Where Does Black America Go Now

Mike Brown's step-dad
Mike Brown’s step-dad

So let me get this straight the St. Louis Police was con­sid­er­ing pros­e­cut­ing the

Darren Wilson
Darren Wilson

step-father of slain teen Michael Brown for shout­ing “lets burn this *&^$# down” after the non-indict­ment but killer cop Darren Wilson is walk­ing around free?
What am I miss­ing here? 
What pow­er does this man have to influ­ence the actions of a mob ? How do they prove this? The Police brass and the entire sys­tem of IN-jus­tice in that state can­not con­trol it’s killers in uni­form but wants to use the very same sys­tem to pros­e­cute peo­ple for uti­liz­ing their free speech in a high­ly charged environment .

We under­stand Michael Brown’s step­fa­ther, Louis Head, apol­o­gized Wednesday.

Something came over me as I watched and lis­tened to my wife, the moth­er of Michael Brown Jr., react to the gut-wrench­ing news that the cop who killed her son wouldn’t be charged with a crime,” Head said in a state­ment to CNN. “My emo­tions admit­ted­ly got the best of me.

This is my fam­i­ly,” Head said. “I was so angry and full of raw emo­tions, as so many oth­ers were, and grant­ed I screamed out words I shouldn’t have screamed in the heat of the moment. I was wrong, and I humbly apol­o­gize to all those who read my anger and my pain as a true desire for what I want for the community.”

We will await the apol­o­gy from the real crim­i­nals in all this, the sys­tem which had it’s Agent kill an-unarmed man,then pull out all the stops to make sure he does­n’t even have to answer for his actions. Always remem­ber that a black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect. I would not hold my breath if I were you. They have no shame, no con­science , no humanity.


 Louis Rams Players  ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Gesture
Louis Rams Players ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Gesture

Some St. Louis Rams play­ers exer­cised their con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly guar­an­teed right to free speech Sunday when they came out with “hands up don’t shoot” hand-signs in sup­port of mur­dered Michael Brown. 
This of course drew the ire of the bul­ly­ing boys in blue in the St Louis Police Officers Association . The asso­ci­a­tion issued a release

NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo
NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo

press­ing the NFL do quote dis­ci­pline the play­ers who exer­cised their right. 
Who dis­ci­pline cops when they mur­der citizens

But I digress, as I write this a secret Staten Island Grand Jury decid­ed the mur­der­ing cop Pantaleo who choked Eric Garner to death would not face charges.

Back to the state­ment of the Saint Louis police offi­cers Association.

The St. Louis Police Officers Association is pro­found­ly dis­ap­point­ed with the mem­bers of the St. Louis Rams foot­ball team who chose to ignore the moun­tains of evi­dence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a dis­play that police offi­cers around the nation found taste­less, offen­sive and inflammatory.
Five mem­bers of the Rams enIered the field today exhibit­ing the “hands-up-don’t‑shoot” pose that has been adopt­ed by pro­tes­tors who accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of mur­der­ing Michael Brown. The ges­ture has become syn­ony­mous with asser­tions that Michael Brown was inno­cent of any wrong­do­ing and attempt­ing to sur­ren­der peace­ful­ly when Wilson, accord­ing to some now-dis­cred­it­ed wit­ness­es, gunned him down in cold blood.

SLPOA Business Manager Jeff Roorda said, “now that the evi­dence is in and Officer Wilson’s account has been ver­i­fied by phys­i­cal and bal­lis­tic evi­dence as well as eye-wit­ness tes­ti­mo­ny, which led the grand jury to con­clude that no prob­a­ble cause exist­ed that Wilson engaged in any wrong­do­ing, it is unthink­able that home­town ath­letes would so pub­licly per­pet­u­ate a nar­ra­tive that has been dis­proven over-and-over again.”

Roorda was incensed that the Rams and the NFL would tol­er­ate such behav­ior and called it remark­ably hyp­o­crit­i­cal. “All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department ask­ing for assur­ances that the play­ers and the fans would be kept safe from the vio­lent pro­test­ers who had riot­ed, loot­ed, and burned build­ings in Ferguson. Our offi­cers have been work­ing 12 hour shifts for over a week, they had days off includ­ing Thanksgiving can­celled so that they could defend this com­mu­ni­ty from those on the streets that per­pet­u­ate this myth that Michael Brown was exe­cut­ed by a broth­er police offi­cer and then, as the play­ers and their fans sit safe­ly in their dome under the watch­ful pro­tec­tion of hun­dreds of St. Louis’s finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exon­er­at­ed offi­cer a mur­der­er, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in foot­ball par­lance,” Roorda said.

The SLPOA is call­ing for the play­ers involved to be dis­ci­plined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliv­er a very pub­lic apol­o­gy. Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization’s dis­plea­sure tomor­row. He also plans to reach out to oth­er police orga­ni­za­tions in St. Louis and around the coun­try to enlist their input on what the appro­pri­ate response from law enforce­ment should be. Roorda warned, “I know that there are those that will say that these play­ers are sim­ply exer­cis­ing their First Amendment rights. Well I’ve got news for peo­ple who think that way, cops have first amend­ment rights too, and we plan to exer­cise ours. I’d remind the NFL and their play­ers that it is not the vio­lent thugs burn­ing down build­ings that buy their advertiser’s prod­ucts. It’s cops and the good peo­ple of St. Louis and oth­er NFL towns that do. Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. If it’s not the NFL and the Rams, then it’ll be cops and their supporters.”

The state­ment start­ed out rea­son­able it did not take long how­ev­er for the true mind­set of the Organization to become clear. Bully-ish, Thuggish, threat­en­ing, enti­tled, above being questioned.
I nev­er quite under­stood their claim that they pro­vide secu­ri­ty so that cit­i­zens can oper­ate in safety>
Here’s a clue, People pay you to ensure their safe­ty and secu­ri­ty, if you feel above doing what they pay you for give up the job and find anoth­er job that you are qual­i­fied to do. You do not have a right to being a Police Officer. 

There is also a grow­ing sense that in far two many cas­es Police offi­cers actions are indis­tin­guish­able from the actions of the KKK. There is also a crys­tal-clear per­cep­tion that a cer­tain sec­tion of the Caucasian com­mu­ni­ty is quite pleased with the actions of killer cops, Irrespective of their actions. In the 60’s it was admit­ted that many Police Departments like the LAPD and oth­ers had large amounts of mem­bers who were active mem­bers of the Klan.
If this was true for PD’s like the LAPD and oth­er large depart­ments what do you think is the case in small Lilly-white com­mu­ni­ties with all white police depart­ments and cor­rupt jus­tice sys­tems still invest­ed in the con­cept of racial superiority?

There were sup­posed attempts to change the make up of some of those Departments, bet­ter edu­cat­ed offi­cers and in some cas­es diver­si­ty. What they were not able to do is to remove the scourge of racism from the hearts of many who are still join­ing the ranks of police departments.

Protesters demonstrating after the bar posted that it would no longer support the St. Louis Rams.
Protesters demon­strat­ing after the bar post­ed that it would no longer sup­port the St. Louis Rams.

On Monday, Time Out Sports Bar & Grill post­ed on its Facebook page that it would no longer sup­port the foot­ball team “due to the bone head­ed ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ act by the num­ber of Rams play­ers.” The post said all signs and pho­tos of the Rams would be removed from the walls. “We need to stand up to thugs who destroy our com­mu­ni­ty and burn down local busi­ness­es, and boy­cott the oth­er thugs/​organizations who sup­port them,” the post read. The restau­rant lat­er post­ed again, say­ing it was “not tak­ing sides in the Ferguson tragedy” and sup­ports peace­ful protest and free speech, but dis­agreed with the Rams “bring­ing the protest to a nation­wide pro­fes­sion­al sport­ing event.” A few dozen pro­test­ers gath­ered at around 6 p.m. on Tuesday out­side one of Time Out’s loca­tions in St. Louis. Wearing Rams jer­seys and hats, the pro­test­ers chant­ed “We are Rams fans” and “We want ser­vice.” Protesters said a man who iden­ti­fied him­self as a co-own­er of the bar came to the door dur­ing the demonstration.

As President Obama asks Congress for funds to kick off a cam­paign for body cam­eras for cops, I am not sure what cam­eras will do to reduce this prob­lem of police abuse and extra-judi­cial killings. 
The entire killing of Eric Garner was cap­tured on Camera. Garner could clear­ly be heard on Camera say­ing “I can’t breathe< I can’t breathe” I can’t breathe”. Daniel Pantaleo did not think of releas­ing his death-grip on the man until the life drained out of him.
White Staten Island res­i­dents to whom cops can do no wrong, decid­ed not to break their tra­di­tion of pro­tect­ing killer cops. They sup­pos­ed­ly looked at the evi­dence of the case on the basis that there was no intent to kill, despite the Medical Examiner, rul­ing the death a homicide.
Even though the grand jury’s job is not to decide inno­cence or guilt the Staten Island Jury decid­ed to lit­er­al­ly try the case and decid­ed there was no case to answer. No “prob­a­ble cause”, no mur­der, no manslaugh­ter, no assault, no stran­gu­la­tion, no nothing.….….….

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After Eric Garner stopped mov­ing they all stood around, they took no steps to ren­der CPR or any oth­er life sav­ing pro­ce­dure. They knew they had killed him.
They did noth­ing because they knew they did not need to.
There was no rea­son to care.
No rea­son to wor­ry about consequence.