Black Military Officer Pepper-sprayed By Rogue Cop Receives Less Than K$4 In Jury Verdict

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No, this is not a joke. There is an unex­plained, irra­tional affin­i­ty between cops and a cer­tain seg­ment of America that caus­es things like these to occur.
Maybe the mem­bers of that jury still believe a Black man has no right that any­one is oblig­ed to respect.
I mean, black sol­diers return­ing from Korea and Vietnam were treat­ed like garbage after fight­ing America’s wars, so it should come as no sur­prise that despite the fact that this mil­i­tary offi­cer in uni­form had bro­ken no law, a jury of Karens and Kens have no regard for his right to dig­ni­ty. (mb)

PHOTO: FILE - In this image taken from Windsor, Va., Police body camera footage, Lt. Caron Nazario is helped by an EMT after he was pepper-sprayed by Windsor police during a traffic stop in Windsor, on Dec. 20, 2020. (AP)
In this image tak­en from Windsor, Va., Police body cam­era footage, Lt. Caron Nazario is helped by an EMT after he was pep­per-sprayed by Windsor police dur­ing a traf­fic stop in Windsor, on Dec. 20, 2020. (AP)

A Black sol­dier in uni­form who was pep­per-sprayed in his car by Virginia police offi­cers dur­ing a traf­fic stop has been award­ed less than $4,000 in a mil­lion-dol­lar law­suit against the two offi­cers. The jury award­ed 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario a total of $3,685 in the law­suit against Windsor, Virginia, police offi­cers Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker. The offi­cers faced four counts: assault, bat­tery, false impris­on­ment and ille­gal search. Gutierrez was ordered to pay $2,685 in dam­ages, no mal­ice, under lia­bil­i­ty for assault. He was cleared of all oth­er charges. Crocker was liable for an ille­gal search, no mal­ice. He was ordered to pay $1,000 in dam­ages. He was cleared of all oth­er charges. Nazario’s lawyer, Tom Roberts, said it was a “sad day” and that the ver­dicts fail to send the mes­sage to oth­er police offi­cers that “this con­duct is unacceptable.”Trial begins for Virginia police officers being sued by Army officer over traffic stop | CNN

It is open sea­son on cit­i­zens in Virginia and across the coun­ty,” Roberts said in a state­ment. “Citizens will not rest assured that scenes like this are not repeat­ed with impuni­ty. MORE: Black sol­dier suing police over vio­lent stop caught on cam­era The offi­cers pulled over Nazario on the evening of Dec. 5, 2020. Body cam­era footage showed Gutierrez pep­per spray Nazario when he would not get out of the car. One of the offi­cers wrote in the police report that Nazario elud­ed police because he did­n’t stop right away. Nazario stat­ed that he want­ed to pull over in a well-lit area. “I’m hon­est­ly afraid to get out,” Nazario said dur­ing the traf­fic stop. “Yeah, you should be,” Gutierrez replied. Police said they pulled him over for not hav­ing a vis­i­ble rear license plate, but in the footage, a tem­po­rary license plate can be seen in the rear win­dow of Nazario’s then-new SUV. Nazario was not charged in the incident.
Gutierrez was fired by the Windsor Police Department in 2021 for not fol­low­ing depart­ment pol­i­cy dur­ing the incident.