Baltimore Witness: Cops Twisted Freddie Gray Like ‘origami’

Freddie Gray, arrested by Baltimore police on April 12, died a week later of a severed spinal cord.
Freddie Gray, arrest­ed by Baltimore police on April 12, died a week lat­er of a sev­ered spinal cord.

Baltimore cops twist­ed Freddie Gray like “origa­mi,” says the man who filmed the fatal­ly wound­ed 25-year-old’s arrest. Witness Kevin Moore is speak­ing out on the con­fronta­tion between police offi­cers and Gray, who died of a sev­ered spinal cord. “They had him fold­ed up like he was a crab or a piece of origa­mi,” Moore told the Baltimore Sun. “He was all bent up, and the offi­cer had his knee in his neck. He was just scream­ing, like scream­ing for life.“The death of Gray a week after the April 12 bust inflamed ten­sions between cops and black res­i­dents with the police union boss describ­ing pro­test­ers as a “like a lynch mob.” Union boss Gene Ryan acknowl­edged demon­stra­tions had been peace­ful but blast­ed pro­test­ers’ “rhetoric” after Gray’s death.

In fact, the images seen on tele­vi­sion look and sound much like a lynch mob in that they are call­ing for impris­on­ment of these offi­cers with­out them ever receiv­ing the due process that is the Constitutional right of every cit­i­zen, includ­ing law enforce­ment offi­cers,” Ryan said in a writ­ten state­ment. The con­tro­ver­sial descrip­tion infu­ri­at­ed crit­ics who bashed the union leader as impos­si­bly tone deaf to one of the grimmest reminders of racial injus­tice in this country’s his­to­ry. “We’ve been the vic­tims of the lynch­ing and now we’re the lynch mob?” Gray fam­i­ly attor­ney Billy Murphy told the Baltimore Sun. “The pres­i­dent of the police union called peace­ful protests and the anger at the death of a man to severe and unfath­omable injuries while in police cus­tody a lynch mob? It does­n’t get more insen­si­tive or insult­ing than that. These remarks illus­trate why black peo­ple and the police don’t get along.”

Baltimore police union lawyer Michael Davey (c) an union President Gene Ryan (r) speak to the press about the Freddie Gray case.
Baltimore police union lawyer Michael Davey © an union President Gene Ryan ® speak to the press about the Freddie Gray case.

Ryan should rethink his pri­or­i­ties, the attor­ney said. “He needs to issue an apol­o­gy at the speed of light and focus on the more impor­tant issues of how this black man did­n’t deserve to die and have his spinal cord sev­ered and his neck bro­ken — how that hap­pened,” Murphy told the Baltimore Sun. Ryan lat­er backed off the inflam­ma­to­ry lan­guage. “Maybe I need to reword that,” he said at a news con­fer­ence. Gray could be heard in a cell phone video scream­ing as two offi­cers dragged the hand­cuffed 25-year-old to a police van and loaded him inside.

He was lat­er tak­en to a hos­pi­tal where doc­tors dis­cov­ered his spinal cord was almost com­plete­ly sev­ered. Gray slipped into a coma and died a week lat­er. Union lead­ers main­tain the injuries hap­pened inside the van but claim they’re not sure how. The case is now being inves­ti­gat­ed by the Department of Justice.

The union rushed to sup­port the six offi­cers involved while lay­ing blame for the arrest on Gray, who was car­ry­ing a pock­et knife when he was stopped.“Had he not had a knife or a an ille­gal weapon on him, he would have been released after the prop­er paper­work was done,” union attor­ney Michael Davey said at a news conference.
