Bratton Blames Citizens For Filming Cops Breaking The Laws.….….

New York Police Department Commissioner William Bratton. |
New York Police Department Commissioner William Bratton. |

Have you ever won­dered why Police abuse and kill peo­ple and there nev­er seem to be redress or a seri­ous attempt to cease and desist from those practices ?
Here’s what Commissioner William Bratton the leader of the NYPD, the world’s largest police depart­ment had to say about film­ing cops who abuse citizens.

The cam­eras are every­where, but when they start lit­er­al­ly get­ting in your face, inter­rupt­ing arrests, it starts to become prob­lem­at­ic,”. Bratton spoke crit­i­cal­ly about the prac­tice of film­ing police

New York's finest , right? Finest what?
New York’s finest , right? Finest what?

encoun­ters, say­ing it is often “agi­tat­ing sit­u­a­tions.”Bratton was speak­ing at The Atlantic’s “New York Ideas” symposium.
This com­ment is the most brain-dead as well as tone-deaf thing that Bratton could have said on the issue, and you know what in most cas­es it’s a total lie.
Police gen­er­al­ly are opposed to being filmed when they oper­ate. Even though cit­i­zens are well with­ing their legal rights to film police action as long as film­ing does not place offi­cers in dan­ger or hin­der their work.Generally police quick­ly estab­lish a perime­ter when they oper­ate, this they usu­al­ly do to pre­vent peo­ple film­ing them.
They are gen­er­al­ly abu­sive and abra­sive when they do. So Bratton’s com­ments have no basis in fact.

Here's what Bratton does not want you to see
Here’s what Bratton does not want you to see

Bratton’s com­ments are par­tic­u­lar­ly appalling in light of a litany of police killings and abuse of cit­i­zens many of which are right there in the behe­moth New York Police Department which seem to be a de-fac­to gov­ern­ment in the city all by itself, answer­able to no one.
Rather than mov­ing to trans­form the way his agency is per­ceived , Bratton’s com­ments indi­cate a dou­bling-down on abro­gat­ing the rights of citizens.

In a state­ment, Loyda Colon, co-direc­tor of The Justice Committee, called Bratton’s remarks “out­ra­geous and offen­sive.” Colon not­ed that The Justice Committee “encour­ages all New Yorkers to sup­port pub­lic safe­ty by watch­ing and film­ing police activ­i­ty as a means of deter­ring and doc­u­ment­ing abuse, a prac­tice we call ‘Cop Watch.’ ” “Bratton’s mis­char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of this prac­tice rais­es seri­ous ques­tions about why he wants to avoid pub­lic scruti­ny and demon­strates his unwill­ing­ness to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for his offi­cers’ dis­re­spect of and vio­lence against our com­mu­ni­ties,” Colon added.

Number 99 Pantaleo never released his hold until Garner was dead.  Staten Island jury? No harm no foul, nothing to see here ...
Number 99 Pantaleo nev­er released his hold until Garner was dead.
Staten Island jury?
No harm no foul, noth­ing to see here …

Bratton is engaged in clas­sic blam­ing of the vic­tim, the absur­di­ty of those com­ments ought to give every sane per­son, even the most ardent cop-apol­o­gist seri­ous pause.

Every per­son has a fun­da­men­tal right to film or pho­to­graph events occur­ring in pub­lic. No per­son can have an expec­ta­tion of pri­va­cy while in pub­lic spaces.
Cops gen­er­al­ly see them­selves above the laws , yet these rules apply to them also.
Police have wide lat­i­tude to do their jobs. They are vest­ed with fright­en­ing pow­ers includ­ing the pow­er to take life.
They have pow­er to arrest any­one who gets in their way while they are car­ry­ing out their law­ful duties. Obstruction of Governmental Administration is pun­ish­able by up to a year in jail. For defen­dants arrest­ed in New York City (Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island), this sen­tence will be served on the infa­mous Rikers Island.
Cops gen­er­al­ly tack on the charge of resist­ing arrest for good mea­sure when charg­ing “Obstruction “. The resist­ing charge gen­er­al­ly car­ry the same penalty .
Fortunately for many arrest­ed by NYPD cops, some Judges are able to see through the lies.
Fair judges cor­rect­ly dis­miss the resist­ing charge, oth­ers in the pock­ets of the police union don’t.
In many instances NYPD cops charge sus­pects with resist­ing arrest with­out a sup­port­ing charge that neces­si­tat­ed the arrest in the first instance.

Cops turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he speaks at the funeral
Cops turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he speaks at the funeral

Why then is Bratton and his boys opposed to being filmed?
For the sim­ple rea­son that they will not be able to use those lies to incar­cer­ate peo­ple they don’t like or deem trou­ble makers.
Incredibly the res­i­dents of NYC are inclined to believe the police depart­ment is work­ing to trans­form itself from a good ‑old-boys net­work of blue-clad thugs who inher­it the job passed down from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion. Some res­i­dents actu­al­ly believe that the depart­ment no longer beat and kill peo­ple unlaw­ful­ly. Some are inclined to believe that they do not plant evi­dence, sum­mar­i­ly lie and fal­si­fy reports. Some actu­al­ly believe these guys are work­ing in their interest.
The fact is for a large cross-sec­tion of the city the only cops they see are the abu­sive crim­i­nal cops who show them no respect. Bill Bratton was just in front of the city coun­cil ask­ing for an addi­tion­al 1000 cops to add to the over 35,000 stand­ing army he present­ly have under his con­trol. Many in the city coun­cil are quite will­ing to add anoth­er 1000 blue clad un-account­able cops to the mam­moth army that is already on the city’s payroll.

Javier Payne and his family joined Rev. Al Sharpton at the national Action Headquarters in Harlem ,The young man was smashed through a window by a NYPD sergeant .
Javier Payne and his fam­i­ly joined Rev. Al Sharpton at the nation­al Action Headquarters in Harlem ‚The young man was smashed through a win­dow by a NYPD sergeant .Many inter­est­ed par­ties have argued that with all major crimes down the city ought to be cut­ting the amount of cops it has in it’s employ , not hir­ing a thou­sand more.

If you thought Bratton was done you are wrong he went on to say quote :
There are so many cop-haters out there. Everybody wants to get that cam­era out, and not record the good things that are hap­pen­ing. They are all try­ing to incite or record an offi­cer step­ping out of line.”

Are you kid­ding me ? Of course it’s about record­ing them step­ping out of line.
Why would Bratton not see a prob­lem with cops step­ping out of line?
Fix your cops com­mis­sion­er, and stop wor­ry­ing about cit­i­zens engag­ing in their con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly guar­an­teed func­tion of film­ing them to ensure that peo­ple’s rights are protected .

NYPD hoodlum cops booed their boss the Mayor at cops Graduation  NYdaily newsphoto
NYPD hood­lum cops booed their boss the Mayor at cops Graduation 

Cops on the beat do what they are told to do. They hear the con­ver­sa­tions from their seniors at the precinct lev­el , they hear from their union and they sure as hell hear from their bosses.
In a city run by a Mayor and not the Police depart­ment, the Mayor would be all over these unsa­vory , ill-advised and das­tard­ly com­ments from a police chief whose offi­cers are fre­quent­ly being accused of exces­sive use of force.
Unfortunately de Blasio can­not get involved in dis­ci­plin­ing Bratton his sub­or­di­nate. After all it was Bratton who gave him cov­er recent­ly when the two cops were killed in Queens. NYPD’s finest staged a insur­rec­tion which start­ed with them turn­ing their backs on him.
It took Bratton to smooth things over, since then deBlasio can­not extri­cate his nose from the rear end of the police department.
Mayor de Balasio is not about to chas­tise Bratton , on that we are sure.