Bodies Of Sisters Found Under Georgia Bridge Investigated As A Homicide As Details Emerge: Reports

Georgia law enforce­ment has opened up a homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tion after two sis­ters were found dead under a bridge in the north­west part of the state. The bod­ies of Vanita Richardson and her old­er sis­ter Truvenia Campbell were dis­cov­ered Wednesday morn­ing near Rome, a city about 70 miles north of Atlanta. The girls’ deaths are being offi­cial­ly ruled as homi­cides, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirmed.

As report­ed by Rome News-Tribune, their bod­ies were dis­cov­ered by two Georgia Department of Transportation work­ers while per­form­ing bridge main­te­nance on the East Rome Bypass at Loop 1. Their clothes were “tat­tered,” accord­ing to WJCL. The vic­tims alleged­ly had bags over their heads and shot­gun cas­ings lit­tered near their bod­ies, though inves­ti­ga­tors have not con­firmed that infor­ma­tion, Rome News-Tribune report­ed. Richardson, who attend­ed Armuchee High School, was 19, and her sis­ter, Cambell, was 30. No sus­pects or motive has been deter­mined as Rome police and the GBI work in tan­dem in the investigation.

We extend our deep­est sym­pa­thies to the Armuchee Community and her friends and fam­i­ly at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them,” the state­ment read. “Vanita will be remem­bered for being a fun-lov­ing, hum­ble, and moti­vat­ed stu­dent who was mak­ing strong plans for her future.” Family and friends of Richardson and Campbell were sad­dened by the news. “She was like my sis­ter,” said Kayla Dodson, a child­hood friend of Campbell. “She was a lov­ing, car­ing per­son. I’m just heart­bro­ken.”
The GBI and Rome police have post­ed a tip line, 1 – 800-597-TIPS, for any­one who can assist in the inves­ti­ga­tion. This sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed in the (Grio​.com)