The Republican Party allowed itself to be sold out to the far reach­es of kook-land. Now it has no idea how to find itself back to main­stream America, ques­tion is does it want to find itself back? The lat­est grouse they have is that no Republican was invit­ed to the 50th com­mem­o­ra­tion of the march on Washington. The kooks at Fox as usu­al will not allow truth to get in the way of their nar­ra­tive of lies.

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Sean Hannity:

The prob­lem with that , as with every­thing else which comes from their mouths ?.. It’s a lie. The two Presidents Bush were invit­ed, Jeb Bush was invit­ed. The impo­tent Speaker of the House John Boehner was invit­ed ‚Eric Cantor was invit­ed, so was every mem­ber of the Congress, yes the black-skinned Republican Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott was invit­ed. Everyone to a man, turned orga­niz­ers down . They turned their backs on black Americans, they turned their backs on the dream of Doctor King and they turned their backs on what the move­ment has meant for the pos­i­tive growth of America and the World. The race-baiters on FOX mis-infor­ma­tion did not even both­er to check before they start­ed their assault. The blovi­at­ing idiot Bill O’Reilly could­n’t con­tain him­self, he was telling every FOX lis­ten­er that no Black Republican was invit­ed. The only time hate-mon­gers of the Right have use for blacks is when they need us to make their fac­tu­al­ly defi­cient points.

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Bill Oreilly:

There is an almost para­dox­i­cal tragedy in the way infor­ma­tion gets dis­sem­i­nat­ed as a result of social media. Good infor­ma­tion gets spread rapid­ly and so does false­hoods. Many peo­ple who ought to know bet­ter ‚who claim to have the Black com­mu­ni­ty’s inter­est at heart, also buys into this hog-wash. It would be great just to take a few min­utes and check before you post some­thing so patent­ly false. When you spread false infor­ma­tion you do not help the black com­mu­ni­ty, you do the bid­ding of the ene­mies of the black community.

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Rush Limbaugh:

Many who claim that Doctor King was a Republican may have been right on that score. What they failed to tell you, or are them­selves igno­rant to, is the fact that the Republican Party’s Policies of today , are the Policies of the Democratic Party and the Dixie-crats 50 years ago. After President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, the vast major­i­ty of whites sym­pa­thet­ic to the Southern cause, hijacked the Republican Party.

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John Boehner:

I would like to dis­abuse those who argue that King was a Republican, of the notion that King could pos­si­bly be sym­pa­thet­ic to a par­ty which is clear­ly hos­tile to peo­ple of col­or. A par­ty which whole­sale turned it’s back on him and his work 50 years after he was tak­en out by ene­mies of his own peo­ple. The African-American has to do some pulling up of it’s boots-straps what it does not need are lec­tures from White Supremacists on the right. Self-serv­ing black-skinned Republicans have a right to be house Negros, it’s the rea­son Harriet Tubman car­ried a pis­tol. What we in the real black com­mu­ni­ty do not need is for Sean Hannity or Bill O’reilly to tell us who our lead­ers should be, or what actions we need to take to fix our prob­lems. We refuse to have our ene­mies devis­ing strat­e­gy for our community.

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Mitch Mcconnell

Lets get some­thing straight, the Republican Party of today is not the Party of Lincoln. This Republican Party is the the Party of Confederate seces­sion­ist,Jefferson Davis. Those on the left who con­tin­ue to talk about Republicans not reach­ing out to blacks are mak­ing a mock­ery of them­selves. The Right has done noth­ing but dis­re­spect , demean, and dem­a­gogue Blacks every oppor­tu­ni­ty they get. Word to the Left , get over it. The new Confederate Republican Party does not want blacks in their par­ty. African-Americans must grant them their wish, every inter­est group must grant them their wish.

Blacks .Hispanics. Latinos. Women. Gays. Lesbian. Transgenders. Arabs. Muslims. Asians. Native Americans. Unionized work­ers. Let’s see how well that Racist white men who can­not com­pete on a lev­el play­ing-field thing work for them.