Black Voters Must Assert Themselves By Taking Over The Party…

Not too long ago I wrote about the fact that the Democratic par­ty and the mod­er­ates who run it, still cling to the mis­guid­ed idea that they can con­tin­ue to be Republican-lite and still hold togeth­er the var­ied mosa­ic coali­tion which now defines the par­ty.
For a long time, the Democratic par­ty strad­dled the fence on social issues, by avoid­ing the lib­er­al label, man­ag­ing to win nation­al office, but los­ing bad­ly to Republicans at the state and local lev­els.
Not stand­ing up for social jus­tice as the par­ty should, even as the Republican par­ty has made clear that it stands opposed to any kind of social jus­tice and con­sol­i­dates itself into a white peo­ple’s polit­i­cal par­ty.
The rise of Donald Trump to take over what was left of the par­ty trans­formed by Newt Gingrich, and the silent acqui­es­cence of the whipped into shape remain­der of the elect­ed Republicans, made it clear that the Republican par­ty is now a white pow­er party. 


The truth is that many Democratic strate­gists and talk­ing heads have missed the signs just as bad­ly as the politi­cians have.
The old coali­tion of so-called blue-col­lar work­ers, code for (une­d­u­cat­ed whites), which formed the core of the old Democratic par­ty, has been shat­tered by the pow­er of tar­get­ed strate­gies bankrolled by bil­lion­aires like Charles and David Koch.
In States like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan assaults against Unions by bought and paid for Republican politi­cians like Scott Walker, who was recent­ly defeat­ed in Wisconsin, and Rick Snyder in Michigan, all but ren­dered the unions pow­er­less as states under Republican lead­er­ship adopt right to work laws which evis­cer­at­ed the unions.

As the polit­i­cal land­scape con­tin­ues to shift, many of those so-called blue-col­lar work­ers have moved on to the Republican par­ty which has sold them a bill of goods based on the col­or of their skin.
For the most part iden­ti­ty pol­i­tics have tak­en over for those vot­ers, even though their inter­est is more aligned with the poli­cies of the Democratic par­ty.
White iden­ti­ty pol­i­tics present a stronger pull than the pock­et­book needs these vot­ers had which were bet­ter addressed by Democratic policies.


If I said it once, I must have said it a thou­sand times, the Republican par­ty has clear­ly defined lines of demar­ca­tion. The Democratic par­ty bleeds vot­ers to Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein and every oth­er fly-by-night who comes along because pro­gres­sives who once sup­port­ed the Democratic par­ty no longer wants a tepid par­ty which is still search­ing for its own iden­ti­ty.
Yet the par­ty still strug­gles with its mes­sag­ing, even after Ralph Nader gave us George Bush and Bernie Sanders gave us Donald Trump, the Democratic par­ty and its bone­head­ed strate­gists still cling to the idea that the par­ty needs to stick with cen­trist wishy-washy pol­i­cy posi­tions.
Television talk­ing heads who are unable to read the tea leaves yap about the need for the par­ty to main­tain a cen­trist posi­tion, despite the clear and deci­sive upset win in New York by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the rise of Stacy Abrams in Georgia, Andrew Gillum’s and Beto Orourke’s near win in Florida and Texas respec­tive­ly, but most of all the repu­di­a­tion of Claire McCaskill in Missouri.

The Democratic par­ty today has as its most loy­al base African-Americans, who con­tin­ue to vote in over­whelm­ing num­bers in sup­port of Democratic can­di­dates wher­ev­er they are. Including in the ruby red state of Alabama.
Yet the par­ty has failed to address the needs of its most loy­al base. Something no one could ever accuse Republicans of doing.
Despite the soci­etal and social ills which con­front the African-American com­mu­ni­ty, police vio­lence and abuse, pover­ty, hous­ing, and lend­ing dis­crim­i­na­tion and the long list of mal­adies asso­ci­at­ed with being black in America, the par­ty has remained silent as “Black lives mat­ter” has been cast in the media as a pseu­do-ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion.
Still, the par­ty fail to under­stand why the likes of for­mer Starbucks CEO, bil­lion­aire, Howard Schultz would see an open­ing which gives him the idea he could be the next bil­lion­aire President(assum­ing that Trump is).
Democrats are com­plain­ing that Schultz would inex­orably siphon off votes from them osten­si­bly hand­ing a sec­ond term to Donald Trump.
How about posi­tion­ing the par­ty in a clear direc­tion, so that the likes of Schultz see no open­ing to run for pres­i­dent and more impor­tant­ly sup­port your base.
How about not hav­ing to beg peo­ple not to run?

In a recent arti­cle, the New York Times con­tend­ed that the Democratic can­di­dates have all expressed sor­row for posi­tions they took in the past as the diverse coali­tion which makes up the par­ty is far less for­giv­ing of can­di­dates who do not under­stand their com­plex needs.
Despite the clear lurch to the right the Republican par­ty has tak­en, the Democratic par­ty still mean­ders along as the par­ty which isn’t the Republican par­ty. Devoid of char­ac­ter, devoid of a clear iden­ti­ty.
Recent reports indi­cate that because of the clear pro­gres­sive stance many new house mem­bers and state rep­re­sen­ta­tives have tak­en, for­mer vice pres­i­dent Joe Biden is still weigh­ing whether he can mount a viable can­di­da­cy for the nom­i­na­tion of his par­ty.
Real Democratic vot­ers do not want a wishy-washy Republican-lite par­ty. They need a polit­i­cal par­ty which rep­re­sents their interest.