Black Pastor Now “woke” After Police Encounter.…..

As a fol­low­er of Jesus Christ, I find it remark­able that one of the great­est weak­ness­es of the mod­ern Christian Church, and the Black church, in par­tic­u­lar, is its fail­ure to con­nect faith to every­day life.
In the inter­est of full dis­clo­sure, I am not a the­olo­gian, nei­ther am I for­mal­ly edu­cat­ed in Christian teach­ings.
Nevertheless, it seems to me that if we pur­port to be fol­low­ers of Jesus Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah) the per­son from whom our faith is named, then we ought to rec­og­nize that stand­ing around in pious sup­pli­ca­tion, heads to the heav­en, beg­ging for God to do for us what he already empow­ered us to do for our­selves is being sil­ly, to say the least.

Paul speak­ing, in Philippians 4: 13, I can do all things through Christ who strength­ens me.
Speaking to his dis­ci­ples Yeshua said in Matthews 17: 20, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mus­tard seed, you can say to this moun­tain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impos­si­ble for you.“
Now I nev­er intend­ed for this brief arti­cle to be a reli­gious ser­mon, I’m no Pastor or min­is­ter of the faith. However, as I said ear­li­er I see Christian Pastors preach­ing pie in the sky ser­mons that may be okay if you are dying today, but if you have to live here on earth you bet­ter take your life and that of your chil­dren into your own hands for your own sur­vival.
In every mir­a­cle, Yeshua demon­strat­ed that the recip­i­ent of that mir­a­cle had it in them to do for them­selves using a com­bi­na­tion of faith and works. (Simply put, it is not mag­ic, but faith made pos­si­ble through works).
Fill the jars with water, as he wrought his very first mir­a­cle. Stretch forth your hand to the man born with a crooked arm. To the lep­er, “Go show your­self to the Priest”. Pick up thy bed and walk. Go wash thy­self in the riv­er.
On and on we see the mir­a­cles hap­pen as the recip­i­ents par­tic­i­pat­ed in their own heal­ing by doing what they were told to do.
In Matthew 8:13, with an abun­dance of faith that Yeshua could heal his ser­vant, a Roman cen­tu­ri­on went to the mas­ter for help.
Knowing his faith Yeshua said to him, “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee”.
The cen­tu­ri­on turned and went home, and so it was done, his ser­vant was healed.
Even the dead got up to his com­mand“Lazarus, come forth”, he com­mand­ed and the dead Lazarus got up walked out of the tomb.

A Black Christian Pastor in the deep American Southern state of Mississippi trav­el­ing with his infant son got pulled over by the police.
The cops asked per­mis­sion to search his vehi­cle which he cor­rect­ly denied. That did not pre­vent them from order­ing him from his vehi­cle leav­ing his 2‑year-old infant son in the back­seat as one cop pro­ceed­ed to search his vehi­cle with­out his con­sent.
All this time while his infant son was sleep­ing in the car. The cop search­ing the vehi­cle did not notice the baby until the poor infant sneezed. They were too busy look­ing for some­thing, any­thing, with which to nail this black man who was dri­ving a so-called lux­u­ry vehi­cle, because as you know, the only way black peo­ple in American can own prop­er­ty or nice cars is if they are drug deal­ers.
So they allowed the pas­tor to retrieve his son from the vehi­cle, but not even the sleep­ing child and his protes­ta­tions that he was a man of the cloth did any­thing to dis­suade the cop search­ing to say “okay we are done here”.
All the while he was there lit­er­al­ly bow­ing down to them, refer­ring to them as ‘sir”, even as they vio­lat­ed the law, vio­lat­ed his con­sti­tu­tion­al rights, and poten­tial­ly trau­ma­tized his infant child.
Despite any­thing that you may hear about this case, whether from this not to bright pas­tor or the police chief, the cop talk­ing to the pas­tor said it all.
That the search was pre­cip­i­tat­ed not by some hit by the dog, but by his refusal to give them per­mis­sion in the first place.

In the end, they found noth­ing, but that is hard­ly the point. In the video, the pas­tor addressed his con­gre­gants and explained what had hap­pened to him.
And then the pas­tor said this after a lengthy expla­na­tion to his con­gre­ga­tion. “You all know that I’m not a preach­er who preach­es about social jus­tice and all of that.”[sic]

Wait, what?
You got me there dog.…… Wasn’t Doctor King slaugh­tered by these very peo­ple at the ten­der age of 39 because he did the social jus­tice thing, or am I miss­ing some­thing?
How do you live in America and is not sen­si­tized to the thick cloud of racial injus­tice that blan­kets the coun­try and man­i­fest­ed through the thou­sands of police depart­ments nation­wide?
Wasn’t Jesus Christ,(Yeshua) mur­dered because he did the social jus­tice thing?
You know, stand­ing up for the dis­pos­sessed, stand­ing up for wom­en’s rights, look­ing after the poor, vis­it­ing and heal­ing the sick, feed­ing the hun­gry, com­fort­ing the wid­owed, car­ing for the father­less, stand­ing up to the oppres­sors rais­ing the dead?
And oh, while we are on that sub­ject, did­n’t Peter car­ry a sword, and did­n’t he use it to slice the ear of one of the guards who came to arrest Yeshua?
Yeah …sure Yeshua, accord­ing to [scrip­ture], replaced the guard’s ear, but hav­ing searched the scrip­tures, I could not find any evi­dence that Yeshua ever admon­ished Peter for car­ry­ing a sword. In fact, even after Peter had sev­ered the ear from the guard, Yeshua told him to put up his sword, he nev­er chas­tised him for hav­ing it.
So when you hear a so-called pas­tor say,”“You all know that I’m not a preach­er who preach­es about social jus­tice and all of that.
Ask your­self the ques­tion, “what was he preach­ing about? Because if you are not preach­ing about social injus­tice you are not preach­ing the word of Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah).
Yeshua was a social jus­tice war­rior who laid it all on the line for those with­out pow­er.
How con­ve­nient for this pas­tor, (Mike Pembleton) that all of a sud­den he sees the light, right after he came under the bootheel of the oppres­sor and was humil­i­at­ed?
What was he preach­ing about before this.….. his inevitable humiliation?


Pastor Mike Pembleton Jr, who in addi­tion to his role as a pas­tor sells insur­ance, was on his way to meet with a cus­tomer when he was pulled over by Richland, MS police offi­cer W.R. James for hav­ing win­dows that were tint­ed too dark­ly. #WRJames would not tell #MikePembletonJr if he was being detained or not but threat­ened him with arrest if he didn’t exit the video. James asked if he could search the car, and Pembleton told him no. Pembleton pro­ceed­ed to let James know three times that he didn’t con­sent to the search, but James searched his vehi­cle any­way. Pembleton’s son was asleep in the back seat for 5 min­utes while James searched. This could have end­ed in tragedy if James had been star­tled, know­ing how trig­ger-hap­py the police are when Black peo­ple are around.

This is unac­cept­able. Police are all about arrest­ing and killing as many Black peo­ple as they can, and they do not care about break­ing the law. The only thing they care about is pos­si­bly fac­ing some con­se­quences, which, because police are left to inves­ti­gate them­selves most of the time, rarely ever hap­pens. #DrivingWhileBlack is a seri­ous offense in the Oppressive States of America and needs to be close­ly inves­ti­gat­ed. Pembleton is fil­ing a civ­il rights com­plaint in response to the unlaw­ful search. @OfficialMikePembletonJr men­tioned that up to this point he didn’t focus much on social jus­tice. With this hit­ting home, he is plan­ning on focus­ing on that more. Hopefully he takes a page from #VernonJohns book.

Now here is a man who claims to be a pas­tor chat­ting away with the police, call­ing them “sir”, even as they vio­late the laws, vio­late his con­sti­tu­tion­al rights, poten­tial­ly placed his child at seri­ous phys­i­cal risk, and poten­tial­ly trau­ma­tized him, in addi­tion to dam­ag­ing his vehi­cle.
Now if you look at the cop car behind the pas­tor’s vehi­cle the tint on the police car is equal­ly as dark or poten­tial­ly dark­er than that of the pas­tor’s vehi­cle. A strong case of “do as I say but not as I do, because I am the law and there is noth­ing you can do about it”.
And oh yes, after they did not find what they thought they would sure­ly find in a car dri­ven by a black man, they set­tled on the fac­to­ry tint of the car he was driving.

The pas­tor then tells the cops talk­ing to him what he does for a liv­ing, which by the way is none of the cop’s busi­ness. He then tells the cop (where he stays,) I sup­pose that is where he lives-.……reminiscent of the enslaved who had won their free­dom and walked around with their so-called free­dom papers.
This pas­tor who nev­er [both­ered to get involved in social jus­tice stuff], ran up into a slave patrol that did not care a [damn] about his free­dom papers.
By virtue of the col­or of his skin, he had no expec­ta­tion of free­dom, regard­less of what a piece of paper said.
The cop talk­ing to him all but said it, he’s search­ing the vehi­cle because you did not give per­mis­sion to him to search it.
So even though the law dic­tates that if the motorist objects to a search a police offi­cer may not search the vehi­cle, these cops use the con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly pro­tect­ed right of black cit­i­zens to say “no” as a rea­son to ini­ti­ate a search of this pas­tor’s vehi­cle any­way.
Of course, they lie every time that the canine detect­ed some­thing on the out­side of the vehi­cle and that gives them the right to vio­late your rights.
The last time I checked dogs react to the smell of every­thing, from oth­er ani­mal’s scent, food, shit, and every­thing in between.
In oth­er words, though you have a con­sti­tu­tion­al right to object to a search of your vehi­cle or home, police can vio­late your rights because a dog react­ed to food, anoth­er dog, or even feces on the out­side of your car.
And that is enough to give them the right to vio­late your rights.
If you are black.

In an (npr) report it was revealed that the Chicago Tribune sift­ed through three years worth of cas­es in which law enforce­ment used dogs to sniff out drugs in cars in sub­ur­ban Chicago. According to the analy­sis, offi­cers found drugs or para­pher­na­lia in only 44 per­cent of cas­es in which the dogs had alert­ed them.
When the dri­ver was Latino, the dogs were right just 27 per­cent of the time.
Dog-han­dling offi­cers and train­ers argue the canine teams’ accu­ra­cy should­n’t be mea­sured in the num­ber of alerts that turn up drugs. They said the scent of drugs or para­pher­na­lia can linger in a car after drugs are used or sold, and the dogs’ noses are so sen­si­tive they can pick up residue from drugs that can no longer be found in a car.
The Tribune spoke to a few dog experts and they almost uni­ver­sal­ly blamed the han­dlers:

Dog han­dlers can acci­den­tal­ly cue alerts from their dogs by lead­ing them too slow­ly or too many times around a vehi­cle, said Lawrence Myers, an Auburn University pro­fes­sor who stud­ies detec­tor dogs. Myers point­ed to the “Clever Hans” phe­nom­e­non in the ear­ly 1900s, named after a horse whose own­er claimed the ani­mal could read and do math, before a psy­chol­o­gist deter­mined the horse was actu­al­ly respond­ing to his mas­ter’s unwit­ting cues.
Training is the key to elim­i­nat­ing acci­den­tal cues and false alerts, said Paul Waggoner of Auburn’s detec­tor-dog research pro­gram.
“Is there a poten­tial for han­dlers to cue these dogs to alert?” he asked. “The answer is a big, resound­ing yes.”


The truth of the mat­ter is that, pow­er-crazed cops who want to show who is boss after being denied per­mis­sion to search a vehi­cle, def­i­nite­ly cues the ani­mals to give them a false rea­son to invade peo­ple’s per­son­al spaces.
Get into the social jus­tice fight pas­tor or sur­ren­der your robe, you thought you were exempt now you know.