Beverly Hills Cops Are So Racist They Racially Profiled Two On-Duty LAPD Officers

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A recent law­suit against the Beverly Hills indi­cates that the cops there are so racist that they’re even racial­ly pro­fil­ing oth­er on-duty offi­cers from near­by cities.
Two on-duty LAPD offi­cers were alleged­ly racial­ly pro­filed while in the city. One offi­cer was actu­al­ly in uni­form when it hap­pened. One of the offi­cers claimed he had a gun pulled on him dur­ing traf­fic stops. Both were stopped for traf­fic violations.

The now class-action law­suit accus­es the city of Beverly Hills and its police of racial­ly pro­fil­ing Black peo­ple on or around the city’s famous Rodeo Drive. The plain­tiffs are rep­re­sent­ed by attor­neys Bradley Gage and Benjamin Crump. Crump rep­re­sent­ed the fam­i­ly of George Floyd.

The suit was orig­i­nal­ly brought by Jasmine Williams, 30, and Khalil White, 24. Both were arrest­ed by Beverly Hills Police in 2020 for rid­ing a scoot­er on a sidewalk

We were enjoy­ing our­selves on vaca­tion,” Khalil said in 2021. “The arrest was trau­ma­tiz­ing.” He said they were rid­ing the scoot­er on the side­walk, which is legal in their home city.

Khalil, who said he had vis­it­ed Beverly Hill five times pre­vi­ous­ly with no issues, spent the night in jail. Williams spent about eight hours behind bars. They were charged with two mis­de­meanors — rid­ing a scoot­er on the side­walk and resist­ing arrest.

The city pro­vid­ed LAist with arrest data from a two month peri­od in 2020. It showed that out of the 90 peo­ple arrest­ed over that peri­od, 80 of them were Black and near­ly all of them were men between 18 and 30. This is even more trou­bling when you fac­tor in that Black peo­ple make up just two per­cent of the city’s population.

The city and its police are being accused of hav­ing a his­to­ry of dis­crim­i­na­tion against Black peo­ple. Gage said if Black police offi­cers are get­ting pulled over in the city, oth­er Black peo­ple should be wor­ried. “It tells us it doesn’t mat­ter who you are in Beverly Hills. If you are a police offi­cer get­ting pulled over for dri­ving while Black, the ordi­nary cit­i­zen should be ter­ri­fied going to the city of Beverly Hills if you’re Black,” Gage said.(Yahoo)