Black Man Died In Memphis Jail After Beating From Cops

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By Nora Neus

An autop­sy report clas­si­fied the death of Gershun Freeman in a Memphis prison last fall as a homicide.

The death of a Black man in a Memphis jail after a fight with cor­rec­tions offi­cers has been clas­si­fied as a homi­cide, accord­ing to a just-released autop­sy report.
Gershun Freeman, 33, died at the Shelby County Jail in Memphis on October 5, 2022. The autop­sy report, con­duct­ed by the coun­ty med­ical exam­in­er and released Thursday, says Freeman “had a car­diac arrest” after the alter­ca­tion, which end­ed in offi­cers restrain­ing him. “CPR was ini­ti­at­ed,” but unsuc­cess­ful. Freeman was pro­nounced dead at the scene. The Shelby County District Attorney’s office is now review­ing his death.

The case is attract­ing atten­tion in a city still com­ing to terms with the vio­lent police beat­ing death of Tyre Nichols on January 7. VICE News has con­firmed that the Nichols’ fam­i­ly attor­ney, Benjamin Crump, will also rep­re­sent the fam­i­ly of Gershun Freeman. Crump’s local co-coun­sel, Jake Brown, told VICE that he has watched sur­veil­lance video of the inci­dent inside the jail. “The video began with Mr. Freeman in an iso­la­tion cell, naked,” Brown said. “And he was shout­ing at the cam­era that was in the cell… there were no sounds and [we] couldn’t make out what he was say­ing, but he was very agi­tat­ed about some­thing, pos­si­bly hav­ing some sort of psy­chot­ic episode.” The autop­sy report not­ed a his­to­ry of psy­chosis. “Not long after, the cam­era switched to one out­side of the cell, and you could see sev­er­al offi­cers come to his door and open it. And it’s not clear why they opened it,” Brown told VICE. “Mr. Freeman ran out of his cell.” At that point, Brown said a group of offi­cers arrived and appeared to try to appre­hend him, “but they were also strik­ing him repeat­ed­ly with batons, fists… at least one offi­cer struck him on the head with what appeared to be a pep­per spray container.” 

There was pro­nounced strik­ing, [and] I’m not an expert on this but it seemed to be that there could have been more effi­cient ways to get ahold of this guy and sub­due him rather than just strik­ing him. But that’s what was hap­pen­ing,” Brown said. According to Brown, the sur­veil­lance video then shows Freeman run­ning out of the unit, called a “pod,” through mul­ti­ple open doors, and up an esca­la­tor to an upper floor. “When he got to the upper floor, he was sort of sur­round­ed and then sort of set upon by at least three or four deputies, who had him face down on the ground, they were on top of him. And they stayed on top of him for sev­er­al min­utes at least.” Brown said the video shows med­ical per­son­nel in scrubs even­tu­al­ly arriv­ing, and attempt­ing to ren­der treat­ment, but when they picked up Freeman’s body, it was limp and there was a pud­dle of blood under where he had been lying, espe­cial­ly around his head. The autop­sy found Freeman’s cause of death to be exac­er­ba­tion of “car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease due to phys­i­cal alter­ca­tion and sub­d­ual.” The autop­sy clas­si­fies the death as a homi­cide, but notes that it is “not meant to defin­i­tive­ly indi­cate crim­i­nal intent.” The autop­sy also not­ed mul­ti­ple con­tu­sions on Freeman’s body, scalp lac­er­a­tions and mul­ti­ple hem­or­rhages in his head and neck. Brown says one of those hem­or­rhages, a 7 by 3 cen­time­ters on the large mus­cle in Freeman’s neck that runs par­al­lel to the carotid artery, sug­gests con­sis­tent pres­sure applied on Freeman’s neck.

What we’re look­ing at now is try­ing to deter­mine the like­li­hood that that was the result of a knee on the neck or some kind of choke hold used,” Brown says. His team has com­mis­sioned an inde­pen­dent autop­sy by a foren­sic pathol­o­gist based in Little Rock, Arkansas, which has not yet been com­plet­ed. Freeman had only been booked into the Shelby County jail four days ear­li­er, on charges of aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping and domes­tic vio­lence. His bond was set at $75,000. In a state­ment, the Shelby County District Attorney General Steve Mulroy says upon learn­ing of the death in October, he “imme­di­ate­ly called in the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to inves­ti­gate.” But after receiv­ing the autop­sy report on Wednesday evening, his office announced that its own Justice Review Unit will “review” the TBI’s inves­ti­ga­tion and make a rec­om­men­da­tion to DA Mulroy once com­plete. In a phone call with VICE News, the Shelby County Sheriff’s office declined to com­ment on the case, not­ing that it was an active inves­ti­ga­tion. Shelby County Sheriff Floyd Bonner, Jr. is cur­rent­ly a can­di­date for may­or of Memphis. The elec­tion is sched­uled for the one-year anniver­sary of Freeman’s death, October 5, 2023. Brown said Freeman’s fam­i­ly wants answers and account­abil­i­ty from the Sheriff’s depart­ment. “They are try­ing to come to terms with the fact that their son went into the Shelby County Jail on his own two feet and, the way his moth­er puts it, he came out with a toe tag.”