Blacks Continue To Be Victims Of Domestic Terrorism Without Fighting Back…

It is stupid to ask when you already know the answer....
It is stu­pid to ask when you already know the answer.…

A few short days ago, nine peo­ple gath­ered togeth­er in the Sanctuary of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston South Carolina were uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly slaugh­tered by a sin­gle vile despi­ca­ble by-prod­uct of hate.
If we con­cen­trate on Dylann Storm Roof while we miss the smol­der­ing caul­dron of racial ani­mus lurk­ing dan­ger­ous­ly close just beneath the sur­face, those patri­ots would have died in vain. Let me be clear, there are large amounts of white Americans who have fought and died, oth­ers took extreme risks to fur­ther the cause of racial justice.
Even today we see our white broth­ers and sis­ters joined with us in grief at the wan­ton and cow­ard­ly loss of life in Charleston South Carolina.
Nevertheless, there is a stub­born and vio­lent under­bel­ly of hate which still per­sists in sec­tions of the white community.

This view is large­ly sus­tained by a con­stant diet of racist invec­tives fed them through local talk radio, which in some cas­es all but call for vio­lence against President Obama and black Americans.
FOX Television spews out a dai­ly a diet of anti-Obama, anti-black rhetoric with­out con­se­quence. Score one for free speech when it is not direct­ed at the Government structure.

As the grief sur­round­ing the mas­sacre of the Charleston nine start­ed to sink in, peo­ple of good-will began to coa­lesce around remov­ing the Confederate bat­tle flag from the grounds of the state house.
Immediately that start­ed hap­pen­ing, black church­es start­ed going up in flames across the south. In sev­en days six Churches have been burned to the ground. In the mean­time, Authorities twid­dle their thumbs won­der­ing aloud whether Arson is involved.
What do they believe is behind all of those Churches with large­ly black con­gre­ga­tions going up in flames?
See the sto­ry here.SIX black church­es stretch­ing from Georgia to Ohio are burned down in sev­en days: Fears of tide of ‘racist’ vio­lence as three are con­firmed as arson Read more: http://​www​.dai​ly​mail​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​3​1​4​2​8​1​7​/​S​t​r​i​n​g​-​s​u​s​p​e​c​t​e​d​-​a​r​s​o​n​-​a​t​t​a​c​k​s​-​S​I​X​-​b​l​a​c​k​-​c​h​u​r​c​h​e​s​-​s​t​r​e​t​c​h​i​n​g​-​G​e​o​r​g​i​a​-​O​h​i​o​-​b​u​r​n​e​d​-​s​i​n​g​l​e​-​w​eek.

Every single Racist knows the Confederate flag has squat to do wit heritage and everything to do with ignorance and hatred. Even it was heritage it is ignorant hatred.
Every sin­gle Racist knows the Confederate flag has squat to do with her­itage, and every­thing to do with igno­rance and hatred.
Even if it was her­itage, it would be a dumb igno­rant heritage.

A few weeks ago two con­vict­ed mur­der­ers escaped from a sup­posed max­i­mum secu­ri­ty prison upstate New York. The search for the two fugi­tives end­ed two days ago with the cap­ture of one after his col­league was shot and killed two days earlier.
The Task-Force ded­i­cat­ed to the cap­ture of the two fugi­tives report­ed­ly com­prised of over a thou­sand law-enforce­ment offi­cials from sev­er­al Agencies com­ing togeth­er to bring an end to the flight of the two escaped convicts.
To date, we have not seen the same effort ded­i­cat­ed to find­ing the Arsonists engaged in the burn­ing of the six places of worship .…..
Barack Obama as head of the Executive Branch of Government has the pow­er and Authority to use the full force of the American Federal Government to squash the per­pe­tra­tors of these Acts of Domestic Terrorism.
As the 4th of July approach­es the FBI warned local law enforce­ment agen­cies to look out for acts of ter­ror­ism against Americans. As they look for Terror com­ing from peo­ple with Arabic sound­ing names, acts of domes­tic ter­ror­ism con­tin­ue to be per­pe­trat­ed against African American peo­ple by peo­ple with Euro-cen­tric sound­ing names yet there are no alarm bells.

Bombings shootings, Arson murder, blacks have been subjected to terror in their own communities for ever...
Bombings, Shootings, Arson, mur­der, Blacks have been sub­ject­ed to ter­ror in their own com­mu­ni­ties forever…

The burn­ing of African-American Churches has been a tra­di­tion­al ter­ror weapon for the Ku Klux Klan and oth­er ter­ror groups, this time is no dif­fer­ent. The fact is they do it because they know they will not be held account­able. For decades cow­ard­ly white ter­ror­ists have used Bombings, Arson, lynch­ings on the Black Population, even as Blacks cow­er in fear hid­ing behind Bibles and platitudes.
As long as Black peo­ple cow­er in fear clutch­ing their Bibles in Prayer, they will con­tin­ue to be vic­tims of this back­wa­ter tribe of Ignorant terrorists.
Nowhere in the Bible is there any teach­ing of allow­ing ones-self to be slaughtered.
Christians are liv­ing in a fool’s par­adise if they believe sim­ply com­plain­ing and cow­er­ing in vic­tim-hood will solve their prob­lems. God com­mand­ed Moses to get up from his knees and use what he had as the Children of Israel faced the red sea and Pharaoh’s fast approach­ing Army to their backs.
Christians, if pray­ing is all you do it’s not enough.
The Bible teach­es us to watch and pray…
It is high time for Night Riders of the Klan and any oth­er ter­ror­ists cloaked in secre­cy and the cov­er of dark­ness to face seri­ous con­se­quences when they ride up to burn our Churches.

As I have warned before ter­ror­ists are right here among us, they do not always speak Arabic as some would have you believe. Never be caught say­ing ” I nev­er thought it could hap­pen here” > If it can hap­pen there, it can hap­pen here, it can hap­pen anywhere.
Every Christian Congregation must be on watch for the ter­ror­ists with Guns who would come in and kill us as we pray.
Yet every one of us must be a sol­dier in defense of our Christian prin­ci­ples, our faith, and yes our places of worship.
Being per­pet­u­al vic­tims is not a solution…
Every Generation of Black Americans must pick up the American flag and defend their home­land, not just pulling out cell-phones to record hate, but be active cit­i­zens stand­ing firm as patri­ots in this the land their ances­tors occu­pied before Christopher Columbus hap­pened upon these shores.