Blacks Have Everything To Lose Under A Trump Presidency As Does Most Everyone Else.….

What the hell do you have to lose?”
“You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed — what the hell do you have to lose?”
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The fore­gone was the lead-in of Republican nom­i­nee for President Donald J Trump.
Trump was speak­ing at black vot­ers from Dimondale, Michigan — a pre­dom­i­nant­ly white sub­urb of Lansing.

Lets set aside the gall and temer­i­ty of this media cre­at­ed buf­foon for a sec­ond, lets take a breath and rebut what this moron has been peddling.
In the process I will bor­row some­thing my wife wrote in response to this bit of Republican dog whis­tle to their infan­tile base.


Blacks are liv­ing in racism, not pover­ty..26% of Blacks are in pover­ty, so 74% aren’t in pover­ty. 18.7% of Black youth between the ages of 16 and 19 are unem­ployed (prob­a­bly because they are in school!). Black women are the most high­ly edu­cat­ed group of folks in the U.S. Black peo­ple-even though liv­ing through racism (direct and indi­rect), eugen­ics, the inten­tion­al ghet­to-iza­tion of our Black neigh­bor­hoods by the infil­tra­tion of drugs, over polic­ing, and denial of resources…we still rise!!! We are incred­i­ble!!! Trump and those who sup­port him can con­tin­ue to send out their dog whis­tles to their base (white suprema­cy groups and oth­ers who are threat­ened by the chang­ing face of America from white to brown), but hope­ful­ly Black peo­ple won’t lis­ten to Trump try­ing to con­vince us that we are worth­less, and have noth­ing to lose! The prob­lem is sys­tem­at­ic racism; not the Democrats!
Hum hum.….….……

Donald Trump had ample oppor­tu­ni­ties to build a rela­tion­ship with black vot­ers if he want­ed to . The Black com­mu­ni­ty though not polit­i­cal­ly mono­lith­ic, is quite capa­ble of under­stand­ing when it is being disrespected.
Appointing a few reli­gious hus­tlers or some real­i­ty show sell-out to speak for, or on behalf of the black com­mu­ni­ty, does not cut it for blacks anymore.

lyndon johnson signs the civil rights act into law.jpg (Getty images)
President Lyndon Johnson signs the civ­il rights act into law.jpg (Getty images)

The fact of the mat­ter is that the Black com­mu­ni­ty vote Democratic because the Republican par­ty has been open­ly hos­tile to the black com­mu­ni­ty for the decades since Lyndon Johnson signed the 1968 civ­il Rights act into law.
As Malcolm X said “we did not land on Plymouth Rock , Plymouth rock land­ed on us”. Blacks did not desert the Republican Party, the Republican Party desert­ed Blacks.
Why did Republican Presidential can­di­date Richard Nixon not offer a hand to spring Republican Dr Martin Luther King out of jail?
Politically expe­di­ent it was yes, but John F Kennedy did .…King was sprung from jail and black peo­ple took note. Lyndon Johnson went fur­ther and signed the sin­gle most impor­tant piece of leg­is­la­tion since the Emancipation procla­ma­tion and Blacks real­ly took notice.
Whites aban­doned the Democratic par­ty in droves and the die was cast.
And no please do not talk to me about the par­ty which freed the slaves. If it was­n’t expe­di­ent for Lincoln he would not have freed the slaves , but that’s a sep­a­rate con­ver­sa­tion for anoth­er day.

Lyndon Johnson knew that he would lose the south when he signed the civ­il rights bill into law, he did it anyway .
To date Democrats still can­not win the south. Southern states vote straight red.
The ques­tion is this.
What is it about Blacks hav­ing their God giv­en right to dig­ni­ty and self deter­mi­na­tion that so offend Republicans ?

Trump is fol­low­ing in a long line of Republican pres­i­den­tial hope­fuls who have dis­re­spect­ed Black Americans and fine-tuned the art of dis­re­spect of the com­mu­ni­ty into a ral­ly­ing cry and a white vote-get­ting part of their campaigns.
From Nixon to Reagan and even Herbert Walker Bush, not to men­tion the long list of failed “also ‑rans”>


Donald Trump has a his­to­ry of dis­dain and hatred of Black Americans, no one for­gets Trump’s full page ad, demand­ing the death penal­ty for four black youths and one Hispanic who were arrest­ed and even­tu­al­ly con­vict­ed for assault­ing and rap­ing a jog­ger in cen­tral park in 1989. The young men spent over 12 years in jail before a ser­i­al rapist con­fessed to the crime .

Trump spent upward of $85,000 in media adver­tis­ing between the New York Times , the Daily News, New York News Day and of course the New York Post.
In his dia­tribe against the young men,Donald Trump said quote ”I want to hate these mug­gers and mur­der­ers,” Mr. Trump wrote. ”They should be forced to suf­fer and, when they kill, they should be exe­cut­ed for their crimes.
The young men were 14 and 15 years of age at the time Donald J Trump want­ed them lynched, it nev­er occurred to him that they may have been inno­cent as they most cer­tain­ly were.
The Donald Trump of today still refer to Mexicans as rapists and mur­der­ers. It’s his modus operan­di, demean­ing peo­ple he believes are beneath him, or with whom he disagrees.

The central park 5 , now.
The cen­tral park 5 , now.

The Mayor of NYC Ed Koch said then, ”We must not con­fuse tough pun­ish­ment with hatred,” Mr. Koch respond­ed in a state­ment read by an assis­tant press sec­re­tary, Larry Simonberg. ”I think he’s on the wrong track. He has a right to express his opin­ion. He’s express­ing hatred and I’m express­ing anger. There’s a big dif­fer­ence. Nytimes​.com
Donald Trump is yet to apol­o­gize to the young men . Many peo­ple believed Trump’s racist ads poi­soned the jury pool result­ing in the guilty ver­dicts. Additionally crit­i­cal excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence was kept from lawyers defend­ing the teens.
Almost 13 years of their lives wast­ed away because of a hate­ful , venge­ful and igno­rant demagogue.

Donald Trump has not changed a thing about his atti­tude toward Blacks. With increas­ing inci­dents of Black men and women being mur­dered by police , Donald Trump took the deci­sion to state his unequiv­o­cal sup­port for police, with­out speak­ing to the ram­pant unjust and ille­gal killings by police.

In oth­er words Donald Trump wants police to con­tin­ue doing exact­ly what they are doing . In fact Trump has stat­ed that he wants police to have mil­i­tary weapons to bring inner city res­i­dents under control.
He has reori­ent­ed his polit­i­cal cam­paign brand­ing him­self the law-and-order candidate.
On Friday August 5th Hillary Clinton addressed a joint con­ven­tion of black and Hispanic jour­nal­ists, Donald J Trump who was invit­ed to attend decid­ed to skip the event. So too did he skip an invite from the NAACP and sev­er­al oth­er tra­di­tion­al Black organizations.
They were not wor­thy of his time.
How exact­ly does Donald Trump now pre­tend to want the Black vote?
Or does he?
Is Donald Trump mere­ly using black vot­ers to appear more rea­son­able to white edu­cat­ed sub­ur­ban Republican voters?

Protesters line up to protest police killing Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri.
Protesters line up to protest police killing Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri.

Joe Watkins a Republican who served under President George W Bush said Trump will not attract African America votes by telling blacks they have nowhere to go so they should vote for him. Watkins chid­ed Trump for refus­ing to deal with the issue of African American men and women los­ing their lives at the hands of the police.
Watkins went on to say that Trump has missed oppor­tu­ni­ty after oppor­tu­ni­ty includ­ing meet­ing with Mark Morreale of the National Urban League,The NAACP the Black and Hispanic Journalists and oth­er groups.
It’s great to see Watkins com­ing to his senses.
Donald J Trump does not give a rats ass about the Black vote , he is los­ing and los­ing bad­ly , that includes the edu­cat­ed mod­er­ate repub­li­cans he need if he is to have a chance of winning.
That’s not hap­pen­ing , he is des­per­ate and his rhetoric will only get more dis­joint­ed as elec­tion day draws closer.

police response to non-voilent protesters
police response to non-voilent protesters

Donald Trump’s response to the unprece­dent­ed amounts of blacks killed by police each year is to call for more dra­con­ian and tougher mea­sures against inner city res­i­dents. Trump wants mil­i­ta­rized police occu­py­ing American cities with the heels of their jack­boots on the necks of black Americans.
That’s Donald Trumps idea of mak­ing America great again . The prob­lem is that Donald Trump does not have enough angry, racist , xeno­pho­bic, misog­y­nist, whites to get him into the white house.
He is ask­ing Blacks to con­tribute to their own extinc­tion, at least in this country.

Former Breitbart boss Steven Bannon
Former Breitbart boss Steven Bannon

People are less inclined to be swayed by what oth­ers say and more about what they do. Even as Trump tries to mine black votes using crude entreaties ‚what is telling about who he is, is the com­pa­ny he keeps.
Rudolph Giuliani the for­mer Republican Mayor of New York city whose career as may­or impressed only some white new Yorkers and police. Giuliani divid­ed up the city pit­ting one race against the oth­er and using the police as his pri­vate army.


Newt Gingrich for­mer Republican speak­er of the house and long time race-baiter. Stephen Bannon, the for­mer Breitbart news exec­u­tive chair­man is now his cam­paign ceo. Breitbart news is some­thing of a far right, of the far right, as it relates to Republican talk­ing points rather than a cred­i­ble news entity.
These are only a few of the peo­ple Donald Trump has sur­round­ed him­self with, not exact­ly peo­ple who have the inter­est of Blacks at heart.

Even as Trump rais­es the rent for offices in Trump Towers, that his cam­paign rents from him­self, so too has Trumps Presidential run been about rais­ing his pro­file for his own gain.
Either way he will come out a win­ner , the polit­i­cal process will for­ev­er be scarred for Donald Trump’s candidacy.