I guess the Minneapolis city council is as fed up as the protestors are, at what that police department has become. Even after that police department set the entire world on fire with its public lynching of George Floyd, [officers] in that department seem not to care that the anger is directed at them.
Either they do not care because they believe that they are lords and masters over the people, or they do not give a damn what anyone says.
It is shocking, they lynch a member of the community and when the uprising started they brutalize citizens who were demonstrating against.
They arrested a CNN journalist and his crew while they were reporting on live Television for absolutely no reason. In all fairness, the Minneapolis police are not alone in the abuse.
From Pacific to Atlantic and all places in between, as Americans black white and brown rose up to register their disgust at police abuse and racism in the society, so too did the police rise up with egregious acts of brutality and disrespect.
In upstate Buffalo New York, two of those thugs pushed a 75-year old man to the ground almost killing him. The two were arrested and charged and are facing felony charges. None of the cops helped the man as he lay there bleeding. They will remain suspended pending trial.
In Atlanta, Georgia, six officers were booked on criminal charges while two of the six were fired for brutally attacking two college students.
The young couple was driving through a protest when they were set upon and brutally extracted from their car, as one officer summarily engaged in smashing the windows out of the vehicle.
In New York, well they are beyond redemption, they just continued right along with the beatings, brutalizing, and committing all kinds of atrocities against demonstrators, even the most peaceful demonstrators were not spared their venom.
They could be heard on their scanner encouraging others to drive over innocent protestors with their SUVs.
In all of the acts of police rage and violent riots, one thing caught my eye & absolutely astounded me. It was [police officers] vandalizing cars in the city of Minneapolis by puncturing all of the tires on one particular street. several of the cars belonged to journalists from out of town who rented them to get around.
Other cars were the property of residents, yet the police that the people pay to protect their lives and property, set upon their vehicles, and arbitrarily set about damaging them.
It was shocking as one journalist affirmed that he had verifiable information that it was, in fact, police officers who damaged his car and others leaving him stranded after completing his assignment.
It is not too difficult to understand how this kind of raw police aggression could be unleashed in the country. On people of color and on the media over the last three-plus or so years.
These events do not even begin to scratch the surface but they have been enough to open the eyes of many.
The police have been told not to be nice to citizens and the media has been made out to be the enemy of the people.
And now the little tyrant at the head of the NYPD PBA is out crying about how they are treated. No apologies for the way the NYPD has treated people of color for decades and decades.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog chatt-a-box.com.
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
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