Basis For Iran Nuclear Agreement Reached, EU Official Says

The basis for an agree­ment for a peace­ful Iranian nuclear pro­gram and a lift­ing of sanc­tions against that nation has been reached, EU for­eign pol­i­cy chief Federica Mogherini announced Thursday in Switzerland. “We have reached solu­tions on key para­me­ters of a joint com­pre­hen­sive plan of action,” she said.

• Iran’s enrich­ment capac­i­ty and stock­pile would be lim­it­ed, and Iran’s sole enrich­ment facil­i­ty would be at the Natanz nuclear facil­i­ty, Mogherini said. Other nuclear facil­i­ties would be con­vert­ed for oth­er uses, she said.

• Under the agree­ment, the nuclear facil­i­ty at Fordow would be con­vert­ed to a nuclear physics and tech­nol­o­gy cen­ter and the facil­i­ty at Arak would be redesigned as a heavy-water research reac­tor that will not pro­duce weapons-grade plutonium.

• The European Union would ter­mi­nate all nuclear-relat­ed eco­nom­ic and finan­cial sanc­tions against Iran, and the United States would do the same once Iran’s imple­men­ta­tion of the agree­ment is con­firmed, accord­ing to announce­ments of the deal.

• The United Nations would ter­mi­nate all pre­vi­ous res­o­lu­tions sanc­tion­ing Iran, and would incor­po­rate oth­er restric­tions for an agreed-upon peri­od, accord­ing to Thursday’s announcements.

Significant agree­ments have been reached regard­ing Iran’s nuclear pro­gram, accord­ing to tweets by offi­cials ahead of a planned joint statement.

Found solu­tions,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweet­ed. “Ready to start draft­ing immediately.”

Solutions on key para­me­ters” reached, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Twitter. The European Union’s for­eign pol­i­cy chief, Federica Mogherini, tweet­ed, “Good news,” regard­ing the talks.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry sent a tweet say­ing that “para­me­ters to resolve major issues” have been reached.

The flur­ry of tweets basi­cal­ly amount­ed to a leak of the upcom­ing state­ment. The mes­sage: expect a break­through from the marathon talks in Lausanne.

Mogherini is expect­ed to make a state­ment, which will also be read in Farsi by Zarif.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is also expect­ed to make a statement.

The goal had been to agree on a frame­work for a future final nuclear agree­ment by Tuesday. The talks stretched well past the orig­i­nal deadline.

The state­ment will mark the end of a round of talks that start­ed last week.

Earlier Thursday, as Zarif was walk­ing back to the hotel where the nego­ti­a­tions were being held, he told reporters that a state­ment was in the works.

Issuing a state­ment sounds like some­thing less sig­nif­i­cant than the frame­work of under­stand­ing that the par­ties were aim­ing for.

What we expect today is a state­ment and the fact that we have all reached com­mon under­stand­ing on how to resolve the issues,” Zarif said. “But the agree­ment, a writ­ten agree­ment, is some­thing that needs to be draft­ed by all par­tic­i­pants and agreed upon in a mul­ti­lat­er­al process. And that would take, hope­ful­ly, three months, to final­ize, and hope­ful­ly less.”

Asked if an under­stand­ing has been reached on all issues, Zarif replied, “that’s what we think we have, but noth­ing is agreed until every­thing is agreed.”

World pow­ers — the United States, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany — were exam­in­ing the results of the overnight talks with­out Iran present, he said.

The talks, aimed at reach­ing a pre­lim­i­nary polit­i­cal deal on Iran’s nuclear pro­gram, blew past their ini­tial, self-imposed dead­line of late Tuesday as Iranian and U.S. nego­tia­tors strug­gled to find com­pro­mis­es on key issues.

But the nego­tia­tors have dogged­ly con­tin­ued their work in Lausanne, try­ing to over­come decades of mis­trust between Tehran and Washington.

The mutu­al mis­trust has been a seri­ous prob­lem in the talks, Zarif said.

I believe respect is some­thing that needs to be exer­cised in prac­tice and in deeds, and I hope that every­one is engag­ing in that in mutu­al respect,” he said.

A few meters from the finishing line’

We are a few meters from the fin­ish­ing line, but it’s always the last meters that are the most dif­fi­cult. We will try and cross them,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said as he returned to the talks late Wednesday. “We want a robust and ver­i­fi­able agree­ment, and there are still points where there needs to be progress, espe­cial­ly on the Iranian side.”

Iran wants swift relief from pun­ish­ing sanc­tions that have throt­tled its econ­o­my. And Western coun­tries want to make sure any deal holds Iran back from being able to rapid­ly devel­op a nuclear weapon.

It’s unclear what kind of accord might emerge from this round of talks — Iran appears to be resist­ing too many specifics, while the U.S. side wants to put hard num­bers on key points.

Whatever it might turn out to be, the inter­im deal will need to be fleshed out into a full deal by June 30. Some of the thorni­est issues could end up being left for that final phase.

But in the mean­time, the Obama admin­is­tra­tion needs some­thing sol­id enough it can sell to a skep­ti­cal Congress, which has threat­ened to impose new sanc­tions on Iran. The poten­tial deal is also com­ing under sus­tained attack from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
