Body Camera Videos Show Fatal Police Shooting Of Former Kansas City, Kansas, Detective

Body cam­era footage released July 21 from the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department shows an offi­cer fir­ing three shots and killing a man after he wres­tled a gun away from anoth­er offi­cer and point­ed it.

The man killed was iden­ti­fied as Lionel A. Womack, 36, a for­mer police detec­tive who worked for the depart­ment from July 2007 to August 2020. He was ter­mi­nat­ed due to numer­ous pol­i­cy violations.

The Star obtained six videos from the Nov. 22, 2021, encounter through an open records request.

The videos range from 55 sec­onds to two min­utes. Womack’s face, as well as the offi­cers’ faces, were redacted.

Womack’s wife, Z’Iontae Womack, who is cur­rent­ly a detec­tive with the depart­ment, declined to comment.

Police respond­ed to the area of North 57th Street and Tauromee Avenue after receiv­ing a call about a sus­pi­cious per­son stand­ing in the mid­dle of the road and point­ing towards the sky.

Womack puts his hands up when two patrol vehi­cles arrived, the footage shows. But sec­onds lat­er, he rush­es toward the first patrol vehicle.

An offi­cer says his name sev­er­al times and tells him to calm down. Womack then charges toward the first offi­cer and gets in the police cruis­er through the driver’s side door.

Seconds lat­er, Womack emerges from the vehi­cle and puts his right hand behind his back.

The first offi­cer pulls out his weapon, believ­ing Womack could be armed, Police Chief Karl Oakman pre­vi­ous­ly said. Womack did not have a weapon.

He then charges at the offi­cer, grab­bing his wrist and hand­gun. A sec­ond offi­cer attempts to pull Womack off, grab­bing his arms with both hands. Read the full sto­ry here:https://​news​.yahoo​.com/​b​o​d​y​-​c​a​m​e​r​a​-​v​i​d​e​o​s​-​s​h​o​w​-​f​a​t​a​l​-​1​0​0​0​0​0​3​7​0​.​h​tml