Black Men Supporting Trump Needs An Education.…

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In this video, Mike takes a deep dive into the his­to­ry of black men sup­port­ing Trump, reveal­ing the com­plex­i­ties and ironies involved. He starts by recount­ing a piv­otal moment in recent his­to­ry: when Jim Comey announced an inves­ti­ga­tion into Secretary Hillary Clinton, lead­ing to a cas­cade of events that ulti­mate­ly result­ed in Donald Trump’s elec­tion. Mike points out that the Republicans’ choice to nom­i­nate a 34-count indict­ed felon for pres­i­dent sets a dan­ger­ous prece­dent, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the pro­found impact of the Criminal Justice System on black men in the United States. 

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The irony is stark: while many black men who have felonies are dis­en­fran­chised, the Republican nom­i­nee retains his right to vote. Mike responds to the action tak­en by black men who open­ly sup­port Trump, con­trast­ing it with the lack of sup­port from black women. He argues that edu­ca­tion in American his­to­ry is invalu­able, espe­cial­ly for those wear­ing MAGA caps with­out under­stand­ing the deep­er his­tor­i­cal and social impli­ca­tions. Join the dis­cus­sion on this crit­i­cal top­ic. Share your thoughts below, hit the sub­scribe but­ton for more analy­sis, and don’t for­get to like this video to sup­port our discussions.