Breitbart: Kissing The Ring: Bernie Sanders Breaks Bread With Al Sharpton..

Sanders meets with Sharpton on Wednesday..
Sanders meets with Sharpton on Wednesday..

Even after winning big in New Hampshire,needs to prove that he can win Democrats in the south, particularly the African-American voters who supported President Obama.

Sanders’ first step was to meet pub­licly with Rev. Al Sharpton in New York City, and impor­tant ring kiss­ing step to spread his appeal.

It’s unclear what Al Sharpton can do to help Sanders appeal with African-Americans, but it’s an impor­tant sig­nal that Sanders is eager to be pho­tographed with the promi­nent orga­niz­er and Obama ally. Hillary Clinton’s argu­ment is that Sanders, an old, white man from Vermont, did fine in New Hampshire, but may have a hard time appeal­ing to African-Americans and Hispanics nation­wide. In a cam­paign memo last night respond­ing to Sanders’ crush­ing vic­to­ry in New Hampshire, Clinton’s Campaign Manager Robby Mook looked ahead to the south­ern states and explic­it­ly argued that they favored Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s ties to both the African American and Hispanic com­mu­ni­ties run deep,”Mook argued in a memo obtained by PBS. “She’s put minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties and the issues that mat­ter most to them at the cen­ter of her cam­paign … it’s no mys­tery why she’s received endorse­ments from hun­dreds of key African American and Hispanic elect­ed offi­cials, as well as com­mu­ni­ty and faith lead­ers across the coun­try.” Portions of Clinton’s speech in New Hampshire last night were direct­ed at African-Americans and minori­ties, empha­siz­ing her vis­it to Flint, Michigan to dis­cuss the lead poi­son­ing in the water on Sunday at a Baptist Church. “It isn’t right that the kids I met in Flint on Sunday were poi­soned because their gov­er­nor want­ed to save mon­ey,” she said to sup­port­ers last night. She also explic­it­ly spoke to African-Americans who were wor­ried about their chil­dren being profiled.

We also have to break through the bar­ri­ers of big­otry,” she said. African-American par­ents shouldn’t have to wor­ry that their chil­dren will be harassed, humil­i­at­ed, even shot because of the col­or of their skin.” She also remind­ed sup­port­ers of her ear­ly career at the Children’s Defense Fund, anoth­er nod to the African-American vote. “That’s why I went under­cov­er in Alabama to expose racism in schools. That’s why I worked to reform juve­nile jus­tice in South Carolina,” she said. “And that is why I went to Flint, Michigan, on Sunday.”:Kissing the Ring: Bernie Sanders Breaks Bread With Al Sharpton