Billions Unaccounted For But You Question The Messenger ?


After being in bondage for centuries Ramesses the Pharaoh released the children of Israel into the hands of the Prophet Moses. Biblical accounts of the event said that the Lord God intended for the former slaves a life of prosperity in the Land of Canaan. The children of Israel were not deserving of this act of kindness from God they had not earned it. But through God’s abounding grace and love they were liberated.


Nevertheless it did not take long for them to start show­ing just how ungrate­ful they could be. Despite the cen­turies of back-break­ing servi­tude to which they were sub­ject­ed they still lament­ed that at least they had meat. This after the Lord pro­vid­ed heav­en­ly man­ner to sus­tain them for the trip to their new home.
The dis­tance from Egypt to the land of Canaan was a mere eleven days journey.
Despite this the ungrate­ful Israelites rebelled against Moses com­plain­ing about the lack of meat , com­plain­ing about the lack of water, com­plain­ing about the lack of crea­ture comforts.
The Bible accounts that in exas­per­a­tion and human anger Moses struck the rock and said “drink ye hea­thens” water gushed from the rock and they drank to their hearts con­tent after which they resumed com­plain­ing. They were told not to store up the man­ner because the same God who pro­vid­ed for them today is faith­ful and mind­ful to pro­vide for them tomorrow .
They did not trust God to be faith­ful so they stored up the man­na and God ren­dered it ined­i­ble , the man­na became mag­got infested.
The chil­dren of Israel wan­dered around in the desert for 40 years with­out set­ting foot in the land of Canaan. According to scrip­ture not a sin­gle per­son who left Egypt set foot into the promise land.
A jour­ney which ought to have tak­en a mere eleven days end­ed up in a 40 year night­mare like a dog chas­ing it’s own tail.
Such are the con­se­quences of dis­obe­di­ence and rebellion.


Over the last 44 years the People’s National Party (PNP) has held office for a record 32 to the Jamaica Labor Party’s (12) twelve. The JLP was final­ly returned to office in a record tight elec­tion on February 25th .
The new admin­is­tra­tion cam­paigned on a slo­gan of ” from pover­ty to pros­per­i­ty” , on that slo­gan it won a one seat major­i­ty in the 63 seat leg­is­la­ture which gives it the con­sti­tu­tion­al right to form the Government which it did.
The one seat major­i­ty is the slimmest ever in Jamaica’s polit­i­cal his­to­ry. According to the Electoral office the vot­er turnout was the low­est it has ever been .
The low vot­er turnout may be attrib­uted to vot­er apa­thy , but vot­er apa­thy is a wide umbrel­la which may not ful­ly explain why huge chunks of the elec­torate sat on their hands.
The many scan­dals and cor­rup­tions asso­ci­at­ed with the PNP , the refusal to account or even speak to the media and final­ly refus­ing to engage in a pre-elec­tion debate with the oppo­si­tion is a more real­is­tic rea­son for the par­ty’s loss.

The one seat major­i­ty of the JLP should nev­er be con­fused with any sug­ges­tion of a lack of enthu­si­asm for the labor party.
The Party won a deci­sive 11 seats with­out los­ing a sin­gle seat it pre­vi­ous­ly held. That is no easy feat in a Jamaica which has prob­a­bly twelve seats for the PNP which are nev­er in play. Those seats are called gar­ri­son seats. This is the process where polit­i­cal patron­age cre­ate mono­lith­ic vot­ing. The JLP also has a cou­ple but noth­ing close to what the PNP possesses.

Audley Shaw
Audley Shaw

The PNP cam­paigned on the slo­gan “turn up the progress” it lost, and it lost big. The JLP’s one seat major­i­ty is best viewed from where the par­ty climbed to gain the one seat majority.
Voters had a chance to turn up the progress or opt to move from pover­ty to pros­per­i­ty , they chose the latter.
The new admin­is­tra­tion has been in office less than a month yet the Israelites who sup­port the PNP are com­plain­ing that the Government is not ful­fill­ing it’s promise of remov­ing income tax for peo­ple earn­ing a annu­al salary of under 1.5 mil­lion dollars.
The min­is­ter of finance Audley Shaw announced that the monies ear­marked by his par­ty to pay for the tax elim­i­na­tion was non-existent.
Billions of dol­lars is report­ed to have sim­ply dis­s­a­peared. The then min­is­ter of Finance Peter Phillips is report­ed to have said the bil­lions was spent on something.

How can a min­is­ter whose respon­si­bil­i­ty it is to account for every pen­ny of tax­pay­ers mon­ey say mon­eys were spent with­out say­ing how bil­lions of dol­lars could have dis­s­a­peared in the few days between when his par­ty lost the elec­tions and the new admin­is­tra­tion took office?
Why is there no top lev­el audit and Phillips made to account ?
Strikingly with all of the theft , cor­rup­tion and scan­dals asso­ci­at­ed with the cor­rupt PNP admin­is­tra­tion the hyp­ocrite Israelites have now tak­en to social media talk­ing about watch­ing the new administration.

Peter Phillips
Peter Phillips

Where were these hea­thens dur­ing FINSAC, Cuban light bulb scan­dal, OUTAMENI, the Clarendon mar­ket scan­dal , the litany of oth­er thefts and dis­ap­pear­ance of pub­lic funds?
Now these hea­thens want to ques­tion the truth the min­is­ter tells about the dis­ap­pear­ance of bil­lions but have no con­dem­na­tion for those who are respon­si­ble for it’s disappearance.
Even if the monies were used on projects which I do not believe they were, the admin­is­tra­tion just vot­ed out of office had no busi­ness spend­ing those sums after being defeat­ed at the polls.
People who sup­port the PNP does not give a rat’s ass about the direc­tion or sol­ven­cy of the coun­try as long as they can indi­vid­u­al­ly ben­e­fit when their par­ty con­trols things.
These hea­thens mil­i­tate and bet against our coun­try for par­ty sake.
I some­times wish we could split the coun­try into two parts and build a wall , yes I said it , let them them have the kind of coun­try they want and oth­ers have the coun­try we want. In a mat­ter of time they would be bor­row­ing under the wall and try­ing to scale it to flee the disaster.
We are not going to roll over any more and allow anoth­er 32 years of destruc­tion, so all Israelites bet­ter get used to a JLP admin­is­tra­tion in Jamaica house.
Our coun­try deserves a shot, tired failed poli­cies and thiev­ery has come to an end.