Birther Nullification: The Obamas Strike Back With Devastating Effect.…


For those who wonder why President Barack Obama and his wife First lady Michelle Obama are going so hard for Hillary Clinton and against Donald trump?


President and first lady Michelle Obama..
President and first lady Michelle Obama..

There is no need to wonder .
This cou­ple has been cam­paign­ing heav­i­ly against Donald J Trump ever set­ting foot in the White house as President.
If you are won­der­ing why , then you must have missed the last 712 years of Donald Trump’s birther campaign.
The Nation’s first cou­ple is enjoy­ing cam­paign­ing against Trump for the show me your papers birther cam­paign Trump waged against the President.
The duly elect­ed President of the United States was sub­ject­ed to a vicious smear cam­paign that he was not an American citizen .
The nar­ra­tive being that he was born in Kenya had been brought into the United states-state of Hawaii, because they knew that some­how he was born to be pres­i­dent of the United States.

The birther lie took on legs dom­i­na­tion the news cycle inces­sant­ly . Lawsuits were filed by one of it’s stan­dard bear­er a woman named Orly Taitz. Donald Trump and Sarah Palin were chief among the prin­ci­pals push­ing the birther nar­ra­tive but there were oth­ers , includ­ing high rank­ing mil­i­tary officers.
The United States Constitution stip­u­lates that in order for some­one to qual­i­fy to be pres­i­dent of the United States they have to have reached the age of 35 years of age and be of nat­ur­al birth.
If you are able to cast doubt on the coun­try of birth of the pres­i­dent of the United States, you have dis­qual­i­fied him, You have nul­li­fied his presidency.
That was the mis­sion of Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and oth­ers . Nullification. 


In the end Trump was forced to eat crow, egg on his orange tinged face Trump open­ly con­ced­ed that the pres­i­dent was born in the United States but only when it suit­ed his nar­row per­vert­ed inter­est. As was to be expect­ed the nar­cis­sis­tic mani­ac in mak­ing the state­ment ‚blamed Hillary Clinton for hav­ing start­ed the birther issue, while claim­ing he was able to do the President and the nation a favor by get­ting the President to show his birth certificate.
That was patent­ly false but it did not stop Trump from mak­ing the statement.
He only made the state­ment when he was faced with the prospect of the first of three pres­i­den­tial debates know­ing he would be asked to defend his cam­paign of lies against the president.

The debates are now over, accord­ing to the polls Trump lost all three to Clinton.
It was laid bare for peo­ple across the globe to see that Donald J Trump , Sarah Palin and the oth­er birthers had the com­bined intel­lect of a 5‑year-old.

Fugitive slave catch­ers were peo­ple who returned escaped slaves to their own­ers in the United States in the mid 19th cen­tu­ry. Slaves who man­aged to free them­selves from their own­ers had yet anoth­er wor­ry: fugi­tive slave catchers.
fugitiveDonald Trump’s birther cam­paign against the nation’s first black pres­i­dent was an exten­sion of the chal­lenges blacks faced dur­ing and after slav­ery. It was the equiv­a­lent of “I do not believe you are what you are” (a freed human being) not a slave, chat­tel to be owned .
It is sim­i­lar to what blacks face in America with police who deem that they can­not be in cer­tain areas legit­i­mate­ly and must pro­duce Identification, even on their own property.
Trump’s dis­re­spect­ful cam­paign against the pres­i­den­t’s right to the pres­i­den­cy was an affront to the pres­i­dent and his fam­i­ly and the vast major­i­ty of the intel­li­gent enlight­ened American peo­ple who vot­ed him into office, not once but twice, and most like­ly would over­whelm­ing­ly vote for him again were he con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly eli­gi­ble, what with his 54% approval rating .

On Thursday October 20th President Obama ripped both Donald Trump and Florida Senator Marco Rubio at a cam­paign stop in South Florida. Rubio has chas­tised Republicans for refer­ring to wik­ileaks email dump against Democrats argu­ing next time it could be the Republicans on the wrong end of those hacks. I was nev­er a Rubio fan but I would have been hap­pi­er hear­ing from a United States Senator that a Russian hack of American Institutions rep­re­sents a clear and present dan­ger. Instead the fear is next time it could be us.
Rubio’s fear and angst seem only cen­tered on the notion that Republicans could be next .
One would have expect­ed a patri­ot­ic United States Senator to have been out­raged not just con­cerned about the fact that his par­ty could be next.


Obama tore into Rubio for run­ning away from immi­grants as soon as things got a lit­tle tough in his par­ty. He blast­ed Rubio for hav­ing said Trump is a con-man who should nev­er have access to the nuclear codes yet still insists he will be vot­ing for Trump.
It’s nor­mal for a sit­ting President to boost the sen­ate or house can­di­date of his own par­ty against the sit­ting sen­a­tor or con­gress per­son of the oppo­site party.
This how­ev­er sound­ed dif­fer­ent to me . It seemed that the Commander in chief want­ed to hang Donald Trump around the neck of Marco Rubio and chase both of them out of town,.

Bye ‚bye Marco No Tears Here…

So what could be going on with this depar­ture from nor­mal pro­to­col. I won­der if events out­lined in the arti­cle above has some­thing to do with this smack-down of Rubio?
You bet it does !!
This is the very same Marco Rubio who said quote “Barack Obama has no class” Of course the President did not allude to this but this writer and many peo­ple of col­or were extreme­ly offend­ed when this hon­orary white Cuban , made that statement.
This pres­i­dent and his fam­i­ly has been a mod­el of class of dig­ni­ty . They have been per­fect rep­re­sen­ta­tives for the good peo­ple of the coun­try who twice vot­ed the pres­i­dent into office.
How dare Marco Rubio who ran away from a lit­tle fight over immi­grants, refus­ing to stand up and defend peo­ple who came just a gen­er­a­tion after his own par­ents came.?
In my world that makes Rubio a self serv­ing cow­ard who care only about hold­ing polit­i­cal office.
A lit­tle after the pres­i­dent deliv­ered a dou­ble smack-down of Trump and Rubio, his wife the first lady of the United States Michelle Obama (the clos­er) deliv­ered anoth­er all too famil­iar Michelle Obama smack­down of Trump in the red state of Arizona. Many Democrats and pun­dits believe Arizona could be trend­ing blue even to the point of deliv­er­ing a win in that state for Hillary Clinton , some­thing which has­n’t hap­pened in 20 years.


The Trump cam­paign and Republican offi­cials argue that car­ry­ing Arizona is pure Clinton fan­ta­sy. But accord­ing to the Washington Post, the state’s junior US Senator Jeff Flake ® when asked what Trump could do to ensure a win in Arizona, Flake said: “Come up with a more real­is­tic immi­gra­tion pol­i­cy than build a wall and make the Mexican gov­ern­ment pay for it, walk back the Muslim ban, stop talk­ing about get­ting rid of libel laws. Should I go on? I think we’re not in a good posi­tion. I think Mr. Trump is not where he needs to be to win a gen­er­al elec­tion.” “We can’t afford to alien­ate and demo­nize the largest-grow­ing demo­graph­ic out there,” Flake said, draw­ing a his­tor­i­cal par­al­lel. “Back in the ’60s, we Republicans lost the African American vote that we still haven’t gained back.”

Hum hum.
It’s every man for him­self now .
The splash­ing sounds you hear are Republicans div­ing off the sink­ing HMS Donald Trump.