Black Women Adopting A Dangerous Posture That Is Antithetical To The Family…

Yesterday the entire Western world was in a fren­zied Tizzy, it was moth­ers day. Sure moth­ers deserve all of the acco­lades they can get, after all, us men have no idea what it feels like to have anoth­er human being grow­ing inside us for the bet­ter part of nine months and some­times beyond.
Of course, Father’s day is not too far off, it is usu­al­ly cel­e­brat­ed on the third Sunday of June in America.
Fathers need not antic­i­pate much, in gen­er­al, there is fathers day des­ig­na­tion just for the sake of par­i­ty.
To the peo­ple who had lov­ing car­ing moms and mom­my fig­ures, it is a won­der­ful feel­ing to just lay and put your head in her lap and just feel the trou­bles of the world dis­solve away for a while.
Me, I did not have a moth­er in my life but I sure had a moth­er fig­ure in the form of my great aunt who was bet­ter than a lot of real moms, includ­ing mine of course.
And so as we reflect on the day that the west­ern world has set aside to rec­og­nize moth­ers, I can­not help but make a few observations.

Oprah Winfrey’s school for girls, is sup­posed to address gen­der inequal­i­ty but it is a school only for girls.

Why is there a need to have a war between the gen­ders? I mean it may be nean­derthal of me to sug­gest that God cre­at­ed the sex­es with roles which are clear­ly defined right? No one is deny­ing that if the moth­er dies or is oth­er­wise out of the pic­ture the father can­not fill both roles to the best of his abil­i­ties? Nevertheless, he can be the best father he can be, and he can fill the role of a moth­er as well, but he can­not be a moth­er. So too is it true when fathers are absent from the equa­tion, moth­ers are pressed into dou­ble duty. And regard­less of the hero­ic work moth­ers do, they can­not be fathers, so could we please put that the­o­ry to rest.
The con­stant fem­i­nist bat­ter­ing of the drums of sep­a­ra­tion between the sex­es does noth­ing to engen­der lov­ing rela­tion­ships in our homes and com­mu­ni­ties. When we cre­ate those divi­sions we are by default tear­ing down our societies.

The idea that love is best encap­su­lat­ed in a fem­i­nine wrap­per, man­i­fest­ed in the wip­ing of snooty drool and chang­ing dia­pers over the mas­cu­line go-get­ter who risks life and limb to pro­vide for his fam­i­ly is the most absurd and sim­plis­tic inter­pre­ta­tion of love. 

Inherent in that con­tra­dic­tion, is man’s refusal to stand up and defend the male gen­der choos­ing instead to go along to get along.
And so we find that even those who pro­fess to care about gen­der inequal­i­ty are the biggest hyp­ocrites when it comes to their actions on gen­der issues.
Everywhere you turn these days in the black com­mu­ni­ty there is no short­age of bit­ter-butch self-pro­claimed life coach­es offer­ing to give advice on how to live with­out men(for a fee of course). 

This sub­ject is far deep­er than the obvi­ous war of the sex­es
The scrip­tures say; for we wres­tle not with flesh and blood, but with prin­ci­pal­i­ties and pow­ers and spir­i­tu­al wicked­ness in high places. The pow­er of dark­ness, (Satan) has con­vinced humans that Gods ways are sil­ly, remem­ber God placed the man over the house­hold to lead in love and with dis­ci­pline.
So the west­ern world ele­vates and places women in charge and places a counter-cul­ture upon us which is designed to fur­ther the cause of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty /​Lesbianism while degrad­ing the fam­i­ly struc­ture designed by God.
At the fore­front of this tox­ic gen­der war, there seem to be black women act­ing as van­guards. ‘We don’t need no man, we can do for our­selves”.
The sad real­i­ty is that black women are forced to do for them­selves as a result of (a)powerful forces big­ger than themselves,(b) their own poor deci­sion mak­ing.
The sys­temic break­ing up of the black fam­i­ly from slav­ery, through chat­tel like treat­ment of our peo­ple, a‑la sell­ing mem­bers of one fam­i­ly to far off estates, rapes, and sodomy, etc.
Also the re-enslave­ment of black males in the peri­od called recon­struc­tion, the sys­temic re-enslave­ment of black males by way of laws and ordi­nances which strate­gi­cal­ly tar­gets them, the prison indus­tri­al com­plex today and laws which make it impos­si­ble for black men to get their lives togeth­er after the sys­tem has crim­i­nal­ized them.
These are only a few of the issues which have made it dif­fi­cult for black men to be in their chil­dren’s lives in America.
In all of that, black women have to own their own per­son­al fail­ings when it comes to their choic­es of mates.
The birds require cer­tain stan­dards from the males of their species before mat­ing, what say you?

That black women would be blind to this, or even sub­scribe to this the­o­ry is remark­able, con­sid­er­ing that every study shows that where there are no fathers in the home chil­dren do poor­ly and are at greater risk of fail­ing in life and end­ing up in prison.
That is check­mate for the white pow­er struc­ture.
White women may be hav­ing chil­dren out of wed­lock to some degree, as oth­er eth­nic groups are, but their choic­es are hard­ly the result of any deep anti-male resent­ment. They want chil­dren, they may just not be ready to com­mit to mar­riage, but you best believe that their chil­dren have fathers in their lives.
If you can remove the black male, ren­der him incon­se­quen­tial to his woman, the bat­tle to degrade the race is all but over.

This Article could very well be the pro­logue to a book. I feel strong­ly enough about this sub­ject that I could lit­er­al­ly pro­duce a book on this sub­ject.
Nevertheless, I will be mind­ful that my read­ers may not be inter­est­ed in an elon­gat­ed essay on this top­ic in this par­tic­u­lar forum, so self-con­trol is in order.