Ben Carson’s Candidacy : I Don’t Think So

As the new Political sil­ly sea­son kicks of in the United States, thank­ful­ly they will not have Barack Obama the can­di­date to kick around this time. So for vot­ers on the right here’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to heave a sigh of relief , final­ly you can “have your coun­try back”. Hopefully this will mean that you can call off your attack dogs from black men. The black guy will be out of there real soon.

Seriously though as is cus­tom­ary each nation­al elec­tion cycle vot­ers are faced with a range of options which are not some­times as evi­dent as the lame-stream cor­po­rate media wants you to think. 
For instance, On the issue of faith and Religion, the Republican Party have been car­ry­ing that mes­sage, that they are the God par­ty for a long time.
The trou­ble with Republican protes­ta­tions of faith and val­ues is that their actions are inher­ent­ly divorced from scrip­tur­al teach­ings and every­day reality.
Loving , car­ing char­i­ty, kind­ness, accep­tance, are dirty words for Republicans.
This makes their faith mes­sage unac­cept­able and hypocritical.
In fact many peo­ple are turned off from the chris­t­ian faith pri­mar­i­ly because of the messengers.

On the oth­er hand the Democratic par­ty has demon­stra­bly been more in tune with the goals and aspi­ra­tions of the poor and dis­pos­sessed, unfor­tu­nate­ly for the par­ty and it’s sup­port­ers, the par­ty has become a par­ty of Godless any­thing-goes Liberals.
So where does that leave peo­ple of faith who still believe Government has a legal and moral duty to aid the poor?
There is no such option for vot­ers in America.
Both Political par­ties are mere pawns of the finan­cial oligarchy.

Herman Caine
Herman Caine

Ben Carson
Ben Carson

So as I par­tic­i­pat­ed in a dis­cus­sion on the sub­ject yes­ter­day, I real­ized just how the Republican par­ty have been able to total­ly dis­re­spect the poor yet remain viable. They man­age this despite that the major­i­ty of vot­ers are poor­er people.

As was the case last nation­al elec­tion cycle, with Mr Piazza Herman Cain’s pre­tend can­di­da­cy for the Republican Party, here again is Ben Carson a retired neu­ro­sur­geon toss­ing his hat into the ring.
The Republican par­ty has demon­strat­ed it has no inter­est in black caus­es, nei­ther does it have any desire to attract black vot­ers to the party.
In all fair­ness to for­mer pres­i­dent Bush he was able to gar­ner about 13% of the black vote, large­ly because he ran as an evan­gel­i­cal christian.
The par­ty has fought every issue which would uplift blacks from sec­ond class cit­i­zen­ship to equal part­ner­ship in the American experience.
In state leg­is­la­tors across the coun­try repub­li­cans have passed laws which are direct­ly anti­thet­i­cal to the inter­est of black Americans.

Interestingly , despite the naked aggres­sion of the par­ty toward African-Americans some very notable dark-skinned peo­ple have man­aged to align them­selves to the party.
Despite the slave mas­ter’s cru­el­ty and mur­der­ous aggres­sion to the peo­ple they enslaved, many slaves still clam­ored to serve in the big house.
(1) On Obamacare: “You know, Obamacare is real­ly, I think, the worst thing that has hap­pened in this nation since slav­ery. And it is, in a way — it is slav­ery in a way because it is mak­ing all of us sub­servient to the government.”
(2)  On Obama’s appear­ance: When a col­league said the pres­i­dent “looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks ele­gant,” Carson respond­ed: “Like most psy­chopaths. That’s why they’re suc­cess­ful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.” He lat­er said: “But he knows he’s telling a lie! He’s try­ing to sell what he thinks is not true! He’s sit­ting there say­ing, ‘These Americans are so stu­pid I can tell them anything.’ ”
(3) On sim­i­lar­i­ties between the Founding Fathers, who were “will­ing to die for what they believed,” and ISIS: “They’ve [ISIS] got the wrong phi­los­o­phy, but they’re will­ing to die for what they believe, while we’re busi­ly giv­ing away every val­ue and every belief for the sake of polit­i­cal correctness.”
(4) On the impor­tance of the GOP win­ning the Senate in 2014: In August, Carson said he could­n’t be sure “there will even be an elec­tion in 2016” if Republicans did­n’t go on to win that fall. (His wife also said they were keep­ing their son’s Australian pass­port handy if the elec­tion did­n’t go their way.)

It has been par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant that Republicans have a cou­ple of token blacks in high vis­i­bil­i­ty posi­tions. Like the few they rent to sit in front rows at their conventions.
It was impor­tant to have cov­er when they vicious­ly assail Barack Obama while hug­ging on a high pro­file black in their own party.
That in their minds negates the overt racism they spewed at Obama and blacks in general.
There nev­er was and nev­er will be a short­age of house Negroes will­ing to do Massa’s bidding.
Black vot­ers are faced with two dis­tinct choices.
(1) Vote for the Republican par­ty which hates and reviles them.
(2) Continue to vote for the soul-less Democratic par­ty which takes them for grant­ed and allows them to believe any­thing that one wants to do in life is okay , there are no con­se­quence for action.

Carson like oth­er black sell-outs before him are sta­ples on the FOX net­work the Rights place to dis­re­spect and spread racial hatred.
It should cause con­ster­na­tion to an intel­li­gent black per­son as to the motives of that net­work in hir­ing them as con­trib­u­tors or just to come on to dis­cuss a topic.
Despite Carson’s noto­ri­ety as a renowned and bril­liant brain sur­geon, he has not demon­strat­ed the com­mon-sense to side step that minefield.
On that basis Carson joins Clarence Thomas , Herman Caine and a host of oth­er high-pro­file blacks who have sac­ri­ficed integri­ty on the altar of being accept­ed by whites.