Black Grandmother Denied Test 4 Times Before Dying From Coronavirus

Detroit, MI — Deborah Gatewood, a 63-year old health care work­er from Michigan, has died due to com­pli­ca­tions of the coro­n­avirus after she was report­ed­ly denied a test mul­ti­ple times from the very hos­pi­tal where she worked.

Gatewood, who worked at Beaumont Hospital for 31 years, report­ed­ly showed COVID-19 symp­toms, includ­ing cough and fever, in the third week of March. “They [Beaumont] sent her home say­ing you are show­ing signs of COVID-19,” Kaila Corrothers, Gatewood’s daugh­ter, told FOX 2 Detroit. “So they were con­firm­ing that she most like­ly had COVID, but they did not test her.” Gatewood report­ed­ly vis­it­ed the ER four times and request­ed to be test­ed, but was told to just rest at home and take cough med­i­cine. Her con­di­tion con­tin­ued to wors­en until she was found unre­spon­sive in bed.

She was tak­en by ambu­lance to Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit where she was test­ed pos­i­tive for the virus. After bat­tling extreme­ly high fever and devel­op­ing bilat­er­al pneu­mo­nia, she sad­ly died. Corrothers expressed her dis­ap­point­ment with Beaumont Hospital, say­ing they have neglect­ed her mother’s severe con­di­tion. “The fact that she got infect­ed by doing the job she did for 31 years and she couldn’t get tak­en care of by her own fam­i­ly, mean­ing Beaumont, it’s sad. It is dis­heart­en­ing, to say the least,” she said. Meanwhile, Beaumont Hospital has yet to com­ment on the par­tic­u­lar case but said, “As patients come to Beaumont for care dur­ing this pan­dem­ic, we are doing every­thing we can to eval­u­ate, triage and care for patients based on the infor­ma­tion we know at the time. We grieve the loss of any patient to COVID-19 or any oth­er illness.”


Atlanta Mother of Twin Boys Dies From Coronavirus at 36-Years Old

Atlanta, GA — Brent Green, a 36-year old African American moth­er of twins who had no known under­ly­ing con­di­tions, has died due from coro­n­avirus. Her fam­i­ly believes she start­ed get­ting sick after going to the gro­cery store to buy food for her children.

She was hap­py, going around doing every­thing that she need­ed to do,” Linda Green, Brent’s moth­er told WSTV about her. She was a respon­si­ble employ­ee work­ing for a rep­utable com­pa­ny in Atlanta and a lov­ing moth­er to 12-year old twin boys. However, a few days after a trip to the gro­cery store, she began hav­ing a headache and short­ness of breath. She was hos­pi­tal­ized, where she test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19. Her con­di­tion ini­tial­ly seemed to be get­ting bet­ter, but it even­tu­al­ly turned to the worse.

Her moth­er had a chance to speak to her for the last time and told her, “Fight baby and do every­thing you can to come back to me.” She remem­bered Brent respond­ed, “‘I love you too mama.’ Those were the last words I heard come out of my daughter’s mouth.” Linda Green want­ed to share her daughter’s expe­ri­ence to serve as a les­son to oth­ers to take the coro­n­avirus seri­ous­ly. “Please do all the things you can to fight this dis­ease and not be among each oth­er and take it light­ly,” Green said. “If you con­tin­ue to mis­lead and think that this is not for real, you will not see the peo­ple that you love (again).”