I never could quite put my finger on exactly what it was about the Vermont United States, Senator Bernie Sanders which scares the s**t out of me.
Maybe it is his dogged pursuit of the presidency even at the age of 78. It just seems too narcissistic, and overly ambitious to me. Maybe it is because his one claim to fame is that he marched with Doctor King. Or maybe it’s the fact that he did not stand up for his state’s only black female lawmaker, state Rep. Kiah Morris, who stepped aside due to racist threats against her and her family.
Morris wrote that political discourse had become “divisive, inflammatory and at times, even dangerous.”
One white supremacist even threatened her life. Morris and her attorney have accused the local police of not responding adequately to her concerns. Despite being an elected official, she told the newspaper, “I couldn’t even find the protection and the justice that my family deserves.” She called the situation “stunning,” according to (NPR).
It may also be that Bernie Sanders a Brooklyn Jew, one of those who never fail to remind us of the holocaust, opposes reparations for African-Americans who forcibly gave free service to America, arguably for hundreds of years.
With all of that, I may very well have been wrong about Bernie Sanders. After all, his seeming obsession with a couple of issues at the expense of others may be just the way socialists are.
But then during a question and answer session at a Historically Black College and University, Benedict College on Saturday, a young black man, a student, asked the Senator how he should handle getting pulled over by a police officer.
In typical whiteness, the senator and presidential candidate responded; “respect what they are doing, so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head.”
This response though incredibly ignorant, fully explains how white people simplistically and dismissively see the murders and assaults on black people as not the fault of the racist monsters in uniform, but that of the victims themselves.
Because of course, all of the innocent Black people who have been stopped and murdered by police, from Philando Castille who was murdered while driving with his fiancé and stepchild, to Michael Bell who was murdered by NYPD uniformed killers on the very day he was to be married, did cause their own deaths.
We do understand that slavery as an institution persisted somewhere between 246 and 400-years in America because of the lack of character and decency by not just those who owned slaves, but by whites who did not.
Most whites did not own slaves, but those who didn’t, did not care that their fellow humans were held in servitude against their will.
As long as it wasn’t them being treated that way they did not care. That ought to put to rest the alternative fact[sic] idea, that it was their goodness which caused slavery to be abolished, it wasn’t.
The fact that a candidate running for the Democratic nomination in 2019 could offer up a solution as infantile as the one Sanders did, on the seminal issue which plagues blacks, the base of the Democrat party, is rather telling.
For as long as this country has existed as a nation, and even before, black people have borne the brunt of abuse from white people.
Let us stop pussyfooting around this issue. We have victims and we have perpetrators.
White people do not get to hide or dictate how we speak about this issue, or whether we speak about it at all. From the plantations to slave patrols, to what we now know as policing, black Americans have been hounded abused and murdered, and it persists today.
Show me your papers!
Let me see your ID!
It’s all the same thing.
Bernie Sanders believes that all Black people have to do is to continue to bow down to their oppressors who abuse and kill them under the color of law. I wonder whether he would have had the same advice for the practicing Jews to Hitler’s assault?
On second thought, I know he would not. You see, in the same way, Sanders does not believe reparations which are owed a million times over and with interest, should be paid to African-Americans, why would he care whether they are murdered by police?
It is for those reasons that black voters should tell Bernie Sanders to go to hell.