I was real­ly mad at our President about his per­for­mance in the first debate , I felt a lit­tle bet­ter by the time the sec­ond debate rolled around, but I got­ta tell you I am feel­ing mighty good at the way the pres­i­dent con­duct­ed him­self in debate num­ber three.

I opined after the first debate that if President Obama lost the elec­tion of 2012 , he need look no fur­ther than the first debate. Conversely if Mitt Romney los­es the elec­tion he need look no fur­ther than the third debate, In fact Mitt Romney must for­ev­er hate Horses and bay­o­nets. Not sure if he will use the bay­o­net on wife Anne’s show horse.

Mitt Romney obvi­ous­ly does not read the brief­ing papers his staff presents him, in fact if the debates were any­thing to go by Mitt Romney seemed to mem­o­rize a series of sub­jects and talk­ing points in prepa­ra­tion for the debates( we called that cram­ming in school). The prob­lem with that approach is that it leads to prob­lems. Romney seemed in a hur­ry to say every­thing on his mind , seem­ing­ly intent to get rid of every­thing he crammed before he for­gets to say them. The result is some­times a series of inco­her­ent bab­ble that spills from his mouth with tremen­dous alacrity, and to some degree this tends to get Romney in trouble.

So in the third debate we heard buzz-words like Mali, The Navy, Terrorists, a Nuclear Iran. In fact that pret­ty much dom­i­nat­ed the entire­ty of the third debate. Mitt Romney was so intent to argue for more ships that he com­plete­ly neglect­ed to see the poten­tial land-mine he was step­ping onto.

Romney stri­dent­ly argued that he will build a grand total of 16 ships per year, to make up for what he says is the Navy’s lack of numer­i­cal strength. Romney argues that for the first time the Navy has less ships than it did in 1916.

Obama respond­ed: “You men­tion the Navy, for exam­ple, and the fact that we have few­er ships than we did in 1916. Well, gov­er­nor, we also have few­er hors­es and bay­o­nets. We have these things called air­craft car­ri­ers and planes land on them. We have ships that go under­wa­ter, nuclear sub­marines.” He added, “It’s not a game of Battleship where we’re count­ing ships, it’s ‘What are our priorities?’”

That response not only rein­stat­ed Barack Obama as the can­di­date for America, in this time, this moment but it showed Mitt Romney as a super­fi­cial Candidate who crams with talk­ing points but lacks a gen­er­al under­stand­ing of how Government real­ly works. That moment revealed to the world that Mitt Romney was not ready for prime time.

That zinger may have sunk Romney’s bat­tle ship.

Congratulations to you Secretary Powell, for stand­ing for what you believe in, I salute you for stand­ing for prin­ci­ple and ded­i­ca­tion to coun­try. Thank you Colin Powell for endors­ing pres­i­dent Obama for a sec­ond term.

Former chair­man of the Joint Chiefts of Staff, and Secretary of State Colin Powell .

I will not com­ment on John Sununu’s com­ment regard­ing this endors­ment.