Black Chiefs And Black Cops Cannot Change Racist Police Culture

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A for­mer African-American police chief was fired for try­ing to dis­man­tle what she char­ac­ter­ized as racial pater­nal­ism, misog­y­ny, and nepo­tism. RaShall Brackney lost her job when the city of Chorletsville decid­ed to allow racism and cor­rup­tion to con­tin­ue rather than address­ing the sys­temic issues eat­ing away at the com­mu­ni­ty, accord­ing to for­mer chief Brackney.
Yes, this is the same Chorletsville, Virginia, that became infa­mous for the unite the right tiki-torch ral­ly in which counter-pro­test­er Heather Heyer was mowed down by a white ter­ror­ist and killed.
“They would rather con­spire to oust me than dis­man­tle or con­front cor­rupt, vio­lent indi­vid­u­als in CPD and city government.”
(Rashall Brackney).
The for­mer chief told the media that her attempts to change the good old boy cul­ture got so dan­ger­ous that she felt the need to have her ser­vice weapon in her hand when she left the sta­tion­house out of fear that she would be killed by the offi­cers under her command.
Brackney says she was fired in part for dis­band­ing and rep­ri­mand­ing the SWAT team and its mem­bers after an inci­dent in which videos of the team sur­faced using pro­fan­i­ty. This fol­lowed an inde­pen­dent release that found group chat texts between offi­cers con­tain­ing “nude videos of females and them­selves” and texts in which they said they want­ed to “kill” City staff mem­bers.
The for­mer chief filed a $10 mil­lion law­suit against the city of Chorletsvilles and sev­er­al city-employed indi­vid­u­als because she was wrong­ful­ly ter­mi­nat­ed based on her race and gender.
A fed­er­al judge dis­missed her case on the motion to dis­miss filed by the city despite all of the evi­dence of cor­rup­tion and crimes sub­mit­ted by the chief’s attorneys!!!
The assault against chief Brackney did not come from the police alone; city offi­cials and cit­i­zens opposed to the changes she put for­ward band­ed to have her removed.
Here is one peti­tion start­ed by one gun-mon­ger who decid­ed the chief attempts to rein in the pro­lif­er­a­tion of guns was an assault on his whiteness.
Audio Article: Listen.

Former chief Rashall Brackney
James Crocker start­ed this peti­tion to City Manager Tarron J Richardson and 

We the peo­ple of the Commonwealth of Virgina, Are call­ing for the res­ig­na­tion of Chief of Police RaShall Brackney. We would like her to relin­quish her posi­tion as Chief of Police, On the grounds that she is not hon­or­ing her oath to the Constitution of The United States of America and would like to see law abid­ing cit­i­zens turned to crim­i­nals. We firm­ly believe in our sec­ond amend­ment rights and we don’t appre­ci­ate our appoint­ed offi­cials step­ping on our Constitution. So we are demand­ing that our offi­cials either uphold their oath or resign. We call on City Manager Tarron J. Richardson to force res­ig­na­tion for RaShall Brackney’s crimes against our sec­ond amend­ment rights to bear arms. She is work­ing along side Mom’s Demand Action an activist group call­ing for more gun con­trol, when she should be track­ing the real crim­i­nals, the ones obtain­ing guns ille­gal­ly the drug deal­ers the gangs etc… We urge our gov­ern­ment offi­cials to stand by their oath and to not infringe upon our rights. We ask Tarron J. Richardson to take action if not him than our Mayor our Governor and even President Trump him­self please lis­ten to the voice of rea­son and force this res­ig­na­tion. See this through for we shall not be bul­lied by tyran­ni­cal forces. All we wish is to exer­cise our 2nd amend­ment right freely and to not be threat­ened anymore. 

Former chief Brackney’s state­ment speaks to the smoke being blown up the col­lec­tive rear end of this coun­try’s forty mil­lion black people.
It is just as dis­re­spect­ful to our com­mu­ni­ty as sug­gest­ing that hir­ing a few black cops will change the cul­ture of impuni­ty that has char­ac­ter­ized police response toward the African-American com­mu­ni­ty. The morons who mur­dered Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennesee, demol­ish that myth. In instance after instance, we see evi­dence that black cops are either (a) too scared to speak up when white cops abuse blacks or (b) they are more com­plic­it in the crim­i­nal con­duct than the white cops.
We see what hap­pens when peo­ple who nev­er had pow­er are giv­en pow­er. Black offi­cers who, in many cas­es them­selves, were vic­tims of police vio­lence as young­sters, feel­ing they are pow­er­ful because they have a gun and badge, become just as bad as white cops. Unfortunately, the rules of the game as to police account­abil­i­ty are dif­fer­ent. They are just too stu­pid t real­ize it.
The killers of Tyree Nichols are now com­ing to terms with that reality.
But it is not just about black cops. Most police offi­cers are not the most for­mal­ly or oth­er­wise edu­cat­ed indi­vid­u­als. And so vest­ed with the sud­den infu­sion of pow­er after a few weeks of train­ing can be dan­ger­ous to the defense­less public.

The idea that hir­ing a few black cops to lead depart­ments or hir­ing a few token blacks into a cul­ture of polic­ing steeped in racism, misog­y­ny, and lack of account­abil­i­ty is tan­ta­mount to stick­ing a band-aid on the entry wound of some­one shot in the gut. To begin with, the band-aid will most like­ly do noth­ing to stop the bleed­ing. Secondly, it will cer­tain­ly not help the like­ly organ dam­age inside the per­son­’s body, not to men­tion the need to repair and recon­struct vital organs and tis­sues and remove the bul­let from the body.
“Getting offi­cer buy-in can be a big chal­lenge … par­tic­u­lar­ly, white offi­cers are like­ly to get defen­sive,  Jacinta Gau, pro­fes­sor of crim­i­nal jus­tice at the University of Central Florida. “We need diver­si­ty of all sorts, but we need it, par­tic­u­lar­ly in those high­er ranks,” Gau said. “It is not enough to have a Black chief.”
The caus­tic and dan­ger­ous cul­ture that per­me­ates police depart­ments has noth­ing to do with peo­ple of col­or who may hap­pen t lead them. It comes from an ill-con­ceived belief that white peo­ple are inher­ent­ly supe­ri­or to every­one else and are enti­tled to estab­lish the rules by which every­one else lives.
It is a cul­ture on which the very nation was built. It per­me­ates every branch and stra­tum of nation­al life. Policing is mere­ly the enforce­ment arm of it.
No one should be sur­prised that the courts, from the high­est to the low­est, side with the police over the cit­i­zens they are sup­posed to serve, even when they are wrong.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.