Billary Clinton..a Quick Look.


No matter how much we deny or apologize for the things we say it does not change the fact that the words we utter are probably the best indicators of how we truly feel at the moment we utter them. Sure we can walk them back ‚we can apologize for saying them , we may even apologize for the intemperate ways in which we say them. Like circumstantial evidence however they paint a picture of our true character.
Following in that theme it is kinda difficult to keep having to explain that the words we spoke freely were not intended they way we say them but were meant to convey a different meaning in a different context.

In 1992 Bill Clinton won the Presidency of the United States beat­ing Herbert Walker Bush the 41st President after he had served a sin­gle term.
Clinton’s rise to the Presidency may have been pos­si­ble because the nation was fatigued after three terms of repub­li­cans con­trol of the executive.
Clinton’s Presidency was book-end­ed by Herbert Walker Bush’s Presidency and that of his son George W Bush the 43rd pres­i­dent of the United States. I can­not deny that I too thought that Bill Clinton play­ing the Saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show was cool, a wel­come depar­ture from the stiff and script­ed per­sona of past pres­i­den­tial candidates.
I still have the for­mer President’s auto­graph from a chance encounter we had in Westchester coun­ty sev­er­al years ago. Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton still have a lock on the African-American vote which is yet to be ratio­nal­ly explained out­side the con­text of the wider demo­c­ra­t­ic party.

Blacks generally cannot rationally explain a vote for the Republican Party. Simply put the party has been more than hostile to Black values and openly supportive of policies which discriminates against and places Blacks at a disadvantage. The Civil-Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by Democratic president Lyndon Johnson .The law outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
The passage of the civil-rights act resulted in a massive exodus of white men and women from the democratic party to the republican party.
There are all kinds of nuanced reasons surrounding why white men ran from the Democratic party after the civil rights act was signed into law. The unmitigated truth is that those whites had no intention of seeing Black Americans given full citizenship.
A quick look at American history has more than enough evidence of this. Whites have been systematically opposed to blacks having the dignity of of their God given rights since before slavery was conceived. I watched a part of the Ken Burns film on the life of Jackie Robinson just last night, it shone a light on the ignorance and sense of entitlement of white society as it regards the rights of people of color.
It’s 2016, over 50 years after the signing of the civil rights act and there are still considerable amounts of white Americans who believe slavery wasn’t a bad idea. On that basis blacks may be voting Democratic for awhile yet, as the Republicans have shown no intention of wooing or even wanting the black vote.
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Bill Clinton’s played heart-break hotel on the sax­o­phone on the Arsenio Hall show in June of 1992 , at the time Hall joked it was great to see a Democrat blow some­thing oth­er than the election..
That moment may have been the defin­ing moment for Clinton’s cam­paign as it relates to secur­ing the black vote.
It could also have been an attempt to smooth ten­sions he helped to per­pet­u­ate when he dived into the imbroglio sur­round­ing rap­per Sister Souljah’s com­ment mere­ly a month ear­li­er. The Rapper alleged­ly said quote, “If black peo­ple kill black peo­ple every day, why not have a week and kill white people”?
The rap­per’s com­ments came after the hip-hop com­mu­ni­ty became more mil­i­tant fol­low­ing the LA riots and Ice‑T body count cop killer lyrics. The white Media was up in arms against hip-hop and Clinton saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to appease white anger at the expense of the black community.
Clinton com­pared the rap­per’s com­ments then to that of white suprema­cists. Many in the black com­mu­ni­ty saw his com­ments as a way of nod­ding to whites that he was on their side while hold­ing onto the black vote.

In 1992 the now president Bill Clinton signed a massive and sweeping crime bill to build federal prisons based on the three strikes law . This resulted in the mass incarceration of Americans, largely minorities. Today as a result of that law more than two million Americans are locked up in prisons with nearly another million in some way under the supervision of federal and state corrections.
Breitbart reports that as a result of the crime bill, America now has 25 percent of the world’s prison population, but only 5 percent of its overall population. An African-American male born today has a 1‑in‑3 chance of spending time in prison during their lifetime. At the historic signing ceremony, Clinton said, “Gangs and drugs have taken over our streets and undermined our schools. Every day, we read about somebody else who has literally gotten away with murder.”
The crime bill caused an immediate and steep increase in incarcerations during Clinton’s tenure. At the beginning of his first term in 1992, there were 847,000 people in prison. By the end of Clinton’s second term in 2000, there were 1,334,000 Americans behind bars.
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In 1996 then first lady Hillary Clinton speak­ing at Keene State College in New Hampshire said quote ‚“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘super-preda­tors,’” . “No con­science, no empa­thy, we can talk about why they end­ed up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
It’s now 2016 and then first lady Hillary Clinton has gone through much trans­for­ma­tion ‚from United States sen­a­tor from the state of New York, Secretary of state of the United States and now one of two remain­ing can­di­dates remain­ing in the race for the demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion for pres­i­dent of the United States. Hillary Clinton has nev­er been bag­gage free, even though there may be a legit­i­mate case made that she has been held to dif­fer­ent stan­dards through­out her career.

I was par­tic­u­lar­ly unnerved at the seem­ing lack of care in the way she spoke about bring­ing to heel the young peo­ple she char­ac­ter­ized as super-preda­tors while con­ve­nient­ly brush­ing aside any atten­dant cir­cum­stances which may have con­tributed to their state of anti-social behavior.
As a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date she has been con­front­ed with her hus­bands crime bill which became a drag­net for young black men and women fill­ing America’s pris­ons and jails.
Her super-preda­tor com­ment has also caused her much headache on the cam­paign trail. To her cred­it she has stat­ed that she regrets say­ing those words back in 1996 and giv­en the same sit­u­a­tion she would not have used those words.
Cynics and those who do not trust the Clintons will say her remorse is vin­tage Clinton, say what­ev­er is expe­di­ent to sat­is­fy a situation.
Bill Clinton has been more defen­sive when con­front­ed on the trail by young black activists who chal­lenge him on the out­come of the law they argue was tai­lored to incar­cer­ate blacks. He has also said the law end­ed up caus­ing some unin­tend­ed con­se­quences he did not envisage.
However he has not been shy in defend­ing the Law as nec­es­sary to what was hap­pen­ing at the time and insist­ing that the black com­mu­ni­ty asked him to take action.

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I don’t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out into the street to murder other African-American children,” he began. “You are defending the people who kill the people whose lives you say matter.”
In Clinton’s defense several members of the congressional black caucus did vote for the crime bill. I might be a bit of a tough sell to blame Clinton for a bill which put people in jail at a time when crime seemed to be out of control.
Republicans in the House of representatives simply may have done their homework on the effects the crime bill would have on minority communities, Clinton and the democrats simply went along not wanting to be branded soft on crime.
Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy
Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy
So listening to Bill Clinton’s reasoned speech regarding the comments made by rapper Sister Souljah it is difficult to reconcile which is the real Bill Clinton when one considers this Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy that Obama ‘would be getting us coffee’ a few years ago”.
The New York Daily News reported that Bill Clinton helped sink his wife’s chances for an endorsement from Ted Kennedy by belittling Barack Obama as nothing but a race-based candidate. “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,” the former president told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, “Game Change.” The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury. After Kennedy sided with Obama, Clinton reportedly griped, “the only reason you are endorsing him is because he’s black. Let’s just be clear.“Laden with potent pass-the-torch symbolism, the January 2008 endorsement of Obama by Kennedy and his niece, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg was a pivotal campaign moment that allowed the Democratic establishment to abandon the Clintons according to the Daily News.

Fairy tale campaign.……”

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In the 2008 Bill Clinton speak­ing at a town hall man­aged to refer to then Senator Obama’s can­di­da­cy as a fairy tale, though the com­ment was quite care­ful­ly hid­den in a lengthy response to a ques­tion. A mael­strom of crit­i­cisms erupt­ed as a result of those com­ments . It was­n’t exact­ly clear whether Clinton was being dis­mis­sive of the Obama can­di­da­cy in the broad­er sense as against the nar­row­er con­text of Obama’s posi­tion on the Iraq war. For many African-Americans if it walked like a duck, talked like a duck, it was a duck. Bill Clinton was able to weasel his way out of the fairy tale com­ment, he nev­er got around to explain­ing his despi­ca­ble com­ments to Senator Ted Kennedy that just a few years ear­li­er Obama would be serv­ing them coffee.
Bill Clinton called into Al Sharpton’s nation­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed talk radio show to say that his “fairy tale” com­ment about then Senator Barack Obama’s posi­tion­ing on the war was being mis­con­strued and that he was talk­ing only about the war, not Mr. Obama’s over­ar­ch­ing mes­sage or his dri­ve to be the first black president.“There’s noth­ing fairy tale about his cam­paign,” Clinton said. “It’s real, strong and he might win.”
Barack Obama did go one to win the Presidency and hire Clinton’s wife to be the sec­re­tary of state the sec­ond woman to hold that office.

It’s difficult for me to be critical of Former President Clinton on the Crime Bill when I am one who has zero tolerance for drug dealing , gang activity and the murders and other crimes which result from those activities. The incarceration of Blacks was a long designed plan which far predated Bill Clinton’s presidency. After slavery in America Blacks ended up right back on the plantations as a result of state laws which criminalized them for the color of their skins.
States designed and passed draconian laws which made it a crime for people to simply stand around on street corners. Many of the newly released blacks flocked to cities after emancipation they were criminalized simply because they had no place to go.
The chain gang and the prison industrial complex was born. Many of the imprisoned blacks ended up back on the very same plantations they were supposedly freed from. only this time the plantation owners had no duty to protect their lives anymore , they were less than property.
They no longer owned them and they were exceedingly mad that the slavery had ended and they had lost their properties.
Killing the now penal workers was no big deal the prisons would simply replaced murdered workers the next day.
It was not a crime for blacks to be killed, they were not humans, they had no right a white man had to respect.
Some estimates says less that 3% of the people who ended up on the chain gangs ever returned home.


Hillary Clinton apologized for her super predator remarks I am not sure whether she should have but when you are running to be president of the United States you are required to soothe ruffled feathers and kiss snotty babies.
Bill Clinton is defensive of the Crime Bill he should not be , he should own it. There was a strong demand for it and though many people went to Prison and are still tied up in the system it is difficult to argue many who did had to part in their own demise.
What is absolutely sure is that many lives have been saved with many of the super predators off the streets.

The issue of what caus­es peo­ple to engage in seri­ous crim­i­nal­i­ty has been researched and debat­ed ad nau­se­um by many above my pay grade.
Poverty, aban­don­ment, bro­ken fam­i­lies what­ev­er the caus­es , no one thing explain why peo­ple kill oth­ers, none sin­gu­lar­ly explain why they prey on others.
Despite all of the sit­u­a­tions which may play a part in some peo­ple’s neg­a­tive behav­ior oth­er peo­ple have risen from those very sit­u­a­tions and soared to great heights.
It is naïve to believe if we could wave a wand and fix all of those con­di­tions which sup­pos­ed­ly cause peo­ple to com­mit crimes, peo­ple would stop com­mit­ting crimes.
Some of the most intri­cate crime syn­di­cates are com­mand­ed and direct­ed by peo­ple with lots of mon­ey ‚pow­er, and influence.
Crime is a human con­di­tion and yes some­times crim­i­nals have to be brought to heel before we deal with the social conditions.
Sounds like I’m defend­ing Hillary, nah I’m just stat­ing a fact.