Audio Breakdown Of The Shooting Video Of Michael Cleveland By Columbus Cop…

Please watch as Colombus, Ohio, police offi­cer Joshua Ohlinger sum­mar­i­ly unloaded six shots at a flee­ing Michael Cleveland. In this sce­nario, the police alleged that Michael Cleveland had a gun. We weren’t there, so even though we know that police offi­cers can no longer be trust­ed to speak the truth and are not even required as a con­se­quence of the carte blanch that the Supreme Court has giv­en them to lie, even to chil­dren, we will accept that he did have a gun.

Here I attempt­ed to dis­sect the video with a clear analy­sis of the law and the way police are sup­posed to oper­ate. Now the police will draw out this sup­posed inves­ti­ga­tion and, in the end, may very well tell the pub­lic and the fam­i­ly of Michael Cleveland that the attempt­ed mur­der of their loved one was jus­ti­fi­able under the law.
It wasn’t!
It is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult for them to pros­e­cute any­one who has any weapon, let alone a gun because they have already giv­en police per­mis­sion to kill any­one with a weapon. Even peo­ple they believe may have a weapon.
More impor­tant­ly, Michael Cleveland is black, so police are not required to respect him or his right to live.
Separate but equal is still prac­ticed in the United States, as the black cops who killed Tyre Nichols were imme­di­ate­ly fired and charged crim­i­nal­ly. In con­trast, this white attempt­ed mur­der­er has not even been fired.

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