Blue Justice.…

Linden New Jersey cop Pedro Abad Jr. has had sev­er­al run-ins with the law which would have land­ed any ordi­nary per­son in seri­ous trou­ble includ­ing jail time, was behind the wheel dri­ving the wrong way on a Staten Island street after leav­ing a strip-club, obvi­ous­ly drunk.
As a result he crashed head-on into a trac­tor trail­er Killing one of his col­leagues crit­i­cal­ly injur­ing two oth­ers and him­self and also injur­ing the trac­tor trail­er driver.
Here’s whats shocking.

The Civic seen in the aftermath of the crash ...
The Civic seen in the after­math of the crash …

Pedro Abad Jr., Linden police offi­cer, swerved off the road in a black 2010 Audi A5 and hit a bus stop sign, a street sign and a stop sign before slam­ming through the side of New Way Supermarket in Roselle, N.J., at 3:46 a.m. on Jan. 22, 2011, accord­ing to a police report.

His car end­ed up inside the store, caus­ing heavy dam­age to the build­ing. Ravi Patel, 26, who co-owns the deli with his dad, recalled get­ting a call in the mid­dle of the night that the store’s alarms had been trig­gered. “We didn’t know it was a crash,” Patel told the Daily News Wednesday. “It wasn’t until we got to the cor­ner. We saw the car inside — the whole car!”

It took three months for all the dam­age to be fixed and the dam­age was so exten­sive the store was closed for the first three weeks of repairs. “Everything was messed up,” Patel said. “The reg­is­ter was on the ground, every­thing. The door doesn’t even shut still because of the crash.” Reeking of alco­hol, Abad, 27, was rushed from the scene to University Hospital in Newark, where he was charged with dri­ving while intox­i­cat­ed and care­less dri­ving. Inside the ambu­lance he admit­ted to hav­ing two mixed drinks at a local club, accord­ing to the police report.

Abad also received vio­la­tions for drunk­en dri­ving and refus­ing a Breathalyzer test on Feb. 26, 2013, after he crashed in Rahway, N.J., New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission records show. During that inci­dent, Abad was caught on cam­era stum­bling and slur­ring his words while ask­ing for an offi­cer he said he knew from the acad­e­my, NJ​.com report­ed. His license was sus­pend­ed for sev­en months in the wake of the Rahway crash, records show. In addi­tion to the two drink­ing-relat­ed crash­es, Abad was involved in six oth­er acci­dents going back to 2005, state records show.

Linden, N.J., Police Officer Pedro Abad Jr. was behind the wheel of a wrong-way driving Honda Civic that smashed head-on with a tractor-trailer.
Linden, N.J., Police Officer Pedro Abad Jr. was behind the wheel of a wrong-way dri­ving Honda Civic that smashed head-on with a tractor-trailer.

Yet Pedro Abad Jr. the police offi­cer was still allowed to be dri­ving an automobile.
Why was this young man allowed to be driving ?
Why is he even still a cop after all those infractions?
Why is it such a hush , hush about whether he was drunk on the morn­ing of his lat­est crash?
Would it have tak­en this long to arrest the dri­ver of the trac­tor trail­er if he was dri­ving drunk the wrong way, seri­ous­ly injur­ing and killing cops?
I believe we all know the answer to these questions.
Condolences would be pour­ing in from all across the coun­try, the Media would have looped the sto­ry end­less­ly and there would have been a pro­ces­sion of cops parad­ing by to show sup­port for their fall­en com­rades killed by the drunk driver.
Of course the Media would have found all kinds of experts will­ing to offer up all kinds of advice on what the penal­ty should be for the driver.
Why is this case different?
Where is the outrage?
What hypocrisy?