having only recent­ly acknowl­edged their his­tor­i­cal links to slav­ery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade, British uni­ver­si­ties and London finan­cial insti­tu­tions are fac­ing calls to make amends for past injus­tices and pay repa­ra­tions to the descen­dants of enslaved peo­ple. But one insti­tu­tion has remained silent: the British monar­chy. Still, it’s no secret that the his­to­ry of the British roy­al fam­i­ly is inter­twined with slav­ery. The slave-trad­ing ini­tia­tives endorsed by the English monar­chy began with Queen Elizabeth I’s enthu­si­as­tic sup­port of John Hawkins’ slav­ing expe­di­tions in the 1560s. In three sep­a­rate voy­ages backed by gov­ern­ment offi­cials, London mer­chants, and the queen, Hawkins raid­ed African set­tle­ments on the West African coast and seized hun­dreds of enslaved cap­tives from Portuguese ships. In defi­ance of Portugal’s dom­i­nance over the European slave trade in Africans, Hawkins sold his car­go of African cap­tives in the Spanish Caribbean. After his prof­itable sec­ond voy­age, the queen hon­ored Hawkins with a coat of arms and crest fea­tur­ing a nude African bound with rope.
No, it was not this Elizabeth that recent­ly passed, but look at England today and a small glimpse of the insane wealth and opu­lence that the enslave­ment and mur­der of our ances­tors brought to the priv­i­leged in England today.

A glimpse of the opu­lence inside Buckingham Palace…

Cameron not only rebuffed demands for his gov­ern­ment to pay repa­ra­tions, but he also refused to apol­o­gize for its role in the slave trade dur­ing his vis­it to Jamaica.
David Cameron stood in the Jamaican par­lia­ment and told the Jamaican peo­ple that slav­ery was “abhor­rent in all its forms” but called for the two coun­tries to “move on” and look to the future.” Wait, what the f***?
Oh, sor­ry, my bad, I am not an elo­quent lau­re­ate from the Bourjois, I am a Jamaican Blackman with a brain in my head, and I am extreme­ly proud of that.
But I digress; the Ass‑w*** offered Jamaicans a prison.….. yes, a prison, a prison that would house British [sub­jects], many of whom nev­er set foot in Jamaica but were born to Jamaican par­ents who went to England to build that coun­try after Hitler dec­i­mat­ed it with his nazi bombs.
Those peo­ple heed­ed the call, and now that Britain used them up as it had used up their ances­tors for free, she want­ed them out.

Imperialist British troops stand­ing guard over inno­cent Kenyans…What are we mourning?

Might make right for sure because you best believe that if I had the pow­er, I would march right in, over­turn every­thing not nailed down, and take every last ounce of what belongs to us. From the stolen African arti­facts to every pen­ny of repa­ra­tions owed us.

There is a strange unex­plained phe­nom­e­non that I am yet to under­stand; it is the propen­si­ty of some negroes to dis­re­gard all of the evils that white peo­ple did to them and their ances­tors and will lit­er­al­ly kill their own black broth­ers and sis­ters who dare point to those atrocities.
It gets worse when they are allowed to get some of the white man’s brain­wash­ing that they call get­ting an edu­ca­tion. I have a lot more to say, but Nah, I have made my point. And so, as a rebel, I harken to the words of anoth­er true Jamaican rebel.

“We don’t have edu­ca­tion; we have inspi­ra­tion; if I was edu­cat­ed, I would be a damn fool.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.