Both Political Parties Beholden To Rights Lobby No One Responsible For Security

Peter Phillips show­ing file photo

It’s some­times dif­fi­cult to hear your­self think in all of the noise and inco­her­ent non­sen­si­cal gib­ber­ish on the top­i­cal issues of the day.
It is not that each and every per­son does­n’t have a right to their opin­ion, it’s just that they also want to have their own facts.
So, on the ger­mane issue of vio­lent crimes in Jamaica and the deci­sion by the oppo­si­tion People’s National Party (PNP) to with­draw sup­port from the States of Emergency you may just imag­ine the lev­el of par­ti­san gib­ber­ish out there?

Difficult though it is to cut through the near-impen­e­tra­ble par­ti­san stub­born­ness, facts are still facts, and so we will con­tin­ue to present the facts regard­less of what the likes of Fitz Jackson and Peter Phillips and oth­ers say are the rea­sons the par­ty pulled its sup­port from the mea­sure which is slat­ed to expire in January.
Before we get too far afield, it is impor­tant that in the inter­est of clar­i­ty we state fac­tu­al­ly that the PNP has nev­er sup­port­ed the Law Enforcement agen­cies in their fight for the secu­ri­ty and soul of our coun­try.
Instead, the par­ty has tak­en mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces for fools tac­ti­cal­ly gam­bling that cheap pop­ulism with the broad­er elec­torate is a bet­ter bet than the small­er group of vot­ers in the secu­ri­ty forces.
As for as respect goes for the PNP police and sol­diers are sec­ond class cit­i­zens.
Tactically that gam­ble has paid off for the par­ty and truth­ful­ly they need­n’t both­er to wor­ry about some mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces who can’t tell their heads from a broomstick.

Fitz Jackson PNP spokesper­son on nation­al security


The chart above gives a break­down of homi­cides report­ed to police between 2000 and 2016.
Let us remem­ber that in the year 2005, the very same Peter Phillips who is now the leader of the oppo­si­tion was the Minister of National Security.
That year saw mur­ders reach 1674.
Peter Phillips said then that the nation need­ed res­olute mea­sures to fight crime.
What was Peter Phillips the in-pow­er politi­cian sub­scrib­ing to then?

Andrew Holness PM

For his part, Peter Bunting took over the National Security port­fo­lio in 2012. He ben­e­fit­ted from the work of the secu­ri­ty forces which saw mur­ders drop after the Tivoli Gardens incur­sion. Murder rose on his watch prompt­ing him to state that the coun­try need­ed divine inter­ven­tion.
Now I don’t have a prob­lem with the PNP doing what it thinks will ben­e­fit the par­ty polit­i­cal­ly.
What I find rep­re­hen­si­ble is that the par­ty would lie about its motives for putting pol­i­tics above the lives of peo­ple.
Thus far this year there has been a 21% decrease in mur­ders as a result of the addi­tion­al pow­ers giv­en the secu­ri­ty forces and the mass of secu­ri­ty bod­ies in trou­ble spots.

The PNP has every right to decide to wade in the blood of dead Jamaicans to polit­i­cal vic­to­ry but in this medi­um, we will spend every day bring­ing this fact to the silent major­i­ty of the Jamaican peo­ple.
I could­n’t care less who runs the gov­ern­ment, what I care about are few­er dead bod­ies.
It is not the first time that the PNP has done this and they must be made to own it, they should be held account­able as the anti-law enforce­ment par­ty in our coun­try.
The argu­ments prof­fered by Peter Phillips that the num­ber of peo­ple scooped up in secu­ri­ty drag­nets and held with­out charge are legit­i­mate ones.
If Peter Phillips legit­i­mate­ly under­stood that the role of the Opposition par­ty is also part of the gov­ern­ing struc­ture he would have opt­ed for a more respon­si­ble approach.
If Peter Phillips, Fitz Jackson et al cared about National secu­ri­ty as they crave state pow­er that issue is some­thing they could eas­i­ly have worked out with the heads of the secu­ri­ty agencies.

The num­ber one rea­son Peter Phillips gave for his par­ty’s deci­sion not to sup­port an exten­sion of the SOE was the issue of mass deten­tion.
Then he quot­ed JFJ, a vir­u­lent and antag­o­nis­tic anti-police, anti-law ‑enforce­ment lob­by which all but enhances the process of crim­i­nal­i­ty on the Island.
Phillips inad­ver­tent­ly gave away his hand when he cit­ed the anti-police lob­by. JFJ has a doc­u­ment­ed his­to­ry of using fraud­u­lent infor­ma­tion to ginn up dis­sent against the police depart­ment.
That includes using fraud­u­lent num­bers to report to the Inter American Commission on Human Rights In Washington DC.
This writer has writ­ten exten­sive­ly about that for years and I would be remiss if I did not men­tion that the head of that crim­i­nal rights lob­by Carolyn Gomes was forced to step down in dis­grace over the pro­lif­er­a­tion of homo­sex­u­al lit­er­a­ture to minors.
In oth­er coun­tries that would cer­tain­ly have con­se­quences of up to a stiff prison sen­tence, not so in Jamaica.

Inside the SOE

There is no ques­tion that SOE’s and ZOSO’s can­not be the stan­dard for fight­ing crime. A sus­tained and sus­tain­able crime-fight­ing method­ol­o­gy is need­ed.
Nevertheless, the killings in Jamaica was a mat­ter of nation­al emer­gency requir­ing an emer­gency response.
A 21% reduc­tion in homi­cides over the same peri­od last year trans­lates into rough­ly 325 few­er dead Jamaicans.
The fact that the PNP is will­ing to play games with these facts demon­strates that the par­ty does not care about the peo­ple they pre­tend to care about.
They nev­er did, what mat­ters to the PNP has always been hold­ing state pow­er and enrich­ing them­selves crim­i­nal­ly at the pub­lic’s expense. 

There is a legit­i­mate polit­i­cal con­ver­sa­tion to be had about whether the gov­ern­ing par­ty came to the table with a full under­stand­ing of what it takes to gen­er­ate the pros­per­i­ty it promised.
This writer has spo­ken to that ques­tion repeat­ed­ly. National secu­ri­ty can­not be a polit­i­cal foot­ball.
The oppo­si­tion PNP did not have a strat­e­gy to stop the blood­let­ting a mere three years ago. Peter Phillips called for deci­sive actions, Peter Bunting called for divine inter­ven­tion.
What the nation needs are solu­tions and nei­ther polit­i­cal par­ty has demon­strat­ed that it has the will and capac­i­ty to do what is required.
The PNP must tell the nation the truth that it’s big donor crim­i­nal sup­port­ers who are unable to hold mas­sive dance par­ties and oth­er activ­i­ties are rest­less and threat­en­ing to with­draw sup­port from the par­ty.
Let’s stop with the pre­tense, let’s stop with the lies,Let’s stop with the plat­i­tudes about human rights,