Black 66-year-old Motorist Targeted By Cops, Who Shot Him 6 Times In The Back…

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A black man is recov­er­ing from mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds after being shot in the back by police dur­ing a traf­fic stop, but his fam­i­ly and attor­neys are ques­tion­ing why cops even stopped him in the first place.
The Columbus Division of Police released the body cam­era video of the cow­ard­ly shoot­ing of 66-year-old Michael Cleveland in the back in Columbus, Ohio, on Feb. 5. Officer Joshua Ohlinger shot Cleveland as he ran away at about 3:05 p.m. Cleveland ran after the police pulled him over near Wilson and Stanley Avenues. His attor­ney says he may nev­er walk again. One of those shots hit him in his spinal cord…and he’s unlike­ly ever to walk again,” said attor­ney Sean Walton.

Sixty-six (66) year-old Michael Clevland

In this case, a crit­i­cal piece of evi­dence is that at about the 1:06 stage of the video, the cops fig­ured out who was dri­ving the black pick­up truck.
One cop remarked, “Oh, it’s that fuck­ing Michael Cleveland.”
The oth­er cop responds, “Oh, is it”?
Material evi­dence that they both knew who Michael Cleveland was. That the shoot­ing was a pre­med­i­tat­ed case of attempt­ed murder.
After Ohlinger approached Cleveland, Michael Cleveland ran into an alley­way; Ohlinger gave chase.
At around the 1:19 mark in the video, Ohlinger pulls his taser, then puts the taser back and pulls his ser­vice weapon about a sec­ond later.
At about the 1:25 mark, Michael Cleveland, with his back turned to Ohlinger and in full flight, drops what cops say was a gun upon which Ohlinger fires a series of six shits, strik­ing mis­ter Cleveland in the back as he fled.
No ratio­nal jus­ti­fi­ca­tion exists in any coun­try gov­erned by the rule of law for police offi­cers to shoot some­one flee­ing from them. Worse yet, a per­son who had com­mit­ted no crime as far as the cop knew when he decid­ed to approach the individual.
Regardless of Michael Cleveland’s his­to­ry, no cop can be giv­en carte blanche to shoot a per­son down like a rabid dog.

As soon as he parked in a lot behind a build­ing, Cleveland exit­ed his truck and ran between two build­ings, prompt­ing Ohlinger to say, “Hey, sir? Hey, sir?” before chas­ing him.
A few sec­onds lat­er, Ohlinger yelled, “Hey, hands up,” and imme­di­ate­ly unloaded six shots into Cleveland. After shoot­ing Cleveland, Ohlinger yelled, “Show me your hands! Hands Up!” Cleveland replied that he couldn’t. Ohlinger then asked, “Where’s the gun.” “It wasn’t what we expect­ed to see, like my dad falling straight for­ward. We didn’t know if he was dead or alive,” said LaKeya Cleveland. In a slow-motion ver­sion of the video, Cleveland could be seen drop­ping an object on the right side of his body. The police said the item was a gun. 

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Ohlinger also shot a 17-year-old boy run­ning from a traf­fic stop last August. He was not pros­e­cut­ed for that crime but was allowed back onto the streets to cause more may­hem in the black community..
NBC4 report­ed that the teen and his 18-year-old pas­sen­ger were both armed and ran from the back seat of a vehi­cle dur­ing the stop. The teenag­er sur­vived and is report­ed­ly sta­ble. 
Columbus Police Chief Elaine Bryant said that Ohlinger was on leave for three months fol­low­ing the shoot­ing, which would mean he’d only been back on duty for a few months before shoot­ing Cleveland. Court records showed that Cleveland had a Sig Sauer .40-cal­iber pis­tol on him and was charged with hav­ing a weapon while under disability.
Definition of hav­ing a weapon while under disability.
The Law pro­hibits cer­tain per­sons like fugi­tives from jus­tice, drug depen­dent per­sons, men­tal­ly incom­pe­tent per­sons etc, from acquir­ing, hav­ing, car­ry­ing, or using firearms. If a fugi­tive from jus­tice car­ries firearms, he or she is said to have a weapon while under dis­abil­i­ty.
Example of a state statute (Ohio) on hav­ing weapons while under disability.

(A) Unless relieved from dis­abil­i­ty as pro­vid­ed in sec­tion 2923.14 of the Revised Code, no per­son shall know­ing­ly acquire, have, car­ry, or use any firearm or dan­ger­ous ord­nance, if any of the fol­low­ing apply:

(1) The per­son is a fugi­tive from justice.

(2) The per­son is under indict­ment for or has been con­vict­ed of any felony offense of vio­lence or has been adju­di­cat­ed a delin­quent child for the com­mis­sion of an offense that, if com­mit­ted by an adult, would have been a felony offense of violence.

(3) The per­son is under indict­ment for or has been con­vict­ed of any offense involv­ing the ille­gal pos­ses­sion, use, sale, admin­is­tra­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion, or traf­fick­ing in any drug of abuse or has been adju­di­cat­ed a delin­quent child for the com­mis­sion of an offense that, if com­mit­ted by an adult, would have been an offense involv­ing the ille­gal pos­ses­sion, use, sale, admin­is­tra­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion, or traf­fick­ing in any drug of abuse.

(4) The per­son is drug depen­dent, in dan­ger of drug depen­dence, or a chron­ic alcoholic.

(5) The per­son is under adju­di­ca­tion of men­tal incom­pe­tence, has been adju­di­cat­ed as a men­tal defec­tive, has been com­mit­ted to a men­tal insti­tu­tion, has been found by a court to be a men­tal­ly ill per­son sub­ject to hos­pi­tal­iza­tion by court order, or is an invol­un­tary patient oth­er than one who is a patient only for pur­pos­es of obser­va­tion. As used in this divi­sion, “men­tal­ly ill per­son sub­ject to hos­pi­tal­iza­tion by court order” and “patient” have the same mean­ings as in sec­tion 5122.01 of the Revised Code.

Bryant avoid­ed ques­tions about why Cleveland was stopped in the first place. She said that the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation was inves­ti­gat­ing while not­ing some­times such cas­es could take up to three years. Cleveland’s fam­i­ly wants the offi­cers to be removed from street patrol until the inves­ti­ga­tion into the shoot­ing is com­plete. “Again, BCI has this inves­ti­ga­tion,” she said. “We can’t inter­view the offi­cer, we can’t talk about this, this is all part of their actu­al inves­ti­ga­tion. All we can do is actu­al­ly show you what we actu­al­ly saw on the video, so that’s all I can go into right now.” According to a report from ABC6, Cleveland was charged with a weapons vio­la­tion, and pros­e­cu­tors have agreed to pur­sue an indict­ment. His fam­i­ly is call­ing for a probe by the U.S. Department of Justice.
So the man who gets six bul­lets placed in his back will be pros­e­cut­ed for hav­ing a weapon in a coun­try with over four hun­dred mil­lion guns, but the attempt­ed mur­der­er is not charged.
The inves­ti­ga­tions into his clear-cut attempt to kill a man run­ning away is like­ly to take up to three years before a deci­sion is made that he act­ed appropriately.
How can any­one have faith in a sys­tem so fun­da­men­tal­ly cor­rupt and inher­ent­ly racist?
Corrupt judges and pros­e­cu­tors are things I talk about as I delve into America’s police vio­lent and mur­der­ous rampage.
Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges con­tin­ue to shield police on the belief that the peo­ple they bru­tal­ize and mur­der are col­lat­er­al dam­age, worth­while casu­al­ties in their so-called war to main­tain order.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.