As a follower of Jesus Christ, I find it remarkable that one of the greatest weaknesses of the modern Christian Church, and the Black church, in particular, is its failure to connect faith to everyday life.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am not a theologian, neither am I formally educated in Christian teachings.
Nevertheless, it seems to me that if we purport to be followers of Jesus Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah) the person from whom our faith is named, then we ought to recognize that standing around in pious supplication, heads to the heaven, begging for God to do for us what he already empowered us to do for ourselves is being silly, to say the least.
Paul speaking, in Philippians 4: 13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Speaking to his disciples Yeshua said in Matthews 17: 20, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.“
Now I never intended for this brief article to be a religious sermon, I’m no Pastor or minister of the faith. However, as I said earlier I see Christian Pastors preaching pie in the sky sermons that may be okay if you are dying today, but if you have to live here on earth you better take your life and that of your children into your own hands for your own survival.
In every miracle, Yeshua demonstrated that the recipient of that miracle had it in them to do for themselves using a combination of faith and works. (Simply put, it is not magic, but faith made possible through works).
Fill the jars with water, as he wrought his very first miracle. Stretch forth your hand to the man born with a crooked arm. To the leper, “Go show yourself to the Priest”. Pick up thy bed and walk. Go wash thyself in the river.
On and on we see the miracles happen as the recipients participated in their own healing by doing what they were told to do.
In Matthew 8:13, with an abundance of faith that Yeshua could heal his servant, a Roman centurion went to the master for help.
Knowing his faith Yeshua said to him, “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee”.
The centurion turned and went home, and so it was done, his servant was healed.
Even the dead got up to his command“Lazarus, come forth”, he commanded and the dead Lazarus got up walked out of the tomb.
A Black Christian Pastor in the deep American Southern state of Mississippi traveling with his infant son got pulled over by the police.
The cops asked permission to search his vehicle which he correctly denied. That did not prevent them from ordering him from his vehicle leaving his 2‑year-old infant son in the backseat as one cop proceeded to search his vehicle without his consent.
All this time while his infant son was sleeping in the car. The cop searching the vehicle did not notice the baby until the poor infant sneezed. They were too busy looking for something, anything, with which to nail this black man who was driving a so-called luxury vehicle, because as you know, the only way black people in American can own property or nice cars is if they are drug dealers.
So they allowed the pastor to retrieve his son from the vehicle, but not even the sleeping child and his protestations that he was a man of the cloth did anything to dissuade the cop searching to say “okay we are done here”.
All the while he was there literally bowing down to them, referring to them as ‘sir”, even as they violated the law, violated his constitutional rights, and potentially traumatized his infant child.
Despite anything that you may hear about this case, whether from this not to bright pastor or the police chief, the cop talking to the pastor said it all.
That the search was precipitated not by some hit by the dog, but by his refusal to give them permission in the first place.
In the end, they found nothing, but that is hardly the point. In the video, the pastor addressed his congregants and explained what had happened to him.
And then the pastor said this after a lengthy explanation to his congregation. “You all know that I’m not a preacher who preaches about social justice and all of that.”[sic]
Wait, what?
You got me there dog.…… Wasn’t Doctor King slaughtered by these very people at the tender age of 39 because he did the social justice thing, or am I missing something?
How do you live in America and is not sensitized to the thick cloud of racial injustice that blankets the country and manifested through the thousands of police departments nationwide?
Wasn’t Jesus Christ,(Yeshua) murdered because he did the social justice thing?
You know, standing up for the dispossessed, standing up for women’s rights, looking after the poor, visiting and healing the sick, feeding the hungry, comforting the widowed, caring for the fatherless, standing up to the oppressors raising the dead?
And oh, while we are on that subject, didn’t Peter carry a sword, and didn’t he use it to slice the ear of one of the guards who came to arrest Yeshua?
Yeah …sure Yeshua, according to [scripture], replaced the guard’s ear, but having searched the scriptures, I could not find any evidence that Yeshua ever admonished Peter for carrying a sword. In fact, even after Peter had severed the ear from the guard, Yeshua told him to put up his sword, he never chastised him for having it.
So when you hear a so-called pastor say,”“You all know that I’m not a preacher who preaches about social justice and all of that.“
Ask yourself the question, “what was he preaching about? Because if you are not preaching about social injustice you are not preaching the word of Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah).
Yeshua was a social justice warrior who laid it all on the line for those without power.
How convenient for this pastor, (Mike Pembleton) that all of a sudden he sees the light, right after he came under the bootheel of the oppressor and was humiliated?
What was he preaching about before this.….. his inevitable humiliation?
Pastor Mike Pembleton Jr, who in addition to his role as a pastor sells insurance, was on his way to meet with a customer when he was pulled over by Richland, MS police officer W.R. James for having windows that were tinted too darkly. #WRJames would not tell #MikePembletonJr if he was being detained or not but threatened him with arrest if he didn’t exit the video. James asked if he could search the car, and Pembleton told him no. Pembleton proceeded to let James know three times that he didn’t consent to the search, but James searched his vehicle anyway. Pembleton’s son was asleep in the back seat for 5 minutes while James searched. This could have ended in tragedy if James had been startled, knowing how trigger-happy the police are when Black people are around.
This is unacceptable. Police are all about arresting and killing as many Black people as they can, and they do not care about breaking the law. The only thing they care about is possibly facing some consequences, which, because police are left to investigate themselves most of the time, rarely ever happens. #DrivingWhileBlack is a serious offense in the Oppressive States of America and needs to be closely investigated. Pembleton is filing a civil rights complaint in response to the unlawful search. @OfficialMikePembletonJr mentioned that up to this point he didn’t focus much on social justice. With this hitting home, he is planning on focusing on that more. Hopefully he takes a page from #VernonJohns book.
Now here is a man who claims to be a pastor chatting away with the police, calling them “sir”, even as they violate the laws, violate his constitutional rights, potentially placed his child at serious physical risk, and potentially traumatized him, in addition to damaging his vehicle.
Now if you look at the cop car behind the pastor’s vehicle the tint on the police car is equally as dark or potentially darker than that of the pastor’s vehicle. A strong case of “do as I say but not as I do, because I am the law and there is nothing you can do about it”.
And oh yes, after they did not find what they thought they would surely find in a car driven by a black man, they settled on the factory tint of the car he was driving.
The pastor then tells the cops talking to him what he does for a living, which by the way is none of the cop’s business. He then tells the cop (where he stays,) I suppose that is where he lives-.……reminiscent of the enslaved who had won their freedom and walked around with their so-called freedom papers.
This pastor who never [bothered to get involved in social justice stuff], ran up into a slave patrol that did not care a [damn] about his freedom papers.
By virtue of the color of his skin, he had no expectation of freedom, regardless of what a piece of paper said.
The cop talking to him all but said it, he’s searching the vehicle because you did not give permission to him to search it.
So even though the law dictates that if the motorist objects to a search a police officer may not search the vehicle, these cops use the constitutionally protected right of black citizens to say “no” as a reason to initiate a search of this pastor’s vehicle anyway.
Of course, they lie every time that the canine detected something on the outside of the vehicle and that gives them the right to violate your rights.
The last time I checked dogs react to the smell of everything, from other animal’s scent, food, shit, and everything in between.
In other words, though you have a constitutional right to object to a search of your vehicle or home, police can violate your rights because a dog reacted to food, another dog, or even feces on the outside of your car.
And that is enough to give them the right to violate your rights.
If you are black.
In an (npr) report it was revealed that the Chicago Tribune sifted through three years worth of cases in which law enforcement used dogs to sniff out drugs in cars in suburban Chicago. According to the analysis, officers found drugs or paraphernalia in only 44 percent of cases in which the dogs had alerted them.
When the driver was Latino, the dogs were right just 27 percent of the time.
Dog-handling officers and trainers argue the canine teams’ accuracy shouldn’t be measured in the number of alerts that turn up drugs. They said the scent of drugs or paraphernalia can linger in a car after drugs are used or sold, and the dogs’ noses are so sensitive they can pick up residue from drugs that can no longer be found in a car.
The Tribune spoke to a few dog experts and they almost universally blamed the handlers:
Dog handlers can accidentally cue alerts from their dogs by leading them too slowly or too many times around a vehicle, said Lawrence Myers, an Auburn University professor who studies detector dogs. Myers pointed to the “Clever Hans” phenomenon in the early 1900s, named after a horse whose owner claimed the animal could read and do math, before a psychologist determined the horse was actually responding to his master’s unwitting cues.
Training is the key to eliminating accidental cues and false alerts, said Paul Waggoner of Auburn’s detector-dog research program.
“Is there a potential for handlers to cue these dogs to alert?” he asked. “The answer is a big, resounding yes.”
The truth of the matter is that, power-crazed cops who want to show who is boss after being denied permission to search a vehicle, definitely cues the animals to give them a false reason to invade people’s personal spaces.
Get into the social justice fight pastor or surrender your robe, you thought you were exempt now you know.