The Democratic presidential campaign is still not yet decided, but the voting trends since the South Carolina Primaries have given former Obama Vice-president Joe Biden a lead, many observers theorize will only get more insurmountable for his rival Vermont (I) Senator Bernie Sanders.
As if wanting to end the primary as soon as possible, Democratic primary voters have since sent a strong message in state after state that has already voted, that Joe Biden is their choice to go up against Republican Donald Trump.
Donald Trump obviously thought that Biden would be the Democrat’s eventual nominee, and as far as the evidence indicated, Trump’s preemptive actions to muddy Biden’s character to aid his own reelection efforts got him into serious trouble.
Those actions got him added to the infamous group of two other American presidents ever to be impeached.
So now Biden has to build out a national campaign, pundits say it would be a good idea for him to hire a great deal of the Sanders staff in order to demonstrate to Sanders supporters, (mostly younger voters) that he intends to include them in his vision, not just for the Democratic Party, but for America.
The challenge for Biden as it was for Hillary Clinton, is that Bernie Sanders is not a man who is going to bow out of the race anytime soon, or go quietly into oblivion, this is his last shot at the big leagues.
And so the question remains, when is it a good time for Biden to hire away staff that is already employed to the Sanders campaign?
Already there are on some social media platforms trending “Never Biden” hashtags.
I would caution that these trending hashtags should not be viewed as any real fissure within the Democratic party per se, neither should they be believed to be coming from Bernie Sanders supporters.
These trending hashtags may very well be part of the Russian influence campaign designed to open a split within the Democratic party in order to reelect Donald Trump in November.
The mainstream media can always be counted on to take the bait and propagate these nonexistent rifts by repeating them over and over again as they did in 2016.
Amidst all of that Joe Biden needs to consider a running mate, and that is the focus of this article today.
Pundits and prognosticators have always held that the choice of a running mate that a presidential candidate makes, is his or her first presidential decision.
Let it be remembered that Joe Biden’s very existence as a Presidential candidate did not come just from Jim Clyburn & black voters saving his hide in South Carolina, it started with Barack Obama’s presidential decision in choosing him as his running mate in 2008.
Prior to this black revival of Joe Biden, he had twice before run for the Democratic nomination for president.
On neither of the two previous occasions had Joe Biden won a single state primary or caucus.
The knack on the Democratic Party from some young people in the African-American community, is that the party has repeatedly taken the black vote for granted.
They argue that the Democratic Party only gives a fleeting acknowledgment to African-Americans when it’s time to vote, after which it is back to the status quo.
There is much truth to that, nevertheless, that does not mean that blacks have an optional home or even a temporary sanctuary in the Republican Party. The Republican party that has demonstrably been hostile to us and the issues we care about.
Joe Biden’s choice of a VP candidate will reveal Joe Biden’s character, not just whether he is capable of making solid presidential choices but whether he can make choices that are both honorable and presidential.
At present, he has been saying all the right things, but presidential candidates generally have advisers and special interests pulling and tugging at them to do what they want, sometimes based on the checks they are writing.
It is for that reason that he should never forget who got him here, and oh, by the way, winning the primary is not winning the presidential elections.
Already some in the peanut gallery are pushing names like Sally Yates, the former deputy assistant general who was fired in 2017 for refusing to implement Trump’s anti-immigrant executive order.
Democrats Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan from the state of New Hampshire are also two of the names being bandied about by the mainstream media.
I am yet to understand the reason behind their names being floated other than that they are women, and God forbid that anyone neglect to bow down to the feminist agenda.
African-American women are the most loyal voting bloc in the Democratic party. For that reason, Joe Biden must choose a black woman as his running mate. It does not matter that he said that a Biden administration would look like the country. Talk is cheap actions matter.
There is no shortage of eminently qualified black women who are ready to step into the role of president, much less vice president.
In fact, after 2016 the presidency holds no mystique any more, at least not for me.
Biden’s choice of a running mate should be a black woman, not because she is a [woman], but because loyalty and commitment to the party have earned them that right.