Black Woman Yells “I’m Pregnant” Before Cop Shoots Her 5 Times

In what can only be seen as the most shock­ing and reck­less dis­re­gard for human life, a Texas race-sol­dier oth­er­wise called a (cop), mur­dered a sup­pos­ed­ly preg­nant African-American woman.
I have seen a lot of video record­ings of unnec­es­sary and uncalled for police use of dead­ly force in America, includ­ing the killing of Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice, on and on and on.….
None has been more graph­ic than this inci­dent in which this female was mur­dered by a cow­ard­ly punk of a cop.
Here is the sto­ry as report­ed by (BlackPressUSA).

Pamela Turner, 44, was shot dead by a Baytown, Texas, police officer Monday night, May 13, 2019. Turner is described as having a history of mental illness and may have been pregnant at the time of her death.

Pamela Turner, 44, was shot dead by a Baytown, Texas, police offi­cer Monday night, May 13, 2019. Turner is described as hav­ing a his­to­ry of men­tal ill­ness and may have been preg­nant at the time of her death.

By Mo Barnes, RollingOut​.com

Once again, a shock­ing police shoot­ing caught on video is caus­ing out­rage. Pamela Turner, 44, was shot dead by a Baytown, Texas, police offi­cer Monday night, May 13, 2019. Turner is described as hav­ing a his­to­ry of men­tal ill­ness and may have been preg­nant at the time of her death. Turner was walk­ing around The Brixton Apartments around 10:40 p.m., accord­ing to local media out­let KPRC 2 News. That is when an uniden­ti­fied Baytown offi­cer rec­og­nized her from pri­or encoun­ters. According to a Baytown Police depart­ment spokesper­son, Turner had out­stand­ing war­rants for her arrest. The war­rants were for two charges of crim­i­nal mis­chief and anoth­er for assault result­ing in bod­i­ly injury. The offi­cer attempt­ed to detain her, and a strug­gle ensued. According to a neigh­bor of Turner’s, she had com­plained about being harassed by this offi­cer in the past.

During the course of the attempt­ed arrest, the female began strug­gling with the offi­cer, which forced the offi­cer to deploy his Taser,” Baytown Police Lt. Steve Dorris said in a state­ment to the media. “That deploy­ment was not effec­tive, and the female was able to get the officer’s Taser away from him. (She) actu­al­ly tased the offi­cer, which forced the offi­cer to draw his duty weapon and fire mul­ti­ple rounds at the suspect.”The encounter was cap­tured by an unknown bystander and lat­er uploaded to social media. In the video, Turner is seen protest­ing and resist­ing the offi­cer. The offi­cer does, in fact, uses his Taser, and she is heard to yell “I’m preg­nant” as she con­tin­ues to strug­gle. A few moments lat­er, the offi­cer draws his ser­vice weapon and fires five shots at a prone Turner. She was pro­nounced dead at the scene. 

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Residents told KPRC 2 that Turner was a res­i­dent of the apart­ment com­plex and fre­quent­ly walked late at night to smoke cig­a­rettes or walk her dogs. Turner’s sis­ter, Antoinette, stat­ed that she was a moth­er of two adult chil­dren and a grand­moth­er to three​.At this time, the offi­cer who shot Turner has been placed on paid admin­is­tra­tive leave pend­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion into the shoot­ing. The police are also try­ing to locate the per­sonwho filmed the shoot­ing and uploaded the con­tent to social media. Police will not con­firm if Turner was preg­nant until an autop­sy is completed. 

Maurice “Mo” Barnes is a grad­u­ate of Morehouse College and Political Scientist based in Atlanta. Mo is also a Blues musi­cian. He has been writ­ing for Rolling Out since 2014. Whether it means walk­ing through a bloody police shoot­ing to help a fam­i­ly find jus­tice or show­ing the mul­ti­fac­eted tal­ent of the Black Diaspora I write the news. This arti­cle orig­i­nal­ly appeared in RollingOut​.com.