The intractable issue of corruption within the Jamaican public sector is the burning log in the fire of violent crimes. Because the political leaders are themselves compromised and, in some cases, corrupt, they are unable and unwilling to support the reformation of the Jamaican government and place the country on a real foundation where the rule of law replaces the rule of man.
Jamaicans need a new constitution. One that is well thought out. One that represents and protects the Jamaican people, but most of all, one that sets Jamaica on a path to true self-governance.
Not the governance we have today that is still tied to our old colonial masters.
Setting our country on a path to real nationhood will not be easy, and as one person said in our recent zoom conference, it will take decades to do because it took decades to get us here.
The danger, however, is that we risk doing nothing. If we do nothing, we are giving up on Jamaica, which is what the transnational criminal networks want us to do.
We are also conversant about the difficulty in even beginning a conversation toward effectuating meaningful change in the face of intransigent and ignorant resistance.
We have begun that conversation and will continue to see where we go. Thank you to those who decided to start with us. We intend to have a series of these discussions on crime and corruption.
It is easy to stand aside and criticize, but we have decided to begin the hard work.
For those who were too busy or otherwise occupied to attend, we have attached the link below for your convenience.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog