Bernie Sanders Blasts MSNBC And Comcast For Canceling Ed Schultz

Sen. Bernie Sanders blasted MSNBC and Comcast for canceling Ed Schultz and removing one of the few voices for working Americans from television. In a statement Sen. Sanders (I-VT) said:
Sen. Bernie Sanders blast­ed MSNBC and Comcast for can­cel­ing Ed Schultz and remov­ing one of the few voic­es for work­ing Americans from tele­vi­sion.
In a state­ment Sen. Sanders (I‑VT) said:
Sen. Bernie Sanders blast­ed MSNBC and Comcast for can­cel­ing Ed Schultz and remov­ing one of the few voic­es for work­ing Americans from tele­vi­sion. In a state­ment Sen. Sanders (I‑VT) said:

We live in a time when much of the cor­po­rate media regards pol­i­tics as a base­ball game or a soap opera. Ed Schultz has treat­ed the American peo­ple with respect by focus­ing on the most impor­tant issues impact­ing their lives. He has talked about income and wealth inequal­i­ty, high unem­ploy­ment, low wages, our dis­as­trous trade poli­cies and racism in America.

I am very dis­ap­point­ed that Comcast chose to remove Ed Schultz from its line­up. We need more peo­ple who talk about the real issues fac­ing our coun­try, not fewer.

At a time when a hand­ful of large, mul­ti-nation­al cor­po­ra­tions own our major media out­lets, I hope they will allow voic­es to be heard from those who dis­sent from the cor­po­rate agenda.

It is rare to see a sit­ting U.S. Senator blast a net­work for a pro­gram­ming deci­sion, but it is also rare that a net­work makes such a bla­tant­ly pro-cor­po­rate deci­sion as the one that MSNBC has made. The can­ce­la­tion of Ed Schultz means that one of the only pop­ulist voic­es for blue col­lar lib­er­al­ism will be tak­en off the air. The deci­sion to replace Schultz’s voice with that of NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd made MSNBC’s new direc­tion obvious.

They don’t get much more cor­po­rate than Chuck Todd. MSNBC could have replaced Schultz with a wide vari­ety of jour­nal­ists, but the net­work inten­tion­al­ly chose to replace an anti-cor­po­rate voice with a man who owes his career to not rock­ing the boat and doing the bid­ding of his cor­po­rate bosses.

Who is going to stand up to the cor­po­ra­tions and speak out for work­ers on tele­vi­sion after Schultz is gone? Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes are off doing their intel­lec­tu­al wonk thing that doesn’t pay much atten­tion to the con­cerns of ordi­nary work­ing peo­ple. The rest of the MSNBC line­up that isn’t named Joe Scarborough is rumored to up for can­ce­la­tion. The voice of Ed Schultz is going by Chuck Todd and his band of Republican guests who spout Beltway talk­ing points.

The real issues are going to get even less expo­sure as MSNBC has decid­ed that cor­po­rate prof­its are more impor­tant than an hon­est media. Story Originated here :Bernie Sanders Blasts MSNBC and Comcast For Canceling Ed Schultz

2 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders Blasts MSNBC And Comcast For Canceling Ed Schultz

  1. What else can you expect from these depraved mind­ed peo­ple? They have nev­er cared about the poor; they’ve always pre­tend that they’re for the poor. Ed Shultz crime was to call out Barack Obama for sell­ing out the American peo­ple for big busi­ness­es and big cor­po­ra­tion along with US Senator Elizabeth Warren. 

    Ed Shultz com­mit­ted the ulti­mate sin for call­ing out the police actions of bru­tal­ly mur­der­ing unarmed black men and he’s white. How could he did some­thing of the sort by sid­ing with the blacks. 

    MSNBC isn’t a chan­nel I watched any­more because their respec­tive agen­das are not align with the truth; they’re the most depraved mind­ed peo­ple on Cable TV. The voice of, and for the poor is gone! It was the same strat­e­gy that they did with Dylan Rattigan.

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