Are Bill Clinton’s Mis-speaks Really Mispeaks

There are a million ways one can be complimentary of something without saying outlandish things which may be construed as controversial. I have always believed that the best way to find out what people really think is to let them speak without interrupting them , by and large they will tell you who they are and what they really believe.

Former President Bill Clinton was once char­ac­ter­ized as the Explainer in chief by no oth­er than cur­rent President Barack Obama. Coming from President Barack Obama that is a glow­ing endorse­ment that Bill Clinton is incred­i­bly capa­ble of artic­u­lat­ing a point , prob­a­bly more so than many.
Nobody believe Bill Clinton has a prob­lem say­ing exact­ly what he wants to convey,hence that is the rea­son his com­ments regard­ing the Affordable Care Act legit­i­mate­ly rais­es eyebrows.

Here’s the Clinton Flint, Michigan, speech last Monday.



[The cur­rent sys­tem works fine if you’re eli­gi­ble for Medicaid, if you’re a low­er-income work­ing per­son, if you’re already on Medicare, or if you get enough sub­si­dies on a mod­est income that you can afford your health care. But the peo­ple that are get­ting killed in this deal are small busi­ness­peo­ple and indi­vid­u­als who make just a lit­tle too much to get any of these sub­si­dies. So you’ve got this crazy sys­tem where all of a sud­den, 25 mil­lion more peo­ple have health care and then the peo­ple that are out there bust­ing it ― some­times 60 hours a week ― wind up with their pre­mi­ums dou­bled and their cov­er­age cut in half. It’s the cra­zi­est thing in the world.

Now the next thing is, we got to fig­ure out now what to do on health care. Her oppo­nent said, ‘Oh, just repeal it all. The mar­ket will take care of it.’ That didn’t work out very well for us, did it? We wound up with the most expen­sive sys­tem in the world and we insured the small­est per­cent­age of peo­ple. On the oth­er hand, the cur­rent sys­tem works fine if you’re eli­gi­ble for Medicaid, if you’re a low­er income work­ing per­son, if you’re already on Medicare, or if you get enough sub­si­dies on a mod­est income that you can afford your health care.

But the peo­ple that are get­ting killed in this deal are small busi­ness­peo­ple and indi­vid­u­als who make just a lit­tle too much to get any of these sub­si­dies. Why? Because they’re not orga­nized, they don’t have any bar­gain­ing pow­er with insur­ance com­pa­nies, and they’re get­ting whacked. So you’ve got this crazy sys­tem where all of a sud­den, 25 mil­lion more peo­ple have health care and then the peo­ple that are out there bust­ing it ― some­times 60 hours a week ― wind up with their pre­mi­ums dou­bled and their cov­er­age cut in half. It’s the cra­zi­est thing in the world so here’s the sim­plest thing ― you raise your hands, you think about it ― here’s the sim­plest thing: fig­ure out an afford­able rate and let peo­ple use that ― some­thing that won’t under­mine your qual­i­ty of life, won’t inter­fere with your abil­i­ty to make expens­es, won’t inter­fere with your abil­i­ty to save mon­ey for your kid’s col­lege edu­ca­tion. And let peo­ple buy in to Medicare or Medicaid.

Here’s why: you can let peo­ple buy in for just a lit­tle bit because unlike where you are now, if you were on the oth­er side of this, if you were an insur­er, you’d say, ‘Gosh, I only got 2,000 peo­ple in this lit­tle pool. Eighty per­cent of insur­ance costs every year come from 20 per­cent of the peo­ple. If I get unlucky in the pool, I’ll lose mon­ey.’ So they over­charge you just to make sure, and on good years, they just make a whop­ping prof­it from the peo­ple who are least able to pay it.

It doesn’t make any sense. The insur­ance mod­el doesn’t work here; it’s not like life insur­ance, it’s not like casu­al­ties, it’s not like pre­dict­ing flood­ing. It doesn’t work. So Hillary believes we should sim­ply let peo­ple who are above the line for get­ting these sub­si­dies have access to afford­able entry into the Medicare and Medicaid pro­grams. They’ll all be cov­ered, it will not hurt the pro­gram, we will not lose a lot of mon­ey. And we ought to do it.


I think his health care bill has been a remark­able suc­cess for 25 mil­lion peo­ple, and for get­ting rid of pre-exist­ing con­di­tions, and the prob­lems with it show why the pres­i­dent was right to rec­om­mend a pub­lic option in the first place because the only real prob­lems I can see with it are small busi­ness­peo­ple and indi­vid­ual work­ing peo­ple just above the sub­sidy line are hav­ing. Why is that? Because they’re small, they’re inde­pen­dent, they do have any mar­ket pow­er vis a vis the insur­ance com­pa­nies, and that’s why Hillary said, “The change we need is not to wreck this thing and repeal it. It’s done too much good. The change we need is to cre­ate an afford­able option for the small busi­ness peo­ple and the work­ing peo­ple who are not cov­ered ― that’s what the pub­lic opin­ion is about.

Keep in mind, when the oth­er side com­plains about that, if they just pay these peo­ple some­thing they can afford, it will cov­er well over 90 per­cent of the costs of the expan­sion of Medicare or Medicaid or both. Why? Because there’s a huge pool. This is one place where his adjec­tive works. This is real­ly impor­tant ― there’s a ‘huge’ pool, and the eco­nom­ics of health care are as fol­lows: in any giv­en year, more than 80 per­cent of the costs are claimed by 20 per­cent of the peo­ple. It’s just a shift­ing 20 per­cent. That means if you have a small pool, it’s impos­si­ble to price right. It doesn’t work, it’s not like life or casu­al­ty or prop­er­ty or oth­er insur­ance, which is why there should be a pub­lic opin­ion, and it will either be avail­able to peo­ple, or the pri­vate insur­ance com­pa­nies will fig­ure out how to reor­ga­nize them­selves and put peo­ple into huge pools to compete.]

Look Bill Clinton is nobody’s fool he bad­ly wants his wife to be President . Bill Clinton will do any­thing includ­ing run­ning as a block­er for his wife’s cam­paign . Fans of the Netflix series house of cards may find some sim­i­lar­i­ties between the Clinton’s Political life and that of the fic­tion­al cou­ple the Underwoods played by Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright.

Bill Clinton under­stands that the Affordable Care Act is less than per­fect. Now this is part­ly because of the Intransigence of some Republican Governors. Bill Clinton I believe under­stands his wife owns this law as much as President Obama, she also strug­gles might­i­ly with white male vot­ers , who bet­ter to speak to those white men than Bill Clinton?
I esti­mate that Bill Clinton wants to insu­late his wife from what­ev­er neg­a­tives that are out there against the ACA.
There was absolute­ly no rea­son for him to say So you’ve got this crazy sys­tem where all of a sud­den, 25 mil­lion more peo­ple have health care and then the peo­ple that are out there bust­ing it ― some­times 60 hours a week ― wind up with their pre­mi­ums dou­bled and their cov­er­age cut in half. It’s the cra­zi­est thing in the world so here’s the sim­plest thing

His speech was fine with­out it and he knows it, it was total­ly unnec­es­sary and most peo­ple under­stands that.
Bill Clinton’s lega­cy is some­times lost in the shuf­fle, Clinton see him­self as a great President, yet the con­ver­sa­tions on Presidents are gen­er­al­ly cen­tered between Ronald Reagan , George W Bush and Barack Obama. Somewhere in that shuf­fle Bill’s pres­i­den­cy gets lost.

It’s not the only time that Bill Clinton had to do clean up after deliv­er­ing a speech . Speaking in Spokane Washington last March clin­ton said the following .
[“Now, if you don’t believe we can all grow togeth­er again, if you don’t believe we’re ever going to grow again, if you believe it’s more impor­tant to re-lit­i­gate the past, there may be many rea­sons that you don’t want to sup­port her. But if you believe we can all rise togeth­er, if you believe we’ve final­ly come to the point where we can put the awful lega­cy of the last eight years behind us and the sev­en years before that — when we were prac­tic­ing trick­le-down eco­nom­ics and no reg­u­la­tion in Washington which is what caused the crash — then you should vote for her because she’s the only per­son who basi­cal­ly has good ideas, will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be com­man­der-in-chief and is a proven change-mak­er with Republicans and Democrats and inde­pen­dents alike.”]

at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Jeff Christensen)
File pho­to at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/​Jeff Christensen)

Many saw those com­ments as an attack on the stew­ard­ship of President Barack Obama. Clinton and his peo­ple were forced to clar­i­fy that he was speak­ing to Republicans unprece­dent­ed obstruc­tion these last eight years is their lega­cy, and the American peo­ple should reject it by elect­ing Hillary Clinton to build on President Obama’s suc­cess so we can all grow and suc­ceed together.”
The fact of the mat­ter is Clinton did not say any­thing about Republican Obstruction but in fact said the awful lega­cy of the past eight years and the pre­vi­ous sev­en years. Even if by some stretch of log­ic one is able to accept that the last eight years com­ment could be assigned to Republican obstruc­tion­ism, what do you do with the sev­en years before that .
One would have to accept that Bill Clinton was say­ing that the Republican Congress was obstruct­ing the Bush Presidency , which is not sup­port­ed by nei­ther fact nor logic.
Like I said let peo­ple speak and they will tell you how they real­ly feel.

My dis­trust of Bill Clinton may not square with many Democrats, truth­ful­ly many peo­ple see Bill as the first Black President or a sort of hon­orary black of sorts.
I don’t.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are two incred­i­bly ambi­tious peo­ple who wants to win at all cost. I believe nei­ther of them are nec­es­sar­i­ly bad peo­ple, they are just two peo­ple who will do what they must to win.
If that include diss­ing the afford­able care act, diss­ing Obama’s pres­i­den­cy, or ditch­ing the TPP as Hillary now does then so be it.
Bill Clinton, the first Black President[sic] had no prob­lem diss­ing sis­ter soul­ja in 92.
He had no prob­lem telling Senator Ted Kennedy in 2008 that the only rea­son he was sup­port­ing Barack Obama for President was because he was black.
He had no prob­lem telling Senator Kennedy that “A few years ago, this guy would have been get­ting us cof­fee,” the for­mer pres­i­dent told the lib­er­al lion from Massachusetts, accord­ing to the cam­paign book, “Game Change.”

Yeah , I’m sor­ry but I view Bill Clinton’s com­ments with far more cyn­i­cism and skep­ti­cism than the aver­age cen­ter left per­son does and I believe with prop­er justification.
But then again I may be wrong.