Biden’s Choice Of VP Will Reveal His Character, Blacks Are Watching…

The Democratic pres­i­den­tial cam­paign is still not yet decid­ed, but the vot­ing trends since the South Carolina Primaries have giv­en for­mer Obama Vice-pres­i­dent Joe Biden a lead, many observers the­o­rize will only get more insur­mount­able for his rival Vermont (I) Senator Bernie Sanders.
As if want­i­ng to end the pri­ma­ry as soon as pos­si­ble, Democratic pri­ma­ry vot­ers have since sent a strong mes­sage in state after state that has already vot­ed, that Joe Biden is their choice to go up against Republican Donald Trump.
Donald Trump obvi­ous­ly thought that Biden would be the Democrat’s even­tu­al nom­i­nee, and as far as the evi­dence indi­cat­ed, Trump’s pre­emp­tive actions to mud­dy Biden’s char­ac­ter to aid his own reelec­tion efforts got him into seri­ous trou­ble.
Those actions got him added to the infa­mous group of two oth­er American pres­i­dents ever to be impeached.

Stacy Abrams

So now Biden has to build out a nation­al cam­paign, pun­dits say it would be a good idea for him to hire a great deal of the Sanders staff in order to demon­strate to Sanders sup­port­ers, (most­ly younger vot­ers) that he intends to include them in his vision, not just for the Democratic Party, but for America.
The chal­lenge for Biden as it was for Hillary Clinton, is that Bernie Sanders is not a man who is going to bow out of the race any­time soon, or go qui­et­ly into obliv­ion, this is his last shot at the big leagues.
And so the ques­tion remains, when is it a good time for Biden to hire away staff that is already employed to the Sanders cam­paign?
Already there are on some social media plat­forms trend­ing “Never Biden” hash­tags.
I would cau­tion that these trend­ing hash­tags should not be viewed as any real fis­sure with­in the Democratic par­ty per se, nei­ther should they be believed to be com­ing from Bernie Sanders sup­port­ers.
These trend­ing hash­tags may very well be part of the Russian influ­ence cam­paign designed to open a split with­in the Democratic par­ty in order to reelect Donald Trump in November.
The main­stream media can always be count­ed on to take the bait and prop­a­gate these nonex­is­tent rifts by repeat­ing them over and over again as they did in 2016.

(US) Senator Kamala Harris

Amidst all of that Joe Biden needs to con­sid­er a run­ning mate, and that is the focus of this arti­cle today.
Pundits and prog­nos­ti­ca­tors have always held that the choice of a run­ning mate that a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date makes, is his or her first pres­i­den­tial deci­sion.
Let it be remem­bered that Joe Biden’s very exis­tence as a Presidential can­di­date did not come just from Jim Clyburn & black vot­ers sav­ing his hide in South Carolina, it start­ed with Barack Obama’s pres­i­den­tial deci­sion in choos­ing him as his run­ning mate in 2008.
Prior to this black revival of Joe Biden, he had twice before run for the Democratic nom­i­na­tion for pres­i­dent.
On nei­ther of the two pre­vi­ous occa­sions had Joe Biden won a sin­gle state pri­ma­ry or cau­cus.
The knack on the Democratic Party from some young peo­ple in the African-American com­mu­ni­ty, is that the par­ty has repeat­ed­ly tak­en the black vote for grant­ed.
They argue that the Democratic Party only gives a fleet­ing acknowl­edg­ment to African-Americans when it’s time to vote, after which it is back to the sta­tus quo.
There is much truth to that, nev­er­the­less, that does not mean that blacks have an option­al home or even a tem­po­rary sanc­tu­ary in the Republican Party. The Republican par­ty that has demon­stra­bly been hos­tile to us and the issues we care about.

Rep Val Demings (Florida)

Joe Biden’s choice of a VP can­di­date will reveal Joe Biden’s char­ac­ter, not just whether he is capa­ble of mak­ing sol­id pres­i­den­tial choic­es but whether he can make choic­es that are both hon­or­able and pres­i­den­tial.
At present, he has been say­ing all the right things, but pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates gen­er­al­ly have advis­ers and spe­cial inter­ests pulling and tug­ging at them to do what they want, some­times based on the checks they are writ­ing.
It is for that rea­son that he should nev­er for­get who got him here, and oh, by the way, win­ning the pri­ma­ry is not win­ning the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions.
Already some in the peanut gallery are push­ing names like Sally Yates, the for­mer deputy assis­tant gen­er­al who was fired in 2017 for refus­ing to imple­ment Trump’s anti-immi­grant exec­u­tive order.
Democrats Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan from the state of New Hampshire are also two of the names being bandied about by the main­stream media. 

Rep Karen Bass 

I am yet to under­stand the rea­son behind their names being float­ed oth­er than that they are women, and God for­bid that any­one neglect to bow down to the fem­i­nist agen­da.
African-American women are the most loy­al vot­ing bloc in the Democratic par­ty. For that rea­son, Joe Biden must choose a black woman as his run­ning mate. It does not mat­ter that he said that a Biden admin­is­tra­tion would look like the coun­try. Talk is cheap actions mat­ter.
There is no short­age of emi­nent­ly qual­i­fied black women who are ready to step into the role of pres­i­dent, much less vice pres­i­dent.
In fact, after 2016 the pres­i­den­cy holds no mys­tique any more, at least not for me.
Biden’s choice of a run­ning mate should be a black woman, not because she is a [woman], but because loy­al­ty and com­mit­ment to the par­ty have earned them that right.