At This Rate It Will Be UN Troops Eventually.…

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is now in pan­ic mode, but wait there is much more to come in this cav­al­cade of mur­der which is envelop­ing Jamaica.
It will get a lot worse before the arc is bent toward a solution.The winds of divi­sion, dis­cord, and dis­re­spect the People’s National Party (PNP)and the Jamaica Labor Party(JLP) cre­at­ed has result­ed in the whirl­wind of anar­chy today.

The inces­sant bar­rage of anti-police invec­tive on tele­vi­sion and non­sen­si­cal talk radio was bound to have a rever­ber­at­ing neg­a­tive effect on the police the strate­gists calculated.
What they nev­er planned for was the lit­tle fact that the rain falls on the just and on the unjust. They nev­er cal­cu­lat­ed that a ris­ing tide rais­es all boats.
Politicians will be killed as well, just wait a lit­tle longer. In fact, they start­ed with a parish coun­cilor in Clarendon recent­ly. Naturally, there is not much cause for alarm just yet among the rul­ing class, the [big fish] Members of Parliaments all have secu­ri­ty details, or so they think.

I won­der if their police secu­ri­ty detail will spare them from the AK47’s and oth­er auto­mat­ic weapon­ry in the hands of the gangs?
I won­der how long the details will remain vig­i­lant when their bel­lies are emp­ty and their chil­dren are being killed because the polit­i­cal class has cre­at­ed an envi­ron­ment in which ter­ror­ists are embold­ened to attack them wher­ev­er, killing them and their families?

The trag­ic irony in all of this is that the polit­i­cal lead­er­ship of the Island believes that it is best to tie the hands of the pro­tec­tors while demand­ing greater effec­tive­ness and account­abil­i­ty from them.
It is an Orwellian log­ic which smacks either of hypocrisy, stu­pid­i­ty or both.

The polit­i­cal lead­er­ship starves law enforce­ment of Remunerations. Effective and prac­ti­cal train­ing. Equipment(tools of the trade). Legislative and Psychological sup­port.

At the same time, the Government and indeed the Opposition par­ty have sup­port­ed actions which are anti­thet­i­cal to the reduc­tion of crime and ter­ror on the Island.
These actions have effec­tive­ly con­demned the Island to be the failed crim­i­nal state it is becom­ing

Neither the Governing JLP nor the Opposition PNP has done much of any­thing out­side pay­ing the occa­sion­al lip ser­vice to the cri­sis occur­ring in the country.
Conversely, they demo­nize the Police, strength­en the forces arrayed against the police and have shock­ing­ly insti­tut­ed poli­cies in which agen­cies of the very gov­ern­ment has as their pri­ma­ry func­tions cam­paigns of mil­i­tan­cy against the police, agents of the same Government.

Brazilian sol­diers parade in a cer­e­mo­ny mark­ing the end of their United Nations peace­keep­ing tour in Haiti, Aug. 31, 2017

Nowhere else in the world am I able to see any instances of this lunatic prac­tice where agen­cies of the same gov­ern­ment of any nation cre­ate and prac­tice hos­til­i­ty against that coun­try’s secu­ri­ty forces.
The pre­vi­ous Administration of the PNP was total­ly clue­less on the one hand as it relates to crime and was on the oth­er hand total­ly com­plic­it in not lift­ing a fin­ger to do what was need­ed to fix some of the struc­tur­al prob­lems which were fuelling crime.

The JLP Administration came into office with an atti­tude that its focus was going to be on the economy.
Somewhere in the mix of the JLP’s lead­er­ship mix­up was an unhealthy dose of arro­gance, naïveté, and ignorance.
Real growth, much less any degree of pros­per­i­ty, can only come from a sta­ble and free soci­ety in which the poten­tial of the peo­ple can be unleashed to it’s fullest extent.

Being free to live free from crime and its inju­ri­ous cir­cum­stances is an inte­gral part of that equation.
Governments can­not cre­ate pros­per­i­ty. Governments can be engines of growth through their abil­i­ty to pro­vide secu­ri­ty and infra­struc­ture upon which wealth is created.

The Andrew Holness Administration has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to stop this car­nage now!
The oppo­si­tion par­ty needs also to rec­og­nize it’s con­sti­tu­tion­al duty as part of the Government.
As a result, it is up to the PNP and JLP to come togeth­er in the inter­est of sav­ing Jamaica.
The idea of using crime as lever­age for polit­i­cal mileage must stop if the dam­age both par­ties cre­at­ed is to be arrested.

The Power that Holness want to hold onto and Peter Phillips want to taste may very well become a poi­son pill as there will be no Jamaica to govern.
What our lead­ers are doing will neces­si­tate for­eign troops on our soil. When that hap­pens we will see what all of the grand­standers in the soci­ety will do.

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