Up Up Yea Mighty Race

Hey Black-America, how about we con­sid­er some of these things simul­ta­ne­ous­ly as we demand change in our police departments.
Hey about we.…..»
♦Start read­ing and keep­ing abreast of what’s happening?
♦Stop spend­ing all our mon­ey on goods and ser­vices with busi­ness­es which does not care about us, and in some cas­es are open­ly hos­tile and dis­re­spect­ful to us?
♦Send our kids to school and mak­ing sure we fol­low up on their progress so that the sys­tem does not get the impres­sion they don’t matter?
♦Stop com­mit­ting crimes?
♦Stop allow­ing our­selves to be immersed sole­ly in things which are entertainment?
♦Save and pur­chase property?
♦Start, oper­at­ing and sup­port­ing oth­er black businesses?
♦Stop allow­ing oth­er peo­ple to tell us who our lead­ers should be?
♦Stop fight­ing among ourselves?
♦Stop hat­ing each other?
♦Stop killing each other?
♦Start cre­at­ing and sup­port­ing com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions which empow­er and pro­tect our peo­ple from the kinds of abuse we are speak­ing about , a- la police abuse?
♦Stop deal­ing drugs?
♦Stop deal­ing drugs to your own people?
I know some of you will take issue, argu­ing that oth­er races do the same things black peo­ple do.
News flash , I don’t give a Rat’s behind about oth­er races, I am talk­ing about fix­ing ourselves.
No one will respect us if we do not respect and empow­er ourselves.
The rea­son our peo­ple are being killed may be summed up in one word.
People do not respect us.
Because in far too many instances we do not RESPECT ourselves.
So what are we going to do people?
We’ve tried marching.
We’ve tried the courts , they do not work for us!
So what now?
Are we going to sit by and watch the states kill our chil­dren and do noth­ing about it ?
scenes which greeted marchers from Ferguson to Jefferson city
scenes which greet­ed marchers from Ferguson to Jefferson city
We should nev­er lose sight of the fact that Police Departments are armed Arms of the States in which they operate.
We talk about Police as if Police Departments are oper­at­ing in a vacuum.
Governors and State Legislators hide and wait for protest and pub­lic out­cry to dis­si­pate, die down and go away.
They are the ones who give Police offi­cers these wide unbri­dled pow­ers to break the back of minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties and fill jail cells.
Town and local munic­i­pal­i­ties cre­ate quo­tas which pres­sure police to be aggressive.
scenes which greeted marchers from Ferguson to Jefferson city
scenes which greet­ed marchers from Ferguson to Jefferson city

Police offi­cers have con­fid­ed in me that their brass open­ly tell them not to cul­ti­vate mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships with the minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ty, they should just write tick­ets and keep it moving.
When you refuse to get up off your rear end vote and make sure you are heard , oth­er peo­ple who do not like you make the rules for you.
You allows local, state and fed­er­al can­di­dates who run on tough on crime plat­forms to win, who then give police unmit­i­gat­ed pow­er to abuse and kill you.
When they talk about being tough on crime they are talk­ing about you and me. They are not talk­ing about lock­ing up their own children.
As we look at police sys­tem­at­ic abuse and mur­der of our chil­dren, broth­ers, sis­ters, moth­ers, fathers, aunts, cousins, uncles and our neigh­bors, we must hold these lead­ers responsible.
Police do what they are told to do, they can­not go out and enforce laws which do not exists. 
As this firestorm rages, how many of you have heard a word from the folks in Albany New York?

scenes which greeted marchers from Ferguson to Jefferson city
scenes which greet­ed marchers from Ferguson to Jefferson city

Cuomo have made some com­ments from the side of his mouth,have you heard any­thing from Sheldon Silver and the oth­ers who wield pow­er Albany, Jefferson city, Jersey city, Tallahassee, and state cap­i­tals around the country ?
Those of you in New York State, do you even know who Sheldon Silver is?

For gen­er­a­tions the American Black allowed him­self to be conned into believ­ing if he stayed in his place, main­tain the order he would get his just due.
The ene­mies of jus­tice even dress up some black mon­keys and feed them well. Then they ask them whether things are right with them?
What do you believe those lit­tle black mon­keys answer?
Yes mas­sa we is good gud suh, you is mighty good to us suh”
How can there be order if there is no justice.
Many do not want justice.
They want Order
Order guar­an­tees the sta­tus quo.
Order guar­an­tees their lives of privilege.
Maybe it’s time to upend the order.
They want you to remain silent, they want you to just go away. They don’t want you to grieve when their goons mur­der your sons and daughters.
Many years ago I com­ment­ed to my wife that we were going to see some neg­a­tive con­se­quences to the way we as black peo­ple are liv­ing. I believe the Obama Presidency has been the fuse which lit the Molotov-cock­tail of sim­mer­ing resent­ment and hate. A white-lash if you will.
Just under half of the vot­ing pop­u­la­tion did not vote for President Barack Obama. These are those who call them­selves Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians and Tea-Party supporters.The vast major­i­ty of them are white Anglo-Saxon, une­d­u­cat­ed and absolute­ly igno­rant. The images marchers encoun­tered on their way to Jefferson City this week , are the very same igno­rant back­woods types of the 40’s,50’s and 60’s. Decades have passed, Racists atti­tudes fueled by igno­rance still persists.
In order for us to move beyond these ebbs and flows of the blood of our young men we have to adopt some bet­ter prac­tices like the ones I out­lined. No one will do for us what we ought to be doing for ourselves.
The first order of busi­ness how­ev­er is that you stand up and claim your coun­try. This is your coun­try. You are not a stranger in your own land. When they talk about the coun­try their fore-fathers built .
Stand up and tell the world they built it on the blood, sweat and tears and on the backs of your fore-fathers and mothers.
When they talk about their chris­t­ian pil­grims and Columbus’s hero­ics, rub­bish their lies with facts about the moors who Columbus came and saw here liv­ing side by side with the native Indians.
When they talk about their fore-fathers being reli­gious refugees remind them they were the scum of Europe emp­tied from the jails and sent here.
Remind them that the inher­ent evil vis­it­ed on your ances­tors are a direct result of the mur­der­ers Europe dumped here up to the end of the civ­il war.
Mass-mur­der­ers, Rapists, Drunks, the refuse of Europe’s pris­ons dumped onto the backs of our fore-parents.
Do not won­der at the sav­agery. They are savages.