Bad Lawyers Banned For Life!

Antoinette-Haughton Cardenas
Antoinette-Haughton Cardenas

Almost 50 of the coun­try’s more than 4,000 attor­neys-at-law have been banned for life from prac­tis­ing law in Jamaica.

The list of banned lawyers includes some mul­ti­ple repeat offend­ers of var­i­ous infrac­tions unbe­com­ing of the legal profession.

Last updat­ed on April 1, 2015, the web­site of the General Legal Council (GLC) lists the names of the

attor­neys and the date(s) on which dis­ci­pli­nary action was tak­en and the rea­son for the action taken.

Disciplinary action is tak­en after “exten­sive” inves­ti­ga­tion and adju­di­ca­tion by the Disciplinary Committee of the GLC of the Jamaican Bar Association, accord­ing to the chair of the Disciplinary Committee, Walter Scott.

He said less than five per cent of the lawyers who have been sub­ject­ed to dis­ci­pli­nary action involves clients money.

Most of the cas­es involved pro­fes­sion­al neg­li­gence, fail­ure to com­mu­ni­cate with the clients, fail­ing to deal with mat­ters expe­di­tious­ly, delays, things like that,” Scott toldThe Sunday Gleaner.

A dis­barred attor­ney is barred for life, and a struck-off attor­ney is struck off for life. There is no dif­fer­ence in the ter­mi­nol­o­gy of dis­barred or struck off. The ter­mi­nol­o­gy used in the legal pro­fes­sion is struck off.

Americans like to use dis­barred, but it amounts to the same thing. It sim­ply means that the per­son is no longer entered on the roll and is, there­fore, not enti­tled (to prac­tise),” said Scott.

To all intents and pur­pos­es, that per­son is a civil­ian once they have been struck off,” he clarified.

Struck Off Multiple Times

He explained that in the cas­es where lawyers have been struck off mul­ti­ple times, cas­es brought against an attor­ney must be heard even if the per­son is already barred.

If some­one had mul­ti­ple offences and you were first struck off on March 30, and the oth­er offences came up for tri­al after that, we would still make a strik­ing-off order. So you could then be struck off on the

sev­er­al dates after that ini­tial struck-off dates.

The first struck off is it, but if sub­se­quent cas­es war­rant a strike-off order, it is real­ly of no effect, because the first one stands,” added Scott.

Among the repeat offend­ers are for­mer talk-show host Antoinette Haughton Cardenas, who had mat­ters before the com­mit­tee 10 times between December 2007 and December 2012.

According to a recent Happy Valley immi­gra­tion lawyer blog post, she was struck off four times and she also faced fines, and ordered to repay funds. She exer­cised her right to appeal in at least one instance.

Another repeat offend­er is Derrick Darby, who faced the com­mit­tee eight times between 2003 and 2005. He was struck off four times between April 2003 and July 2005. There were orders also for repay­ment of funds as well as a fine.

Leeland Playfair faced the com­mit­tee six times and was struck off twice between 1995 and 2012. He was fined twice.

Shaun Reynolds also faced the com­mit­tee six times, and was first struck off in March 2007.

Former Deputy Police Commissioner Owen Clunie was struck off twice between September 2013 and January 2015.

Scott does not believe that “mul­ti­ple offend­ers” have any chance of redemp­tion, and he was care­ful to point out that many lawyers’ names are not on the list of those per­mit­ted to prac­tise, because they have stopped prac­tis­ing, and not because of any wrongdoing.

Lawyers who work in the gov­ern­ment ser­vice are not required to present finan­cial reports or make account­ing dec­la­ra­tions to the GLC as they are under the purview of pub­lic sec­tor mon­i­tor­ing and sub­ject to those rules. Bad Lawyers Banned For Life!