Another Black Man Killed Unnecessarily

Police in Boston after the bombing
Police in Boston after the bombing

In these pages we repeat­ed­ly write about the mil­i­ta­riza­tion of police depart­ments all across America. We did not hear any­thing from the main stream media about this grow­ing trend, until this mas­sive buildup of mil­i­tary type power(not police) in Ferguson Missouri. CNN, MSNBC and oth­ers are just now awak­en­ing to the shock­ing impli­ca­tions of this.

This mas­sive mil­i­ta­riza­tion of America’s streets is noth­ing new. After the Boston Marathon Bombing ‚the world saw in shock­ing detail what the Right wing in America was warn­ing about all along.

The Right wing is silent about the takeover of America’s streets by, what for all accounts is mil­i­tary, not police. Apart from the bob­ble-heads on FOX ‚despite it’s pre­dic­tions com­ing to fruition the Right is deaf­en­ing­ly silent.

No sur­prise there, as long as the jack-boot­ed throngs with the sophis­ti­cat­ed mil­i­tary hard­ware are run­ning around killing and keep­ing the Blacks on the Reservation, the racist imbe­ciles on the right are satisfied.

this was Boston
this was Boston

However ‚this is not just about the imbe­ciles on the Right , it is also about the imbe­ciles on the left. What did they think would hap­pen when they gave all of that sur­plus mil­i­tary hard­ware to small town police depart­ments, many of which are staffed with semi-lit­er­ate Klans-men and women

The prob­lems which exist between peo­ple of African ances­try and the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem in America are deep and sophis­ti­cat­ed. Cops, Prosecutors, Juries, Judges, in many local­i­ties in America , it’s their world , every­one else lives in it. Justice is what they say it is.

The Ferguson police demon­strat­ed that it did not care what any­one thought about the way it han­dled affairs there, after one of it’s Agents cre­at­ed the sit­u­a­tion which present­ly exist.

Just yes­ter­day anoth­er African-American male was killed only a few miles from where Michael Brown was slaugh­tered and left in the broil­ing heat face down in his own blood for over five hours. Police in St Louis killed the 23 year-old who is report­ed­ly of unsound mind., just days on the heels of the ques­tion­able killing of Michael Brown. they said was act­ing erratically.

Police account:

cops in Ferguson have weapons in the faces of peaceful protestors
cops in Ferguson have weapons in the faces of peace­ful protestors

Cops arrived, the sus­pect turned towards the offi­cers and start­ed to walk towards them clutch­ing his waist­band. He then pulled out a knife … and told the offi­cers, ‘Shoot me now. Kill me now,’ ” Reported Police Chief Sam Dotson. Responding offi­cers told the man, repeat­ed­ly, to stop and drop his knife, Dotson said. He con­tin­ued to approach, com­ing with­in about four feet of one of the offi­cers, Dotson said, adding that both offi­cers then fired their weapons, strik­ing the suspect.

The media quick­ly gob­bled up the PR stunt of Dotson and moved on. One reporter asked whether the cops who pulled the trig­ger were mind­ful of the sit­u­a­tion only a few miles away in Suburban Ferguson.?

Dotson retorted,quote ‚If you’re the fam­i­ly of a police offi­cer and some­body approach­es you with­in three feet with a knife, I think you have the right to defend your­self and pro­tect your­self. So I think it cer­tain­ly is rea­son­able that an offi­cer has an expec­ta­tion to go home at the end of the night,” .

The reporter did not both­er to fol­low up. Clearly it is rea­son­able that cops go home after their shift, in fact I have had many heat­ed con­ver­sa­tions with peo­ple who do not care whether cops go home as long as they do not step out of line. Dotson’s com­ments how­ev­er was an insult to peo­ples intel­li­gence. This sto­ry was swept under the rug because the life of the deceased is not valued.

this is what happens to blacks in America who dare stand up for their rights
this is what hap­pens to blacks in America who dare stand up for their rights

No one both­ered to ask whether the trig­ger-hap­py cops could sim­ply have tazed the guy and take him to a Hospital. It would occur to me that if some­one is act­ing in an errat­ic man­ner , walk­ing up and down , say­ing shoot me, shoot me, clear­ly some­thing is wrong men­tal­ly. What about your taz­er? What about your pep­per spray? What about your baton? What about your train­ing? Or are you trained to pre­tend to observe the rules then kill?

What goes through the minds of these cops when they decide­ly pull the trig­ger and end some­one’s only life? Is there some­thing going on with police which the pub­lic is bliss­ful­ly unaware of?

Are they train­ing these cops to be mind­less robot­ic killers? I believe they are.

YouTube player

This killing like so many oth­ers will fade away into the next news cycle , in fact it did not even make the loop. The fact is cops should use lethal force as absolute­ly the last resort in defense of their own lives or that of anoth­er. Cops are giv­en taz­ers, pep­per spray, batons , train­ing, and they are giv­en guns. Society can­not con­tin­ue to allow cops to grab for a gun kill some­one and get away with it .

These two cops would not have shot a white male period.

putting a black face out front does nothing to dull these images. Ron Johnson is just  being used , he is just another cop in the end
putting a black face out front does noth­ing to dull these images. Ron Johnson is just being used , he is just anoth­er cop in the end

Eric Holder the Nation’s chief law enforce­ment offi­cer is sched­uled to be in Ferguson Missouri today. At Martha’s Vineyard a vaca­tion­ing Barack Obama will receive reports from Holder first-hand, about the real­i­ties on the ground . It bears men­tion­ing that both President Obama and Attorney General Holder are black males. Nothing that Obama or Holder does will change the dis­re­spect­ful behav­ior of police toward the black community .

2 thoughts on “Another Black Man Killed Unnecessarily

  1. Wow! This is America, where your “hues” deter­mine what is jus­tice and injus­tice. Once you are white its alright; once you’re brown you can stick around; and once you’re black, step back or you’ll be attacked. 

    It’s a shame that America labeled itself as the guardians of International human rights. When peo­ple in oth­er coun­tries such as “Egypt, Iran and oth­er coun­tries allows their cit­i­zens to demon­strate in a peace­ful man­ner with­out “the secu­ri­ty forces” treat­ing their cit­i­zens with dis­dain as seen on the TV

    America is fast becom­ing a com­mu­nist state and a lot of peo­ple are not see­ing and call it what it is. Imagine, if the secu­ri­ty forces in anoth­er coun­try was treat­ing it’s cit­i­zens in this man­ner. The con­dem­na­tion by the American gov­ern­ment, Congress and oth­er influ­en­tial indi­vid­u­als. Where are these paragons of virtues and the leader of so called [im] immorality? 

    I have nev­er seen or read the police in this coun­try, ever killed a white unharmed teen? The blacks life has lit­tle or no val­ue to these peo­ple. They killed with impuni­ty and expect not to be held account­able for their actions. In life, hatred only breeds hatred. 

    The days are behind us, when peo­ple can do oth­ers wrong and they for­got about it. It is not going to hap­pen anymore! 

    America, should be ashamed of them­selves. This is white America, so why would I expect them to be shame­ful. Their hatred for blacks are genet­ic, they breed hatred like how a spi­der makes Web. It is nat­ur­al for them. Conscience and human­i­ty are not a part of their souls, in which they got none. Most of us don’t know who we are deal­ing with! If you want to know, do a lit­tle research about the African — American peo­ple plight in this country.

    • If you live here, if you have kids who live here, you are bound to be alarmed by what’s hap­pen­ing. There is a kind of own­er­ship which creeps into the nar­ra­tive of the white pow­er-struc­ture,. It is also vis­i­ble in the com­ments on social media by some of the gut­ter rats. I com­plete­ly agree with you, wait it will get to their door soon.
      They use pro­pa­gan­da in the air­waves to quan­ti­fy blacks as worth­less crim­i­nals , with nev­er a men­tion of the real­i­ties sur­round­ing their Reservation strat­e­gy employed to keep blacks in subservience. 

      True some blacks fall into it blind while the uncle toms sit on TV in their suits and pre­tend that things are okay, while mouthing the nar­ra­tive they are fed. 

      No one of col­or is safe from these maraud­ing jack-boot­ed thugs now going about as cops. They are an embar­rass­ment to the few good cops who still go out intend­ing to serve the public. 

      For the most part cops are now rude, dis­re­spect­ful mur­der­ous gangsters.

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