Black Skin Color Weaponized.


Black Lives Matter activists gath­ered to protest what they say is once again the egre­gious killing of an unarmed hand­cuffed Black man by Police in Minneapolis were fired on alleged­ly by white Supremacists, or by peo­ple opposed to them stand­ing up for their rights.
Before we talk about this any fur­ther it is impor­tant to pause and rec­og­nize that we are not talk­ing about the unlaw­ful killing of an unarmed Black man which pre­cip­i­tat­ed the protest.
We have now moved to talk­ing about Police killing unarmed hand­cuffed Black men.
Demonstrators have set up a camp out­side the Minneapolis Police Department’s 4th Precinct to protest the fatal police shoot­ing of a black man. Police say they shot Jamar Clark in the head because he inter­fered with para­medics who were treat­ing his girlfriend.

A protestor holding a sign saying "Stop Murder by Police"
A pro­tes­tor hold­ing a sign say­ing “Stop Murder by Police”

The Police know­ing that this is inde­fen­si­ble argues that he was not cuffed at the time he was shot in the head.
They no longer have to defend the fact that a Black man is unarmed any­more the con­ver­sa­tion has moved on.
Black skin col­or has been weaponized and accept­ed so. Police are well with­in their rights to kill a Black per­son sole­ly on the basis of his/​her skin col­or and there is no debate any­more about weapons.
It’s impor­tant to note just how far the goal-post have been moved by the Supreme Court, the low­er courts and the Mainstream Media to accom­mo­date police mur­der. We are no longer talk­ing about the unmit­i­gat­ed wrong of police offi­cers killing unarmed peo­ple that’s accept­able now, the debate is how to get away with killing peo­ple while they are in handcuffs.

Reports of the inci­dent in Minneapolis indi­cate that Ambulances did not show up until fif­teen min­utes after being called that at least 5 peo­ple have been shot.
the Newyorktimes​.com reports Some wit­ness­es said on Twitter that they had been sprayed with Mace by the police fol­low­ing the shooting.
Some are the­o­ris­ing that the shoot­ers may actu­al­ly have been Police wear­ing ski masks. Protesters said the three men have been show­ing up at the ral­lies film­ing the events and act­ing oth­er­wise shady. This caused them enough con­cern to assign peo­ple to keep an eye on the men.

One thing is clear now as was clear dur­ing the six­ties when King and oth­ers marched for social jus­tice Activists are fight­ing white suprema­cists not just clad in sheets and ski masks but in police uniforms.
It is impor­tant not to for­get that along with that dan­ger is the insti­tu­tion­al­ized sav­agery of white suprema­cy which is deeply and indeli­bly entrenched with­in the sys­tem includ­ing but not con­fined to ambu­lances not show­ing up with dis­patch to deal with the demands of injured victims.

A quilt of unarmed people of color killed by police
A quilt of unarmed peo­ple of col­or killed by police

Irrespective of what 24 year-old Jamar Clark did or did not do the ques­tion must be cen­tered on whether it war­rant­ed him being shot in the head cuffed or not?
We have seen this script before in Ferguson Missouri in the shoot­ing of Michael Brown. Shot from a dis­tance away when the cop had all the time to react with­out resort­ing to lethal and dead­ly force. But it did not mat­ter he knew there would be no con­se­quence to him for killing Michael Brown.
The voice of the peo­ple alarmed the sys­tem so Michael Brown became a vicious beast which need­ed to be put down.
It is accept­able for one’s past trans­gres­sions to deter­mine whether police see fit to inflict cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment on the spot in America now.

♦ Institutionalized Racism at the cen­ter of these immoral killings.
♦Institutionalized Racism at the cen­ter of med­ical response.
♦ Institutionalized Racism at the cen­ter of Police aggres­sion even after the shootings.
♦ Institutionalized racism embold­ened the shooters.
♦ Institutionalized Racism will impact the Investigation.
♦ Institutionalized Racism cor­rodes the Courts sys­tem which makes it impos­si­ble for Blacks to get Justice, par­tic­u­lar­ly at state levels.
♦ Institutionalized Racism in the report­ing of events.
♦Institutionalized Racism in the medi­a’s nar­ra­tive on the aforementioned .
♦ Institutionalized Racism con­tin­ues the insid­i­ous tox­ic can­cer which con­tin­ues to eat away at the foun­da­tion of this nation.
Because one set of peo­ple want to have rights and guar­an­tees no one else should.

This seri­ous prob­lem is not just a prob­lem on American soil it shapes opin­ions and per­cep­tions about America on the International stage.
In the mean­time the Right wing fas­cists run­ning for the Presidency riles up the most vile racist xeno­pho­bic ele­ments of their base against every­one not a white Anglo-Saxon.
I won­der how they plan on Governing the mess they are creating ?
Already things are get­ting quite com­pli­cat­ed around the Globe adding fuel to the fire hard­ly seem like a smart strat­e­gy but they have dived in head­first advo­cat­ing for more of what got us to this point, we shall see.