Bill Cosby To Walk Free…

At the time that a Pennsylvania politi­cian was run­ning for office sole­ly on the basis that he would pros­e­cute Bill Cosby FOR alleged sex­u­al mis­con­duct, I opined that selec­tive jus­tice is wrong regard­less of who the accused is.
Kevin Steele, a Democrat, ran for office in Montgomery County to become the dis­trict attor­ney. He was sub­se­quent­ly elect­ed after he cam­paigned for dis­trict attor­ney on the promise of becom­ing the first in the United States to charge come­di­an Bill Cosby with sex­u­al assault.

Bill Cosby

Steele’s stead­fast ani­mus against Cosby, real or per­ceived, result­ed in a sin­gle felony charge against Cosby, who has been accused of drug­ging and sex­u­al­ly assault­ing dozens of women dat­ing back to the 1960s.
The evi­dence used in pros­e­cut­ing Bill Cosby was evi­dence giv­en in a civ­il pro­ceed­ing; Mr. Cosby was assured by a court the evi­dence was sealed and could not be used against him in a crim­i­nal proceeding.
Kevin Steel was able to use that evi­dence to gain a con­vic­tion against the entertainer.

Kevin Steele

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Wednesday over­turned Bill Cosby’s sex assault con­vic­tion, set­ting the stage for the release of the 83-year-old come­di­an lat­er in the day.
The state’s high­est court tossed Cosby’s con­vic­tion due to an agree­ment he had with a pri­or pros­e­cu­tor that would have pre­vent­ed Cosby from being crim­i­nal­ly charged in the case. This new rul­ing bars any retri­al in the case, accord­ing to court documents.