Blame Obama! White House offers the lamest response to Flynn charges - mikebeckles.

Blame Obama! White House Offers The Lamest Response To Flynn Charges

The White House didn’t mention Obama fired Flynn, or that he warned Trump about potential risks of hiring Flynn.

After President Donald Trump’s for­mer National Security Adviser Michael Flynn plead­ed guilty to lying to fed­er­al agents about his con­tacts with the Russian ambas­sador dur­ing the tran­si­tion peri­od, the White House seemed to dis­tance itself from Flynn by throw­ing for­mer President Barack Obama under the bus.

Today, Michael Flynn, a for­mer National Security Advisor at the White House for 25 days dur­ing the Trump Administration, and a for­mer Obama admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial, entered a guilty plea to a sin­gle count of mak­ing a false state­ment to the FBI,” White House lawyer Ty Cobb said in a state­ment on Friday, per press pool reports.

The state­ment con­tin­ued, “The false state­ments involved mir­ror the false state­ments to White House offi­cials which result­ed in his res­ig­na­tion in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge impli­cates any­one oth­er than Mr. Flynn. The con­clu­sion of this phase of the Special Counsel’s work demon­strates again that the Special Counsel is mov­ing with all delib­er­ate speed and clears the way for a prompt and rea­son­able con­clu­sion.“https://​www​.salon​.com/​2​0​1​7​/​1​2​/​0​1​/​b​l​a​m​e​-​o​b​a​m​a​-​w​h​i​t​e​-​h​o​u​s​e​-​o​f​f​e​r​s​-​l​a​m​e​s​t​-​r​e​s​p​o​n​s​e​-​t​o​-​f​l​y​nn/